Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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Information with tickets

  (1)   A person (other than an aircraft operator) who issues a passenger ticket must ensure that the person to whom the ticket is issued is given information about the kinds of dangerous goods that must not be transported on an aircraft.

Penalty:   10 penalty units.

  (2)   The information required by subregulation   (1) must at least be given by means of information with the ticket and notices, visible to persons to whom tickets are issued, in each place where tickets are issued.


Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations   1998

Statutory Rules   No.   237, 1998

made under the

Civil Aviation Act 1988

Compilation No.   99

Compilation date:   11 April 2024

Includes amendments:   F2024L00297

Registered:   18 April 2024

This compilation is in 5 volumes

Volume 1:   regulations   1.001- 42.1105

Volume 2:   regulations   45.005- 92.205

Volume 3:   regulations   99.005- 8976102 6"> 135.465

Volume 4:   regulations   137.005- 175.500

Volume 5:   regulations   200.005- 202.900

  Dictionary and Endnotes

Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 11 April 2024 (the compilation date ).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes ) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self - repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part   99--Drug and alcohol management plans and testing

99.005   Purposes of Part

Subpart   99.A--General

99.010   Definitions for Part   99

99.015   SSAAs to which this Part applies

99.020   Substantial compliance with requirements of Part required

Subpart   99.B--Drug and alcohol management plans

Division   99.B.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.025   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.B.2--Persons required to have a DAMP  

99.030   Who must develop and maintain a DAMP

99.035   DAMP must be implemented

99.040   DAMP must be made available to SSAA employees

Division   99.B.3--Content and implementation of DAMP

Subdivision   99.B.3.1--Content of DAMP

99.045   Content of DAMP

Subdivision   99.B.3.2--Drug and alcohol testing program

99.050   Requirements for drug and alcohol testing

99.055   Requirements relating to DAMP medical review officer

99.060   Requirements relating to use of testing devices

Subdivision   99.B.3.3--Drug and alcohol response program

99.065   Requirements relating to SSAA employees ceasing SSAAs

99.070   Requirements relating to returning to SSAAs

99.075   Requirements relating to intervention programs

Subdivision   99.B.3.4--Implementing a DAMP

99.080   Implementing a DAMP

Division   99.B.4--Review and audit of DAMP

99.085   Review of DAMP by DAMP organisation

99.090   Audit of DAMP organisation by CASA

99.095   CASA may direct changes to DAMP

Division   99.B.5--Provision of Information

99.100   DAMP organisation or DAMP contractor to provide information

99.105   DAMP record - keeping

Subpart   99.C--Drug and alcohol testing by CASA

Division   99.C.1--Preliminary

99.110   Purposes of Subpart

Subdivision   99.C.1.1--Who may be drug or alcohol tested

99.115   Who may be drug or alcohol tested

99.120   Body samples may only be taken if person consents

Subdivision   99.C.1.2--Powers of approved testers

99.125   Powers of approved testers

Subdivision   99.C.1.3--CASA to approve testing devices

99.130   Approved drug and alcohol testing devices

Division   99.C.2--Drug testing

Subdivision   99.C.2.1--General

99.135   Which body samples may be drug tested

99.140   How samples are taken and tested

99.145   Approved drug testing devices to be used for initial drug tests

99.150   Method for determining sample identifiers

Subdivision   99.C.2.2--Initial drug tests

99.155   Taking samples

99.160   Initial drug test

99.165   If initial drug test result is not positive

99.170   If initial drug test result is positive

99.175   Notices of initial drug test

99.180   Dealing with samples for confirmatory drug test

99.185   Transporting samples

Subdivision   99.C.2.3--Receipt and storage of samples by approved laboratories

99.190   Receipt of samples

99.195   Storage of samples

Subdivision   99.C.2.4--Conduct of drug tests by approved laboratories

99.200   Testing Sample A

99.205   Samples to be tested in accordance with National Association of Testing Authorities' accreditation

99.210   Notices of Sample A results

99.215   Donor may request testing of Sample B

99.220   Approved laboratory to keep Sample B

99.225   Notices of Sample B results

99.230   Test results

Subdivision   99.C.2.5--Record - keeping

99.235   Approved laboratory to keep records

Division   99.C.3--Alcohol testing

99.240   Which body samples may be alcohol tested

99.245   How samples are taken and tested

99.250   Approved breathalysers to be used in alcohol tests

99.255   Alcohol tests

99.260   Test results

99.265   Notice of alcohol test

Subpart   99.D--Evidentiary certificates and prescribed proceedings

Division   99.D.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.275   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.D.2--Evidentiary certificates

99.280   Certificates by approved tester

99.285   Certificates by approved laboratory

99.290   Document taken to be a certificate unless contrary intention established

99.295   Certificate not to be admitted unless copy given

99.300   Person signing the certificate may be called to give evidence

99.305   Rebuttal evidence

99.310   CASA may ask for full certificate

Division   99.D.3--Prescribed proceedings

99.315   Prescribed proceedings

Subpart   99.E--Offences for Subpart   99.C

Division   99.E.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.320   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.E.2--Offences

Subdivision   99.E.2.1--Offences relating to giving a body sample

99.325   Failing to carry identification whilst undertaking applicable SSAA

99.330   Refusing or failing to give a body sample

99.335   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after refusing a drug or alcohol test or failing to give a body sample

99.340   Failing to stop performing an applicable SSAA

99.345   Failing to remain in approved tester's presence

99.350   Person must not interfere with integrity of body sample

Subdivision   99.E.2.2--Offences occurring after positive test result

99.355   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA between having initial drug test and confirmatory drug test

99.360   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after having confirmatory drug test and before result returned

99.365   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA before confirmatory alcohol test result returned

99.370   Performing applicable SSAA showing positive result for testable drug

99.375   Performing applicable SSAA while showing positive result for a confirmatory alcohol test

Subdivision   99.E.2.3--Offences relating to returning to SSAAs after positive test result

99.380   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after having confirmatory drug test

99.385   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after confirmatory alcohol test

Division   99.E.3--CASA medical review officers

99.390   CASA medical review officers

Subpart   99.F--Provision of information

Division   99.F.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.395   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.F.2--Information

99.400   Drug or alcohol test information given or required by CASA

99.405   Information that must be given to CASA following drug or alcohol test

Subpart   99.G--CASA's powers in relation to civil aviation authorisations

Division   99.G.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.410   Purposes of Subpart

