Victorian Current Acts

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Version No. 142

No. 6344 of 1958

Version incorporating amendments as at
1 July 2024


Version No. 142

Property Law Act 1958

No. 6344 of 1958
Version incorporating amendments as at
1 July 2024


    1     General information

See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current Versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.

The Property Law Act 1958 was assented to on 30 September 1958 and came into operation on 1 April 1959: Government Gazette 18 March 1959 page 893.


Style changes

Section 54A of the ILA authorises the making of the style changes set out in Schedule 1 to that Act.

References to ILA s. 39B

Sidenotes which cite ILA s. 39B refer to section 39B of the ILA which provides that where an undivided section or clause of a Schedule is amended by the insertion of one or more subsections or subclauses, the original section or clause becomes subsection or subclause (1) and is amended by the insertion of the expression "(1)" at the beginning of the original section or clause.


As from 1 January 2001, amendments to section 36 of the ILA have the following effects:

•     Headings

All headings included in an Act which is passed on or after 1 January 2001 form part of that Act. Any heading inserted in an Act which was passed before 1 January 2001, by an Act passed on or after 1 January 2001, forms part of that Act. This includes headings to Parts, Divisions or Subdivisions in a Schedule; sections; clauses; items; tables; columns; examples; diagrams; notes or forms. See section 36(1A)(2A).

•     Examples, diagrams or notes

All examples, diagrams or notes included in an Act which is passed on or after 1 January 2001 form part of that Act. Any examples, diagrams or notes inserted in an Act which was passed before 1 January 2001, by an Act passed on or after 1 January 2001, form part of that Act. See section 36(3A).

•     Punctuation

All punctuation included in an Act which is passed on or after 1 January 2001 forms part of that Act. Any punctuation inserted in an Act which was passed before 1 January 2001, by an Act passed on or after 1 January 2001, forms part of that Act. See section 36(3B).

•     Provision numbers

All provision numbers included in an Act form part of that Act, whether inserted in the Act before, on or after 1 January 2001. Provision numbers include section numbers, subsection numbers, paragraphs and subparagraphs. See section 36(3C).

•     Location of "legislative items"

A "legislative item" is a penalty, an example or a note. As from 13 October 2004, a legislative item relating to a provision of an Act is taken to be at the foot of that provision even if it is preceded or followed by another legislative item that relates to that provision. For example, if a penalty at the foot of a provision is followed by a note, both of these legislative items will be regarded as being at the foot of that provision. See section 36B.

•     Other material

Any explanatory memorandum, table of provisions, endnotes, index and other material printed after the Endnotes does not form part of an Act.
See section 36(3)(3D)(3E).

    2     Table of Amendments

This publication incorporates amendments made to the Property Law Act 1958 by Acts and subordinate instruments.


Contracts of Sale (Payments) Act 1958, No. 6433/1958 (as amended by No. 6489)

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

2.2.59: Government Gazette 21.1.59 p. 116

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Companies Act 1958, No. 6455/1958

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.4.59: Government Gazette 4.3.59 p. 496

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Amendment) Act 1959, No. 6491/1959

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Loans to Minors) Act 1961, No. 6814/1961

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Companies Act 1961, No. 6839/1961

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.7.62: Government Gazette 21.2.62 p. 392

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Statute Law Revision Act 1962, No. 6867/1962

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Statute Law (Further Revision) Act 1962, No. 6961/1962

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

18.12.62: subject to s. 3

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Transfer of Land (Restrictive Covenants) Act 1964, No. 7130/1964

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Friendly Societies (Assignment of Contracts) Act 1964, No. 7231/1964

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

5.5.65: Government Gazette 5.5.65 p. 1551

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Loans to Minors) Act 1965, No. 7264/1965

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Loans to Minors) Act 1966, No. 7376/1966

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Amendment) Act 1968, No. 7716/1968

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1968, No. 7750/1968

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Statute Law Revision Act 1971, No. 8181/1971

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Statute Law Revision Act 1977, No. 9019/1977

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

17.5.77: subject to s. 2

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Deeds) Act 1977, No. 9043/1977

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.9.78: Government Gazette 26.7.78 p. 2429

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Age of Majority Act 1977, No. 9075/1977

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.2.78: Government Gazette 11.1.78 p. 97

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Imperial Law Re-enactment Act 1980, No. 9407/1980

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

2.7.80: Government Gazette 2.7.80 p. 2257

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Statute Law Revision Act 1980, No. 9427/1980

