Victorian Numbered Acts

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No. 5 of 2017



Climate Change Act 2017[†]

No. 5 of 2017

[Assented to 28 February 2017]


The Parliament of Victoria recognises on behalf of the people of Victoria that the international community has reached agreement to hold the global average temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1·5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity is causing climate change and that global emissions will need to decline to net zero levels by the second half of the century if this global goal is to be met.

The Parliament of Victoria recognises that some changes in the earth's climate are inevitable, despite all mitigation efforts. Victoria is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Natural disasters are increasing in frequency and severity as a result of the changing climate. Impacts are felt differently and to different extents across individual regions and communities.

Although responding to climate change is a responsibility shared by all levels of government, industry, communities and the people of Victoria, the role of subnational governments in driving this transition cannot be understated. Through decisive, long-term action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Victorian government can help Victoria achieve an orderly and just transition to a net zero greenhouse gas emissions economy and remain prosperous and liveable. It will also enable Victoria to benefit from the global trend towards decarbonisation.

Victoria must also take strong action to build resilience to, and reduce the risks posed by, climate change and protect those most vulnerable.

The Parliament of Victoria recognises that the community wants and expects Victoria to play its part in global mitigation efforts and in preparing the community for unavoidable climatic impacts. This Act will help ensure Victoria remains prosperous and liveable as we transition to meet these challenges.

The Parliament of Victoria therefore enacts:


    1     General information

See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.

[†]     Minister's second reading speech—

    Legislative Assembly: 23 November 2016

    Legislative Council: 7 February 2017

    The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments the Climate Change Act 2010, to establish greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for Victoria, to set out policy objectives and guiding principles, to provide for climate change planning and reporting, to provide for forestry rights and carbon sequestration rights and to make consequential amendments to the Environment Protection Act 1970 and for other purposes."

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