99.415   When CASA may vary, suspend or cancel a civil aviation authorisation

99.420   When variation, suspension or cancellation takes effect

99.425   Notice

99.430   Effect of effluxion of time in relation to the suspension of civil aviation authorisation

99.435   Effect of suspension of civil aviation authorisation

Subpart   99.H--Approved testers and authorisations to conduct drug and alcohol tests

Division   99.H.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.440   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.H.2--Approvals and authorisations

99.445   CASA may approve persons to take body samples and conduct tests

99.450   Persons authorised to take body samples and conduct tests

Division   99.H.3--Obligations on approved testers and protection from liability

99.455   Obligations on approved testers

99.460   Approved testers not liable in certain cases

Division   99.H.4--Powers of approved testers

99.465   Approved testers' powers to access premises

Division   99.H.5--Identity cards

99.470   Identity cards

99.475   Return of identity card

99.480   Display and production of identity cards

99.485   Suspension or revocation of authorisation

99.490   Notices

Division   99.H.6--Notices to approved testers

99.495   Notice to approved testers

Part   101--Unmanned aircraft and rockets

Subpart   101.A--Preliminary

101.005   Applicability of this Part

101.010   Application to rocket - powered unmanned aircraft

101.020   Exemption from certain provisions of CAR

101.021   Meaning of RPA

101.022   Types of RPA

101.023   Meaning of model aircraft

101.024   Types of model aircraft

101.025   Meaning of populous area

101.028   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   101

101.029   Approvals for Part   101

101.030   Approval of areas for operation of unmanned aircraft or rockets

101.035   Requirements in this Part to give information to CASA

Subpart   101.AB--Authorisations for sections   20AA and 20AB of the Act

101.046   Flying without a certificate of airworthiness

101.047   Performance of duties during flight time--balloons, kites and model aircraft

101.048   Performance of duties during flight time--remotely piloted aircraft

Subpart   101.B--General prohibition on unsafe operation

101.050   Applicability of this Subpart

101.055   Hazardous operation prohibited

Subpart   101.C--Provisions applicable to unmanned aircraft generally

101.060   Applicability of this Subpart

101.065   Operation in prohibited or restricted area

101.066   Operation in prescribed area--requirements prescribed by the Part   101 anual of Standards

101.070   Operation in controlled airspace above 400 ft AGL

101.072   Operation in controlled airspace--requirements prescribed by the Part   101 anual of Standards

101.073   Operation must generally be within visual line of sight

101.075   Operation near aerodromes

101.080   Permission for operation of unmanned aircraft near aerodrome

101.085   Maximum operating height

101.090   Dropping or discharging of things

101.095   Weather and day limitations

101.097   Autonomous aircraft--launch or release without approval prohibited

101.098   Identification of certain RPA--requirements prescribed by the Part   101 anual of Standards

101.099   Foreign registered RPA and model aircraft--requirements prescribed by the Part   101 Manual of Standards

101.099AA   Foreign registered RPA--unmanned aircraft levy

101.099A   Modifications of certain RPA--requirements prescribed by the Part   101 anual of Standards

101.099B   Test flights of certain RPA--circumstances and requirements prescribed by the Part   101 Manual of Standards

Subpart   101.D--Tethered balloons and kites

101.100   Applicability of this Subpart

101.105   Definitions for Subpart

101.110   Tethered balloons and kites that may be operated outside approved areas

101.115   Mooring - line marking

101.120   Operation of tethered balloon or kite under cloud

101.125   Tethered balloon to be lit at night

101.130   Rapid deflation device required

101.135   What to do if tethered balloon escapes

Subpart   101.E--Unmanned free balloons

101.140   Applicability of this Subpart

101.145   Kinds of unmanned free balloons

101.150   Definition for Subpart-- approved area

101.155   Releasing small balloons

101.160   Light balloons that may be released outside approved areas

101.165   Release of medium and heavy balloons outside approved areas

101.170   Medium and heavy balloons not to be flown low

101.175   Medium and heavy balloons to be flown in clear sky

101.180   How payload must be supported--medium and heavy balloons

101.185   Equipment that must be carried--medium and heavy balloons

101.190   Lighting--medium and heavy balloons

101.195   Marking--unmanned free balloons generally

101.200   Marking by day--heavy balloons

101.205   Lighting by night--heavy balloons

101.210   Obligation to stay in communication with ATC--medium and heavy balloons

101.215   Tracking of flight--medium and heavy balloons

101.220   Flight reporting--medium and heavy balloons

101.225   Ending flight and recovery--medium and heavy balloons

101.230   Direction by ATC to end flight in certain circumstances

Subpart   101.F--Remotely piloted aircraft

Division   101.F.1--General

101.235   Application of Subpart   101.F

101.236   Meaning of approved area

101.237   Meaning of excluded RPA

101.238   Meaning of standard RPA operating conditions

Division   101.F.2--Operation of RPA generally

101.245   Operation near people

101.250   Where very small, small and medium RPA may be operated

101.252   Certain RPA--requirement for remote pilot licence

101.255   Large RPA--requirement for certificate

101.260   Maintenance of large RPA

101.265   Large RPA--persons permitted to carry out maintenance

101.270   Certain RPA--requirement for RPA operator's certificate

101.272   Certain RPA--requirement to keep records or give information to CASA

101.275   Approval of operation of large RPA

101.280   RPA not to be operated over populous areas

101.285   Use of aeronautical radio

Division   101.F.3--Remote pilot licences

101.290   Application for remote pilot licence

101.295   Eligibility for remote pilot licence

101.300   Conditions on remote pilot licences

101.315   Notice to holder of remote pilot licence to show cause

101.320   Variation, suspension or cancellation of remote pilot licence

Division   101.F.4--Certification of RPA operators

101.330   Application for certification as RPA operator

101.335   Eligibility for certification as RPA operator

101.340   Conditions on certification

101.342   Functions and duties of chief remote pilot

101.360   Notice to certified RPA operator to show cause

101.365   Variation, suspension or cancellation of RPA operator's certification

101.370   Compliance with RPA operator's practices and procedures

Division   101.F.5--Operation of certain RPA for hire or reward

101.371   Application of Division   101.F.5

101.372   Notice of certain operations

101.373   Notification of changes in relation to operating very small RPA for hire or reward etc.

101.374   Database of notifications

Subpart   101.FA--Excluded RPA and micro RPA accreditation

Division   101.FA.1--General

101.374A   Application of this Subpart

Division   101.FA.2--Accreditation requirements

101.374B   Excluded RPA and micro RPA--requirement for accreditation or remote pilot licence

