Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation

Documents of Reconciliation

Documents of Reconciliation > Policy >

Documents of Reconciliation - Briefing Paper

Background to the Document

This briefing paper has been prepared in order to give readers an idea of the historical development and contemporary context of the issue of documents of reconciliation. The paper also provides examples of some recent international developments. Once the Council has finalised the draft documents, this paper will be updated to include a description of the Council's proposals on documents and the process undertaken to develop them.

Documents of Reconciliation Briefing Paper


  Statutory requirements

  Terra nullius and sovereignty

  Council's work on documents

  Documents of reconciliation in an international context

  Constitutional and legislative issues

  Deciding on a document

  Developing the content

  May 2000



A. The Barunga Statement

B. The Canadian Statement of Reconciliation

C. The Preamble to the South African Constitution

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