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

27.5.80: subject to s. 6(2)

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Delivery by Agent) Act 1981, No. 9630/1981

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:


Current State:

All of Act in operation

Penalty Interest Rates Act 1981, No. 9633/1981

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.4.82: Government Gazette 17.2.82 p. 456

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Companies (Consequential Amendments) Act 1981, No. 9699/1981

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 9, 14, 18 on same day as No. 9572—1.7.81: s. 2(2); s. 19 on 1.10.81: s. 2(3); s. 22 on 5.1.82: s. 2(4); rest of Act on same day as No. 9712—1.7.82: s. 2(1)

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Sale of Land (Amendment) Act 1982, No. 9858/1982

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

2.5.83: Government Gazette 8.4.83 p. 753

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983, No. 9967/1983

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.7.83: s. 1(3)

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Statute Law Revision Act 1984, No. 10087/1984

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

22.5.84: subject to s. 3(2)

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984, No. 10096/1984

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.7.84: s. 2

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Commercial Arbitration Act 1984, No. 10167/1984

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.4.85: Government Gazette 20.2.85 p. 372

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Courts Amendment Act 1986, No. 16/1986

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 1–11, 1327. 2934 on 1.7.86: Government Gazette 25.6.86 p. 2180; s. 28 on 1.9.86: Government Gazette 27.8.86 p. 3201; s. 12 on 1.1.88: Government Gazette 7.10.87 p. 2701

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Mental Health Act 1986, No. 59/1986

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 13, 21, 23, Sch. 1 on 19.6.87: Government Gazette 17.6.87 p. 1538; rest of Act on 1.10.87: Government Gazette 30.9.87 p. 2585

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Supreme Court Act 1986, No. 110/1986

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.1.87: s. 2

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Friendly Societies Act 1986, No. 119/1986

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.9.87: Government Gazette 26.8.87 p. 2257

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Transfer of Land (Conversion) Act 1986, No. 128/1986

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.3.88: Government Gazette 16.12.87 p. 3392

Current State:

All of Act in operation

State Trust Corporation of Victoria Act 1987, No. 55/1987

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

2.11.87: Government Gazette 28.10.87 p. 2925

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Amendment) Act 1987, No. 91/1987

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.6.88: Government Gazette 1.6.88 p. 1487

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Liquor Control Act 1987, No. 97/1987

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 181(11) on 3.5.88: Government Gazette 27.4.88
p. 1044

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Libraries Act 1988, No. 80/1988

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

24.5.89: Government Gazette 24.5.89 p. 1222

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Transfer of Land (Computer Register) Act 1989, No. 18/1989

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

3.2.92: Government Gazette 18.12.91 p. 3488

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Magistrates' Court (Consequential Amendments) Act 1989, No. 57/1989

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 4(1)(a)–(e)(2) on 1.9.89: Government Gazette 30.8.89 p. 2210; rest of Act on 1.9.90: Government Gazette 25.7.90 p. 2217

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Water (Consequential Amendments) Act 1989, No. 81/1989

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

1.11.90: Government Gazette 15.8.90 p. 2473

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Administration and Probate (Amendment) Act 1994, No. 10/1994

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 1, 2 on 3.5.94: s. 2(1); ss 3, 4, 7–15 on 27.4.95: Government Gazette 27.4.95 p. 973; rest of Act on 1.7.95: s. 2(3)

Current State:

All of Act in operation

State Trustees (State Owned Company) Act 1994, No. 45/1994

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Pt 1 (ss 13), s. 27 on 7.6.94: s. 2(1); rest of Act on 1.7.94: Special Gazette (No. 36) 23.6.94 p. 1

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, No. 52/1994

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 1, 2 on 15.6.94: s. 2(1); ss 35, Pt 2 (ss 619), Sch. 1 on 30.9.94: Government Gazette 29.9.94 p. 2306; rest of Act on 15.12.94: s. 2(3)

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Property Law (Amendment) Act 1994, No. 71/1994

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

25.10.94: s. 2

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Legal Practice Act 1996, No. 35/1996

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 453(Sch. 1 items 68.1–68.4) on 1.1.97: s. 2(3)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Friendly Societies (Victoria) Act 1996, No. 83/1996

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 40 on 1.10.97: Special Gazette (No. 122) 1.10.97 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Co-operatives Act 1996, No. 84/1996

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 467(Sch. 6 item 11.1) on 1.10.97: Special Gazette (No. 122) 1.10.97 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Property Law (Amendment) Act 1998, No. 23/1998