101.374C   Excluded RPA and micro RPA--requirement to produce accreditation or remote pilot licence

Division   101.FA.3--Grant of accreditation to operate excluded RPA and micro RPA

101.374D   Accreditation--application

101.374E   Accreditation--grant

101.374F   Accreditation--conduct of online courses and examinations

101.374G   Accreditation--cessation

101.374H   Notice to accreditation holder to show cause

101.374J   Suspension or cancellation of accreditation

Subpart   101.G--Model aircraft

101.375   Applicability of this Subpart

101.380   Definitions for Subpart

101.385   Visibility for operation of model aircraft

101.390   Operating model aircraft at night

101.395   Keeping model aircraft away from people

101.400   Operation of model aircraft outside approved areas

101.405   Giant model aircraft

101.410   Model flying displays

Subpart   101.H--Rockets

101.415   Applicability of this Subpart

101.420   Application of State and Territory laws about rockets

101.425   Definitions for Subpart

101.430   Launching rocket in or over prohibited or restricted area

101.435   Launching rockets into controlled airspace

101.440   Launching rockets near aerodromes

101.445   Getting permission for launch of rocket near aerodrome

101.450   Rockets other than model rockets must be launched in approved area

101.455   Maximum operating height of rockets

101.460   Dropping or discharging of things from rockets

101.465   Weather and day limitations--rockets other than model rockets

101.470   Model rockets

Subpart   101.I--Firework displays

101.475   What this Subpart does

101.480   Application of State and Territory laws about fireworks

101.485   Meaning of operate a firework display

101.490   Certain projectiles prohibited in firework displays

101.495   Firework displays not permitted near aerodromes

101.500   Notice to CASA of certain firework displays

Part   103--Sport and recreation aircraft

Subpart   103.A--Preliminary

103.005   Application of Part   103

103.010   Other key definitions for Part   103

103.015   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   103

103.020   Approvals by CASA for Part   103

Subpart   103.B--Aircraft listing, certification and markings

103.025   Listing with a Part   103 ASAO

103.030   Flying without a certificate of airworthiness--airworthiness standards for certain kinds of Part   103 aircraft

103.035   Display of markings--aircraft other than sailplanes

Subpart   103.C--General obligations

103.040   Requirements for undertaking Part   103 activities

Subpart   103.D--Operational procedures

103.045   Minimum height rules--other than over populous areas or public gatherings

103.050   Safety when aircraft operating on ground

103.055   Carriage of passengers

103.060   Carriage and restraint of persons

103.065   Carriage of cargo

103.070   Simulating IMC flying

103.075   Training flight limitations etc.

103.080   Consumption or provision of alcohol

103.085   Additional requirements in relation to Part   103 activities

Subpart   103.K--Equipment

103.090   Requirements relating to equipment

Subpart   103.M--Airworthiness requirements

103.100   Application of CAR Parts   4 to 4D

103.105   Requirements prescribed by the Part   103 Manual of Standards

103.110   Permission for section   20AB of Act

103.115   Requirements for ASAO exposition

103.120   Aircraft data plate--aircraft to which Part   21 does not apply

103.125   Major defects

Subpart   103.Z--Towing of Part   103 aircraft by other aircraft

103.130   Towing of Part   103 aircraft by other aircraft

Part   105--Parachuting from aircraft

Subpart   105.A--Preliminary

105.005   Application of Part   105

105.010   Key definitions for Part   105

105.015   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   105

Subpart   105.C--General

Division   105.C.1--General flight limitations

105.020   Parachutists must not create hazards

105.025   Persons must not create hazards to aircraft operated to facilitate parachute descents

Division   105.C.2--Operational documents

Division   105.C.3--Flight related documents

Division   105.C.4--Reporting and recording defects, incidents etc.

105.045   Reserve parachutes and emergency parachutes--reporting of major defects by maintainers

105.050   Reserve parachutes--reporting of major defects by parachutists

Division   105.C.5--Search and rescue services and emergency and survival equipment

