(1) In these
regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—
"Act" means the Fisheries Management Act 2007 ;
"Corporations Act" means the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth;
"current company extract" means a document prepared by the Australian
Securities and Investment Commission from its national database kept under the
Corporations Act that contains current details of the following in relation to
a company:
(a) the
company's name;
(b) the
address of the company's registered office;
(c) the
date of registration of the company;
(d) the
State or Territory in which the company is taken to be registered under the
Corporations Act;
(e) the
company's Australian Company Number;
whether the company is a proprietary company or a public company;
(g) the
full name of each director of the company;
(h) the
full name of each secretary (if any) of the company;
"Department" means the administrative unit of the Public Service that is
responsible for assisting a Minister in the administration of the Act;
"GDA2020" means the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 as defined in the
determination under section 8A of the National Measurement Act 1960 of
the Commonwealth for the recognised-value standard of measurement position;
"Gulf St. Vincent" means the waters of Gulf St. Vincent, Investigator Strait
and Backstairs Passage contained within and bounded by a line commencing at
Mean High Water Springs closest to 35°13'26.85" South,
137°00'00.03" East, then beginning easterly following the line of
Mean High Water Springs to the location closest to
35°39'37.01" South, 138°13'38.12" East (Porpoise Head),
then south-westerly to the location on Mean High Water Springs closest to
35°48'06.88" South, 138°07'29.09" East (Cape St Albans,
Kangaroo Island), then beginning south-westerly following the line of
Mean High Water Springs to the location closest to
35°40'20.02" South, 137°00'00.03" East, then northerly to
the point of commencement;
"Mean High Water Springs" means the line representing the average of all high
water observations at the time of spring tide over a period of 19 years;
"overall length", in relation to a boat, means the horizontal distance
(a) a
perpendicular dropped from the extremity of the bow of the boat or, if a
fixture or structure attached to the bow projects beyond the bow, from the
extremity of that fixture or structure; and
(b) a
perpendicular dropped from the extremity of the stern of the boat or, if a
fixture or structure attached to the stern projects beyond the stern, from the
extremity of that fixture or structure;
"prawn" means King Prawn (Merlicertus latisulcatus) ;
"prawn fishery" means—
(a) the
Gulf St. Vincent Prawn Fishery; or
(b) the
Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery; or
(c) the
West Coast Prawn Fishery,
constituted by these regulations;
"Spencer Gulf" means the waters of Spencer Gulf north of the geodesic from the
location on Mean High Water Springs closest to 34°59'07.10" South,
136°00'11.09" East (Cape Catastrophe, Eyre Peninsula) to the
location on Mean High Water Springs closest to 35°17'59.55" South,
136°52'50.14" East (Cape Spencer, Yorke Peninsula);
"surveyed length", in relation to a registered boat, means the length as shown
on the certificate of survey issued under the Harbors and Navigation
Act 1993 ;
"trawl net" has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management (General)
Regulations 2017 ;
"West Coast waters" means the waters adjacent to South Australia contained
within the meridians of longitude 131° East and 137° East,
but does not include the waters of Spencer Gulf north of the geodesic from the
location on Mean High Water Springs closest to 34°59'07.10" South,
136°00'11.09" East (Cape Catastrophe, Eyre Peninsula) to the
location on Mean High Water Springs closest to 35°17'59.55" South,
136°52'50.14" East (Cape Spencer, Yorke Peninsula).
(2) In these
regulations, unless the contrary intention appears,
"company", "director", "proprietary company"
and "public company" have the same respective meanings as in the
Corporations Act.
(3) In these
(a) all
lines in spatial descriptions are geodesics and coordinates expressed in terms
of GDA2020;
common and scientific fish names are given according to AS5300—2019
Australian Fish Names Standard published by the Fisheries Research &
Development Corporation, as in force from time to time;
(c) a
reference to the "taking of aquatic resources" includes a reference to an act
preparatory to, or involved in, the taking of the aquatic resources.