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Pt 1 (ss 13) on 5.5.98: s. 2(1); rest of Act on 29.6.98: Government Gazette 25.6.98 p. 1561

Current State:

All of Act in operation

Public Sector Reform (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1998, No. 46/1998

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 7(Sch. 1) on 1.7.98: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Tribunals and Licensing Authorities (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1998, No. 52/1998

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 311(Sch. 1 item 78) on 1.7.98: Government Gazette 18.6.98 p. 1512

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Transfer of Land (Single Register) Act 1998, No. 85/1998

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 2123 on 1.1.99: s. 2(3)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Statute Law Revision Act 2000, No. 74/2000

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 3(Sch. 1 item 104) on 22.11.00: s. 2(1)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Statute Law Amendment (Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions) Act 2001, No. 11/2001

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 3(Sch. item 59) on 1.6.01: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Statute Law Amendment (Relationships) Act 2001, No. 27/2001 (as amended by No. 72/2001)

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 3(Sch. 1 items 9.2(a), 9.3) on 28.6.01: Government Gazette 28.6.01 p. 1428; s. 3(Sch. 1 items 9.1,
9.2(b)–(d), 9.4–9.6) on 8.11.01: Government Gazette 8.11.01 p. 2797

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Corporations (Consequential Amendments) Act 2001, No. 44/2001

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 3(Sch. item 93) on 15.7.01: s. 2

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Transfer of Land (Electronic Transactions) Act 2004, No. 23/2004

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 10 on 19.5.04: s. 2

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Public Administration Act 2004, No. 108/2004

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 117(1)(Sch. 3 item 164) on 5.4.05: Government Gazette 31.3.05 p. 602

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Legal Profession (Consequential Amendments) Act 2005, No. 18/2005

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 18(Sch. 1 item 87) on 12.12.05: Government Gazette 1.12.05 p. 2781

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Property (Co-ownership) Act 2005, No. 71/2005

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 35 on 1.2.06: Government Gazette 19.1.06 p. 70

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Retail Leases (Amendment) Act 2005, No. 82/2005

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 51 on 23.11.05: s. 2(1)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Land Tax Act 2005, No. 88/2005

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 117(Sch. 2 item 4) on 1.1.06: s.2

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Charities (Amendment) Act 2006, No. 73/2006

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 8 on 10.10.06: s. 2

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Conveyancers Act 2006, No. 75/2006

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 192(Sch. 2 item 4) on 1.7.08: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Relationships Act 2008, No. 12/2008

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 72 on 1.12.08: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Courts Legislation Amendment (Associate Judges) Act 2008, No. 24/2008

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 85 on 17.12.08: Special Gazette (No. 377) 16.12.08 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 2010, No. 1/2010

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 41 on 1.8.10: Government Gazette 22.7.10 p. 1628

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Statute Law Revision Act 2011, No. 29/2011

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 3(Sch. 1 item 74) on 22.6.11: s. 2(1)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Commercial Arbitration Act 2011, No. 50/2011

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 46(Sch. item 13) on 17.11.11: Special Gazette (No. 369) 15.11.11 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Electronic Conveyancing (Adoption of National Law) Act 2013, No. 7/2013

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 14 on 14.3.13: Special Gazette (No. 86) 13.3.13
p. 1; s. 22 on 14.2.18: Special Gazette (No. 49) 13.2.18 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Co-operatives National Law Application Act 2013, No. 9/2013

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 42(Sch. 2 item 15) on 3.3.14: Special Gazette (No. 46) 18.2.14 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Statute Law Revision Act 2013, No. 70/2013

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 3(Sch. 1 item 42) on 1.12.13: s. 2(1)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014, No. 17/2014

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 160(Sch. 2 item 76) on 1.7.15: Special Gazette (No. 151) 16.6.15 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Mental Health Act 2014, No. 26/2014

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 455(Sch. item 23) on 1.7.14: s. 2(1)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Consumer Acts and Other Acts Amendment Act 2016, No. 23/2016

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 36 on 1.6.16: Special Gazette (No. 162) 24.5.16 p. 1

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018, No. 6/2018

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 68(Sch. 2 item 99) on 1.3.19: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Guardianship and Administration Act 2019, No. 13/2019

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 221(Sch. 1 item 41) on 1.3.20: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Professional Standards Act 2003

Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022, No. 39/2022

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

Ss 854, 855 on 1.9.23: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Statute Law Amendment (References to the Sovereign) Act 2023, No. 25/2023

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 7(Sch. 1 item 20) on 6.9.23: s. 2

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

State Taxation Acts and Other Acts Amendment Act 2023, No. 38/2023

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 15 on 1.1.24: s. 2(2)

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Reform Act 2024, No. 16/2024

Assent Date:


Commencement Date:

S. 60 on 1.7.24: s. 2

Current State:

This information relates only to the provision/s amending the Property Law Act 1958

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Metric Conversion (Property Law Act) Regulations 1974, S.R. No. 151/1974

Date of Making:


Date of Commencement:

1.6.74: reg. 2


    3     Explanatory details

[1] S. 2(3): The Property Law Act 1928 (repealed) came into operation on 18 December 1929.

[2] Pt 1 (Heading): See section 3(2) of the Transfer of Land Act 1958.

[3] S. 16: As to successory trusts, see section 19 of the Religious and Successory Trusts Act 1958.

[4] S. 18(1) definition of bankruptcy: These words have been held to extend to the liquidation of a company.

[5] S. 18(1) definition of conveyance: See section 45 of the Trustee Act 1958.

[6] S. 18(1) definition of land: See section 201.

[7] S. 29: See section 37(2) of the Trustee Act 1958.

[8] S. 32(1): See section 13(5)–(7) of the Trustee Act 1958.

[9] S. 32(3): See sections 38 and 39 for instances of trusts for sale created by this Part of the Act.

[10] S. 33(3): See note 9.

[11] S. 35(1): See section 102 of the Settled Land Act 1958.

[12] S. 35(1): See section 73 of the Settled Land Act 1958.

[13] S. 35(2): See section 47 of the Settled Land Act 1958.

[14] S. 35(5): See sections 38 and 39.

[15] S. 36: Compare section 30 of the Trustee Act 1958.

[16] S. 38(1): Compare sections 87 and 88.

[17] S. 52(2)(a): See section 41 of the Administration and Probate Act 1958.

[18] S. 52(2)(b): See section 133 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 of the Commonwealth.

[19] S. 60(6) (Proviso): See section 249.

[20] S. 62: See section 197.

[21] S. 69: See section 28 of the Trustee Act 1958.

[22] S. 80(1): See sections 141 and 142.

[23] S. 81(2): See note 22.

[24] S. 84(6): See section 88 of the Transfer of Land Act 1958.

[25] S. 98(1): As to the right of a mortgagor to sue in cases of mortgages under the Transfer of Land Act 1958, see section 81(3) of that Act.

[26] S. 105: See section 50.

[27] S. 115: Compare section 124 as to the conveyance by deed of

[28] S. 116: See section 20.

[29] S. 124: Compare section 115 as to the effect of a receipt as a

[30] Pt 2 Div. 4: These provisions deal with the abolition of the Rule in Shelley's case, with certain restrictions on executory limitations, and with equitable waste.

[31] S. 136: See also section 154.

[32] S. 150(5): Distress for rent was abolished by section 18 of the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1948, No. 5291.

[33] S. 153(6)(a): See section 157 of the Marriage Act 1958.

[34] S. 154: See also section 136.

[35] S. 162 (repealed): The repeal of sections 162, 164, 165 and 166 does not affect instruments or dispositions to which the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1968, No. 7750 does not apply.

[36] S. 164 (repealed): See note 35.

[37] S. 165 (repealed): See note 35.

[38] S. 166 (repealed): See note 35.

[39] Pt 2 Div. 8: See also Marriage Act 1958.

[40] S. 179(1): Compare section 52(6) of the Trustee Act 1958.

[41] S. 183(1): For definition of purchaser see section 18.

[42] S. 197: See also section 62.

[43] S. 209: As to power of Governor in Council to make regulations prescribing fees, see section 13.

[44] S. 210: See note 43.

[45] S. 213: See note 43.

[46] S. 214: See note 43.

[47] S. 216: See note 43.

[48] Pt 5 (Heading): This Part may still have to be resorted to in case of estates tail or when there is a limitation to a person under the designation of "heir" that is to an heir by purchase. See for example section 130.

[49] Pt 6 (Heading): Estates tail have now almost disappeared in Victoria and no new estates tail can be created—see section 249.

[50] S. 249: The Transfer of Land Statute Amendment Act 1885, No. 872 was passed on 18 December 1885, and came into operation on 1 January 1886.

[51] S. 250: See note 50.

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