105.055   Reserve parachute and emergency parachute equipment requirements

105.060   Defective reserve parachutes and defective emergency parachutes

Division   105.C.6--Miscellaneous requirements

105.065   Requirements for undertaking parachuting activities

105.070   Additional obligations applying to parachute operators

105.075   Permission to undertake parachute descent

105.080   General requirements for aircraft used for parachute descents

105.085   Requirements for aircraft used for descents by trainee parachutists and tandem parachutists

105.090   Dropping things over populous areas

105.095   Dropping things other than over populous areas

Subpart   105.D--Operational requirements

105.100   Additional requirements in relation to parachuting activities

105.105   Restraint of persons other than flight crew members

105.110   Persons other than flight crew members--compliance with safety directions

105.115   Restrictions on aircraft occupants for descents by trainee parachutists and tandem parachutists

Subpart   105.G--Personnel fatigue management

105.120   Management of fatigue in relation to persons exercising certain parachute descent duties

Subpart   105.J--Weight and balance

105.125   Loading of aircraft used for parachute descents

Subpart   105.K--Instruments, indicators, equipment and systems

105.130   Requirements relating to radio equipment and oxygen equipment

Subpart   105.N--Flight crew

105.135   Pilot requirements for parachute descents--Part   103 aircraft

105.140   Pilot requirements for parachute descents--aeroplanes

105.145   Pilot requirements for parachute descents--helicopters

105.150   Pilot requirements for parachute descents--powered - lift aircraft

105.155   Pilot requirements for parachute descents--manned free balloons

Part   115--Commercial sport and recreational aviation operations

Part   117--Representations and surveys

117.005   What this Part   is about

117.010   Misrepresentations about holding certain civil aviation authorisations

117.015   Safety - related surveys or questionnaires--holders of certain civil aviation authorisations

117.020   Owner or registered operator to provide information about aircraft

117.025   Owner or registered operator to provide traffic reports

117.030   Protection of information

Part   119--Australian air transport operators--certification and management

Subpart   119.A--General

119.005   What Part   119 is about

119.010   Definition of Australian air transport operation

119.015   Definitions of Australian air transport AOC and Australian air transport operator

119.020   Definition of significant change

119.025   Approvals by CASA for Part   119

119.030   Prescribed purpose--Australian air transport operations

119.035   Prescribed position--safety manager

119.036   Required position--head of training and checking

119.040   Required material for reference library

119.045   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   119

119.050   Australian air transport AOC required

119.055   Compliance with Australian air transport AOCs

119.060   Compliance with conditions of Australian air transport AOCs

Subpart   119.B--Australian air transport AOCs

119.065   Application

119.070   Conditions for issue

119.075   Approval of exposition

119.080   Conditions of an Australian air transport AOC

Subpart   119.C--Changes relating to Australian air transport operators

119.085   Changes of name etc.

119.090   Application for approval of significant changes

119.095   Approval of significant changes

119.100   Changes must be made in accordance with process in exposition

119.105   CASA directions relating to exposition or key personnel

Subpart   119.D--Organisation and personnel

119.110   Organisation and personnel

119.115   When key personnel cannot carry out responsibilities

119.120   Familiarisation training for key personnel

119.125   Chief executive officer--experience

119.130   Chief executive officer--responsibilities and accountabilities

119.135   Head of flying operations--qualifications and experience

119.140   Head of flying operations--responsibilities

119.145   Head of training and checking--qualifications and experience

119.150   Head of training and checking--responsibilities

119.155   Safety manager--experience

119.160   Safety manager--responsibilities

119.165   Key personnel--additional qualification and experience requirements

Subpart   119.E--Training and checking for operational safety - critical personnel

119.170   Training and checking system

119.175   Program for training and assessment in human factors principles and non - technical skills

119.180   Training in human factors principles and non - technical skills for flight crew etc.

119.185   Training in human factors principles and non - technical skills for other operational safety - critical personnel

Subpart   119.F--Safety management

119.190   Safety management system requirements

119.195   Flight data analysis program requirements

Subpart   119.G--Personnel fatigue management

Subpart   119.H--Expositions for Australian air transport operators

119.205   Content of exposition

119.210   Compliance with exposition by operator

119.215   Providing personnel with exposition

119.220   Compliance with exposition by personnel

Subpart   119.J--Records and documents

119.225   Personnel training and checking records--making records

119.230   Personnel training and checking records--availability of records

119.235   Copies of flight crew licences and medical certificates

119.240   Retention periods for personnel records

119.245   Retention periods for flight - related documents

119.250   Retention periods for other flight - related records

Subpart   119.K--Miscellaneous offences

119.255   Dealings in relation to cancelled, suspended, varied, pending or refused civil aviation authorisations

119.260   Maximum period for use of foreign registered aircraft in Australian territory

Part   121--Australian air transport operations--larger aeroplanes

Subpart   121.A--Preliminary

121.005   Application of Part   121

121.010   Approvals by CASA for Part   121

121.015   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   121

Subpart   121.C--General

Division   121.C.1--General flight limitations

121.020   Permitted categories of aeroplanes

121.025   Aeroplane to be flown under the IFR

121.030   Flights further than the 60 minute distance

121.035   Flights further than the threshold distance

121.040   Flight distance limitation over water

121.045   Simulation of emergency or abnormal situations, or IMC

121.050   Ferrying an aeroplane with one engine inoperative

Division   121.C.2--Operational documents

121.055   Compliance with flight manual

121.060   Operator to have minimum equipment list for certain flights

121.065   Duty statement to be available to crew

121.070   Availability of checklists

Division   121.C.3--Flight related documents

121.075   Electronic documents

121.080   Availability of parts of exposition

121.085   Carriage of documents

121.090   Accessibility of documents

121.095   Carriage of documents--flights that begin or end outside Australian territory

121.100   Keeping and updating documents etc.

121.105   Journey logs

121.110   Passenger lists

121.115   Flight preparation forms for flights that begin or end outside Australian territory

Division   121.C.4--Reporting and recording defects and incidents etc.

121.120   Procedures for reporting and recording defects etc.

121.125   Procedures for reporting and recording incidents

Division   121.C.5--Search and rescue services and emergency and survival equipment

121.130   Information about search and rescue services

121.135   Information about emergency and survival equipment

Division   121.C.6--Miscellaneous requirements

121.140   Crew activities necessary for safe operation

121.145   Competence of ground support personnel

121.150   Duty statement to be available to ground support personnel

121.155   Cockpit authorisation and briefing

Subpart   121.D--Operational procedures

Division   121.D.1--Operational control

121.160   Operational control

Division   121.D.2--Flight preparation

121.165   General flight preparation requirements

121.170   Flight preparation (Part   121 alternate aerodromes) requirements

Division   121.D.3--Flight planning

121.175   Operational flight plans

121.180   Availability of flight planning information

Division   121.D.4--Flight rules

121.185   Take - off and landing minima for aerodromes

121.190   Establishing lowest safe altitudes etc.

121.195   Exposition requirements for low - visibility operations

121.200   Stabilised approach requirements

Division   121.D.5--Aerodromes

121.205   Aerodrome requirements

121.210   Procedures to determine information about aerodromes

121.215   Procedures for safety at aerodromes

121.220   Taking off from and landing on narrow runways

Division   121.D.6--Fuel requirements

121.225   Fuel procedures

121.230   Oil requirements

121.235   Fuel requirements

121.240   Fuelling safety procedures

Division   121.D.7--Passenger transport and medical transport

121.245   Application of Division   121.D.7

121.250   Carriage of restricted persons

121.255   Carry - on baggage

121.260   Aisles to remain unobstructed

121.265   Stowage of passenger service equipment etc.

121.270   Passengers in emergency exit row seats

121.275   Carriage of passengers with reduced mobility

121.280   Safety briefing cards

121.285   Safety briefings, instructions and demonstrations

121.290   Additional safety briefing for passengers in emergency exit rows

121.295   Safety briefing in the event of an emergency

Division   121.D.8--Instruments, indicators, equipment and systems

121.300   Airborne weather radar equipment

121.305   Head - up displays, enhanced vision systems and synthetic vision systems

121.310   Crew protective breathing equipment

121.315   Hand - held fire extinguishers

121.320   Procedures relating to first - aid kits

121.325   Procedures relating to universal precaution kits

121.330   Procedures relating to emergency medical kits

121.335   Life - saving equipment for life rafts

121.340   Survival equipment procedures

Division   121.D.9--Miscellaneous

121.345   Procedures relating to ice

121.350   Procedures relating to portable electronic devices

121.355   Procedures relating to carriage of animals

121.360   Polar operations

121.365   Cosmic radiation

121.370   Exceeding cosmic radiation limits

121.375   Obstruction of emergency exits

121.380   Assignment of cabin crew seats

121.385   CASA approvals relating to take - offs and landings

Subpart   121.F--Performance

121.390   Performance data

121.395   Take - off performance

121.420   Landing performance

121.425   Computerised performance data systems not fitted to aeroplanes

121.430   Procedures relating to inoperative engines

Subpart   121.J--Weight and balance

121.435   Loading of aeroplane

121.440   Procedures for loading aeroplane etc.

121.445   Pilot in command must have information about aeroplane's weight and balance

121.450   Computerised weight and balance systems not fitted to aeroplanes

121.455   Weight and balance documents

Subpart   121.K--Equipment

121.460   Requirements relating to equipment

Subpart   121.N--Flight crew

Division   121.N.1--General

121.470   Additional application of this Subpart

121.475   Composition, number, qualifications and training

121.480   Experience

121.485   Competence

121.490   Assignment to duty as pilot in command

121.495   Pilot in command

121.500   Co - pilots

121.505   Cruise relief co - pilots

121.510   Use of approved flight simulators for training or checking

121.515   Knowledge of route and aerodromes

Division   121.N.2--Operation of aeroplanes of different type ratings

121.520   Application of Division   121.N.2

121.525   Assignment of flight crew to aeroplanes of different type ratings

121.530   Credit for checks, qualifications, training and experience

Division   121.N.3--Relief

121.535   Relief of pilot in command

Division   121.N.4--Recent experience

121.540   Pilot in command and co - pilot--recent experience requirements

121.545   Cruise relief co - pilot--recent experience requirements

121.550   Flight engineers--recent experience requirements

Division   121.N.5--Non - recurrent training and checking etc.

121.555   Meeting initial training requirements

121.560   Meeting conversion training requirements

121.565   Command training requirements

Division   121.N.6--Recurrent training and checking

121.570   Recurrent training and checking requirements

121.575   Holding valid Part   121 proficiency check

121.580   Part   121 proficiency check

121.585   Holding valid line check

121.590   Line check requirements

121.595   Holding valid refresher check

121.600   Refresher training and checking requirements

121.605   Holding valid annual emergency and safety equipment check

121.610   Annual emergency and safety equipment training and checking requirements

121.615   Holding valid 3 yearly emergency and safety equipment check

121.620   The 3 yearly emergency and safety equipment training and checking requirements

Subpart   121.P--Cabin crew

Division   121.P.1--Preliminary

121.625   Application of Subpart   121.P

121.630   When cabin crew are required

Division   121.P.2--General

121.635   Number of cabin crew

121.640   Qualifications, experience and training

121.645   Competence

121.650   Minimum age

121.655   English proficiency

121.660   Assignment to duty as senior cabin crew member

121.665   Training and checking for senior cabin crew member

121.670   Operating with a reduced number of cabin crew

121.675   Second senior cabin crew member

121.680   Training facilities and devices

Division   121.P.3--Operation of aeroplanes of different aeroplane types

121.685   Application of Division   121.P.3

121.690   Content of exposition in relation to aeroplane types

121.695   Maximum number of aeroplane types

121.700   Assignment to different aeroplane types

Division   121.P.4--Recent experience

121.705   Recent experience requirements--6 months before flight

Division   121.P.5--Non - recurrent training and checking

121.710   Meeting initial training requirements

121.715   Meeting conversion training requirements

121.720   Meeting differences training requirements

Division   121.P.6--Recurrent training and checking

121.725   Annual training and holding valid annual training check

121.730   Holding valid line check

121.735   Three yearly training and holding valid 3 yearly training check

Division   121.P.7--When cabin crew are carried but not required

121.740   Competence

121.745   Minimum age

121.750   Annual emergency and safety equipment check

Subpart   121.V--Emergency evacuation procedures

121.755   Emergency evacuation procedures

Subpart   121.Z--Certain single - engine aeroplanes

121.760   Application of Part   135 to certain operations

121.765   At least 2 pilots required for certain IFR flights

121.770   Trend monitoring systems required for certain VFR flights by day

121.775   Terrain awareness and warning system

121.780   Aircraft not to be flown under the VFR at night

Part   129--Foreign air transport operators--certification and operating requirements

Subpart   129.A--Foreign air transport operations--general

129.005   What Part   129 is about

129.020   Approvals by CASA for Part   129

129.025   Prescribed purpose--foreign air transport operations

129.030   Foreign air transport operations--foreign air transport AOC required

129.035   Foreign air transport operations--compliance with foreign air transport AOCs

129.040   Foreign air transport operations--compliance with conditions of foreign air transport AOCs

Subpart   129.B--Foreign air transport AOCs

129.045   Foreign air transport AOC--information and documents that may be required

129.050   Foreign air transport AOC--manner of giving CASA information etc.

129.055   Foreign air transport AOC--conditions for issue

129.060   Foreign air transport AOC--conditions

129.065   Foreign air transport AOC--requirement to give notice of certain events

Subpart   129.C--Foreign air transport operations--operating requirements

129.070   Foreign air transport operations--compliance with certain Part   91 provisions

129.075   Foreign air transport operations--compliance with Annex   6

129.080   Foreign air transport operations--common language for crew

129.085   Foreign air transport operations--flights to be in accordance with IFR or approval

129.090   Foreign air transport operations--flight crew licences

129.095   Foreign air transport operations--air displays

129.100   Foreign air transport operations--low - visibility operations

129.105   Foreign air transport operations--flying in formation

129.110   Foreign air transport operations--simulated IMC prohibited

129.115   Foreign air transport operations--simulated emergency and abnormal procedures prohibited

129.120   Foreign air transport operations--aerobatic manoeuvres prohibited

129.125   Foreign air transport operations--maximum period for use of Australian aircraft in Australian territory

Subpart   129.M--Foreign air transport operations--airworthiness

129.200   Foreign air transport operations--certificates of airworthiness

129.205   Foreign air transport operations--continuing airworthiness

Subpart   129.N--Foreign air transport operations--flight crew

129.250   Foreign air transport operations--flight crew experience for aircraft covered by overseas rating

129.255   Foreign air transport operations--co - pilot

Part   131--Balloons and hot air airships

Subpart   131.A--Preliminary

131.005   Application of Part   131

131.010   Definition of balloon transport operation

131.015   Definitions of balloon transport AOC and balloon transport operator

131.020   Definition of specialised balloon operation

131.025   Definition of Part   131 recreational activity

131.030   Definition of significant change

131.035   Approvals by CASA for Part   131

131.040   Prescribed purpose--balloon transport operations

131.045   Prescribed position--safety manager

131.050   Required material--reference library

131.055   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   131

Subpart   131.B--Operator certification and management

Division   131.B.1--Requirement for certification for balloon transport operations

131.060   Balloon transport AOC required to conduct balloon transport operations

131.065   Compliance with balloon transport AOC

131.070   Compliance with conditions of balloon transport AOC

Division   131.B.2--Balloon transport AOCs

131.075   Application for balloon transport AOC

131.080   Conditions for issue of balloon transport AOC

131.085   Approval of exposition

131.090   Conditions of balloon transport AOCs

Division   131.B.3--Changes relating to balloon transport operators

131.095   Changes of name etc.

131.100   Application for approval of significant changes

131.105   Approval of significant changes

131.110   Changes must be made in accordance with process in exposition

131.115   CASA directions relating to exposition or key personnel

Division   131.B.4--Organisation and personnel

131.120   Organisation and personnel

131.125   Key personnel cannot carry out responsibilities

131.130   Familiarisation training for key personnel

131.135   Chief executive officer--experience

131.140   Chief executive officer--responsibilities and accountabilities

131.145   Head of flying operations--qualifications and experience

131.150   Head of flying operations--responsibilities

131.155   Head of training and checking--qualifications and experience

131.160   Head of training and checking--responsibilities

131.165   Safety manager--experience

131.170   Safety manager--responsibilities

131.175   Key personnel--additional qualification and experience requirements

Division   131.B.5--Systems

131.180   Safety management system requirements

131.185   Training and checking system

131.190   Fatigue management system

Division   131.B.6--Expositions for balloon transport operators

131.195   Content of exposition

131.200   Compliance with exposition by operator

131.205   Providing personnel with exposition

131.210   Compliance with exposition by personnel

Division   131.B.7--Records and documents

131.215   Personnel training and checking records--making records

131.220   Personnel training and checking records--availability of records

131.225   Copies of balloon flight crew licences and medical certificates

131.230   Retention periods for personnel records

Division   131.B.8--Miscellaneous offences

131.235   Dealings in relation to cancelled, suspended, varied, pending or refused civil aviation authorisations

131.240   Maximum period for use of foreign registered Part   131 aircraft in Australian territory

Subpart   131.C--General

Division   131.C.1--General flight limitations

131.245   Pilots must be authorised

131.250   Simulation of emergency or abnormal situations

Division   131.C.2--Operational documents

131.255   Compliance with flight manual

131.260   Availability of checklists

Division   131.C.3--Flight related documents

131.265   Electronic documents

131.270   Availability of parts of exposition

131.275   Carriage of documents

131.280   Keeping documents with a person on the ground during flight

Division   131.C.4--Reporting and recording information

131.285   Reporting and recording information

Division   131.C.5--Search and rescue services and emergency and survival equipment

131.290   Information about search and rescue services

131.295   Information about emergency and survival equipment

Division   131.C.6--Miscellaneous requirements

131.300   Competence of ground support personnel

131.305   Flights over populous areas, public gatherings and other areas

131.310   Dropping things from aircraft

131.315   Flights at night

131.320   Use of supplemental oxygen equipment etc.

131.325   Specialised balloon operations

131.330   Additional requirements for specialised balloon operations

Subpart   131.D--Operational procedures

Division   131.D.1--Operational control

Division   131.D.2--Flight preparation

131.340   Flight preparation requirements

Division   131.D.3--Flight notifications and pre - flight checks

131.345   Balloon flight notification requirements

131.350   Matters to be checked before take - off

Division   131.D.4--Flight rules

Subdivision   131.D.4.1--General

131.353   Air traffic services--prescribed requirements

131.354   Use of radio--broadcasts and reports

131.355   Additional right of way rules

131.360   Operations at non - controlled aerodromes

131.365   Flights over water

Subdivision   131.D.4.2--Visual flight rules

131.367   VFR flights

Division   131.D.5--Taking off, landing and ground operations

131.370   Procedures for safety during ground operations

131.375   Operation of Part   131 aircraft while tethered

Division   131.D.6--Fuel requirements

131.380   Fuel and ballast procedures

131.385   Fuel and ballast requirements

Division   131.D.7--Safety of persons on aircraft and cargo requirements

131.390   Smoking not permitted during flight or within 15 metres of Part   131 aircraft

131.395   Certain Part   131 aircraft to have signage about smoking

131.400   Carriage of infants

131.405   Carriage of persons requiring assistance

131.410   Passengers--safety briefings and instructions

131.415   Safety briefing in the event of an emergency

131.420   Passengers--compliance with safety directions

131.425   Restraint of cargo

131.430   Procedures relating to carriage of animals

Division   131.D.8--Miscellaneous

131.435   Training flight limitations

131.440   Test flights

Subpart   131.F--Performance

131.445   Loading weights

131.450   Loading procedures

131.455   Carriage of passengers

Subpart   131.K--Equipment

131.460   Requirements relating to equipment

Subpart   131.M--Continuing airworthiness

Subpart   131.N--Flight crew

131.565   Qualifications and training for pilots

Subpart   131.P--Other operational safety - critical personnel

Division   131.P.1--Ground support personnel

131.570   Qualifications and training for ground support personnel

Division   131.P.2--Other operational support personnel

Subpart   131.R--Part   131 recreational activities

131.580   Part   131 recreational activities must be authorised

131.585   Procedures for carrying hang gliders

Subpart   131.S--Balloon flight crew licensing

Subpart   131.Z--Tethered gas balloons

131.685   Approval required to operate

131.690   Compliance with Part   131 Manual of Standards

131.695   Operation under cloud

131.700   Operation at night

131.705   Rapid deflation device required

131.710   What to do if balloon escapes

Part   132--Limited category aircraft

Subpart   132.A--Preliminary

132.005   What Part   132 is about

132.010   Key definitions for Part   132

132.015   Definition of adventure flight for limited category aircraft

132.020   Definition of major for modifications and repairs for limited category aircraft

132.025   Definition of safety - critical aeronautical product for limited category aircraft

132.030   Approval of modifications and repairs for limited category aircraft

132.035   Approvals by CASA or administering authority for Part   132

132.040   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   132

132.045   Relationship of Part   132 to other requirements for operating limited category aircraft

Subpart   132.B--Flying limited category aircraft--general requirements

132.050   General operational requirements

132.055   Authorised operations for limited category aircraft

132.060   Maximum number of persons to be carried

132.065   Passenger briefing for flights other than adventure flights

132.070   Content of safety briefing for flights other than adventure flights

132.075   Flights over populous areas

132.085   Flights in foreign country's airspace

Subpart   132.C--Flying limited category aircraft--adventure flights

Division   132.C.1--Adventure flights--general requirements

132.090   Adventure flight procedures required

132.095   Limited category certificate must include adventure flights as special purpose operation

132.100   When adventure flights prohibited--aircraft airframe life and life - limited safety - critical aeronautical products

132.105   When adventure flights prohibited--major modifications or repairs

132.110   When adventure flights prohibited--certain aircraft that are not ex - armed forces or historic aircraft

132.115   When adventure flights prohibited--aircraft with special flight permit

132.120   Requirements for pilot in command of adventure flights

132.125   Unbroken round trips only

132.130   Sightseeing flights prohibited

132.135   Clothes and equipment supplied by operator

132.140   Passengers who cannot understand safety briefing to be accompanied on adventure flights

Division   132.C.2--Adventure flights--passenger safety briefings

132.145   Requirement for passenger safety briefing when booking

132.150   Content of passenger safety briefing when booking

132.155   Requirement for passenger safety briefing before boarding aircraft

132.160   Acknowledgement by passengers who are at least 18 and who can understand passenger safety briefing

132.165   Acknowledgement for passengers under 18 or who cannot understand passenger safety briefing

132.170   Retention of acknowledgements

Subpart   132.D--Limited category aircraft--certification and airworthiness requirements

Division   132.D.1--Certification and airworthiness--general

132.175   Advice about modifications, repairs, damage, defects and life - limited aeronautical products

132.180   Requirements for giving approvals, certificates and advice--individuals

132.185   Authorisations to give approvals, certificates and advice for limited category aircraft

132.190   Requirements for giving approvals, certificates and advice--limited category organisations

Division   132.D.2--Certification and airworthiness--permit index numbers

132.195   Assignment of permit index numbers--general

132.200   Assignment of new permit index numbers on initiative of administering authority

132.205   Assignment of new permit index numbers at CASA direction

132.210   Assignment of new permit index numbers on application by registered operator

132.215   When assignment of new permit index number takes effect

132.220   Notice to operator if new permit index number assigned

Division   132.D.3--Certification and airworthiness--notice to CASA of certain matters

132.225   Notice to CASA--permit index numbers assigned by limited category organisation for aircraft

132.230   Notice to CASA--certain proposed actions by limited category organisation

132.235   Notice to CASA--safety of aircraft

Subpart   132.M--Limited category aircraft--airworthiness and maintenance

Part   133--Australian air transport operations--rotorcraft

Subpart   133.A--Preliminary

133.005   Application of Part   133

133.010   Definition of suitable forced landing area for rotorcraft flights

133.015   Approvals by CASA for Part   133

133.020   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   133

Subpart   133.C--General

Division   133.C.1--General flight limitations

133.025   Permitted categories of rotorcraft

Division   133.C.2--Operational documents

133.030   Compliance with flight manual

133.035   Operator to have minimum equipment list for certain flights

133.040   Availability of checklists

Division   133.C.3--Flight related documents

133.045   Electronic documents

133.050   Availability of parts of exposition

133.055   Carriage of documents

133.060   Availability or carriage of documents for certain flights

133.065   Carriage of documents--flights that begin or end outside Australian territory

133.070   Keeping and updating documents etc.

133.075   Journey logs

133.080   Passenger lists

133.085   Flight preparation forms for flights that begin or end outside Australian territory

Division   133.C.4--Reporting and recording defects and incidents etc.

133.090   Procedures for reporting and recording defects etc.

133.095   Procedures for reporting and recording incidents

Division   133.C.5--Search and rescue services and emergency and survival equipment

133.100   Information about search and rescue services

133.105   Information about emergency and survival equipment

Division   133.C.6--Miscellaneous requirements

133.110   Crew activities necessary for safe operation

133.115   Competence of ground support personnel

133.120   Crew station authorisation and briefing

Subpart   133.D--Operational procedures

Division   133.D.1--Operational control

133.125   Operational control

Division   133.D.2--Flight preparation

133.130   Flight preparation requirements

Division   133.D.3--Flight planning

133.135   Operational flight plans

133.140   Availability of flight planning information

Division   133.D.4--Flight rules

133.145   Take - off and landing minima

133.150   Flights to or from foreign countries that do not use ICAO procedures

133.155   Authorised instrument approach procedures not in the AIP

133.160   Exposition requirements for low - visibility operations

133.165   IFR flights without destination alternate aerodromes

133.167   Minimum height rules for medical transport operations

Division   133.D.5--Aerodromes

133.170   Procedures to determine information about aerodromes

133.175   Procedures for safety at aerodromes

Division   133.D.6--Fuel requirements

133.180   Fuel procedures

133.185   Oil requirements

133.190   Fuel requirements

133.195   Fuelling safety procedures

Division   133.D.7--Passenger transport and medical transport

133.200   Application of Division   133.D.7

133.205   Simulation of emergency or abnormal situations

133.210   Carriage of restricted persons

133.215   Carry - on baggage

133.220   Obstruction of emergency exits

133.225   Passengers in seats adjacent to emergency exits

133.230   Carriage of passengers with reduced mobility

133.235   Safety briefing cards

133.240   Safety briefings, instructions and demonstrations

133.245   Safety briefing in the event of an emergency

Division   133.D.8--Instruments, indicators, equipment and systems

133.250   Airborne weather radar equipment

133.255   Head - up displays, enhanced vision systems and synthetic vision systems

133.260   Survival equipment procedures

133.265   NVIS flights

133.270   Securing moveable equipment

Division   133.D.9--Miscellaneous

133.275   Procedures relating to ice

133.280   Procedures relating to portable electronic devices

133.285   Procedures relating to carriage of animals

133.290   Polar operations

133.295   External load operations involving winching a person

Subpart   133.F--Performance

133.305   Take - off performance

133.310   Landing performance

133.315   Flight in a performance class

133.320   Rotorcraft permitted to fly in performance class 1 or 2, or performance class 2 with exposure

133.325   Flight in performance class 2 with exposure

133.330   Flight in performance class 1 for certain rotorcraft

133.335   Flight in performance class 1 or 2, or performance class 2 with exposure for certain rotorcraft

133.340   Flight in performance class 3 over populous areas

Subpart   133.J--Weight and balance

133.345   Loading of rotorcraft

133.350   Procedures for loading rotorcraft etc.

133.355   Weight and balance documents

Subpart   133.K--Equipment

133.360   Requirements relating to equipment

Subpart   133.N--Flight crew

Division   133.N.1--General

133.370   Composition, number, qualifications and training

133.375   Competence

133.377   Training and checking to be conducted by certain persons

133.380   Assignment to duty of pilot in command

133.385   Pilot in command

133.390   Co - pilot

133.395   Pilot in command in non - command pilot's seat

133.400   Knowledge of route and aerodromes

Division   133.N.2--Flight crew training--miscellaneous

Division   133.N.3--Operation of rotorcraft of different types

133.410   Application of Division   133.N.3

133.415   Assignment of flight crew to different multi - engine rotorcraft

Division   133.N.4--Recent experience

133.420   Recent experience requirements--90 days before flight

Subpart   133.P--Crew other than flight crew

Division   133.P.1--Cabin crew

133.425   Number, qualifications, experience and training

133.430   Competence

133.435   Minimum age

133.440   English proficiency

133.445   Assignment to duty as senior cabin crew member

133.450   Training and checking requirements for senior cabin crew member

Division   133.P.2--Air crew

133.455   Training and checking

133.460   Competence

133.465   English proficiency

Division   133.P.3--Medical transport specialists

133.470   Training and checking

133.475   Competence

Part   135--Australian air transport operations--smaller aeroplanes

Subpart   135.A--Preliminary

135.005   Application of Part   135

135.010   Compliance with Part   121 provisions

135.015   Definition of suitable forced landing area for aeroplane flights

135.020   Approvals by CASA for Part   135

135.025   Issue of Manual of Standards for Part   135

Subpart   135.C--General

Division   135.C.1--General flight limitations

135.030   Permitted categories of aeroplanes

135.035   Flight distance limitations

Division   135.C.2--Operational documents

135.040   Compliance with flight manual

135.045   Operator to have minimum equipment list for certain flights

135.050   Availability of checklists

Division   135.C.3--Flight related documents

135.055   Electronic documents

135.060   Availability of parts of exposition

135.065   Carriage of documents

135.070   Availability or carriage of documents for certain flights

135.075   Carriage of documents--flights that begin or end outside Australian territory

135.080   Keeping and updating documents etc.

135.085   Journey logs

135.090   Passenger lists

135.095   Flight preparation forms for flights that begin or end outside Australian territory

Division   135.C.4--Reporting and recording defects and incidents etc.

135.100   Procedures for reporting and recording defects etc.

135.105   Procedures for reporting and recording incidents

Division   135.C.5--Search and rescue services and emergency and survival equipment

135.110   Information about search and rescue services

135.115   Information about emergency and survival equipment

Division   135.C.6--Miscellaneous requirements

135.120   Crew activities necessary for safe operation

135.125   Competence of ground support personnel

135.130   Flight crew seat authorisation and briefing

Subpart   135.D--Operational procedures

Division   135.D.1--Operational control

135.135   Operational control

Division   135.D.2--Flight preparation

135.140   Flight preparation requirements

Division   135.D.3--Flight planning

135.145   Operational flight plans

135.150   Availability of flight planning information

Division   135.D.4--Flight rules

135.155   Take - off and landing minima

135.160   IFR flights to or from foreign countries that do not use ICAO procedures

135.165   Authorised instrument approach procedures not in the AIP

135.170   Exposition requirements for low - visibility operations

135.175   Stabilised approach requirements

135.180   Take - off alternate aerodromes

135.185   Alternate aerodrome requirements in certain circumstances

135.190   IFR flights without destination alternate aerodromes

Division   135.D.5--Aerodromes

135.195   Procedures to determine information about aerodromes

135.200   Procedures for safety at aerodromes

Division   135.D.6--Fuel requirements

135.205   Fuel procedures

135.210   Oil requirements

135.215   Fuel requirements

135.220   Fuelling safety procedures

Division   135.D.7--Passenger transport and medical transport

135.225   Application of Division   135.D.7

135.230   IFR flights

135.235   VFR flights at night

135.240   Prescribed single - engine aeroplanes

135.245   Simulation of emergency or abnormal situations

135.250   Carriage of restricted persons

135.255   Carry - on baggage

135.260   Obstruction of emergency exits

135.265   Passengers in seats adjacent to emergency exits

135.270   Carriage of passengers with reduced mobility

135.275   Safety briefing cards

135.280   Safety briefings, instructions and demonstrations

135.285   Safety briefing in the event of an emergency

135.290   Flights over water for single - engine aeroplanes

Division   135.D.8--Instruments, indicators, equipment and systems

135.295   Airborne weather radar equipment

135.300   Head - up displays, enhanced vision systems and synthetic vision systems

135.305   Survival equipment procedures

Division   135.D.9--Miscellaneous

135.310   Procedures relating to ice

135.315   Procedures relating to portable electronic devices

135.320   Procedures relating to carriage of animals

135.325   Polar operations

135.330   Cosmic radiation

135.335   Exceeding cosmic radiation limits

Subpart   135.F--Performance

135.340   Performance data

135.345   Take - off performance

135.350   Landing performance

Subpart   135.J--Weight and balance

135.355   Loading of aeroplane

135.360   Procedures for loading aeroplane etc.

135.365   Weight and balance documents

Subpart   135.K--Equipment

135.370   Requirements relating to equipment

Subpart   135.N--Flight crew

Division   135.N.1--General

135.380   Composition, number, qualifications and training

135.385   Competence

135.387   Training and checking to be conducted by certain persons

135.390   Assignment to duty of pilot in command

135.395   Pilot in command

135.400   Co - pilot

135.405   Pilot in command in non - command pilot's seat

135.410   Knowledge of route and aerodromes

Division   135.N.2--Operation of aeroplanes of different type ratings

135.415   Application of Division   135.N.2

135.420   Assignment of flight crew to aeroplanes of different type ratings

Division   135.N.3--Operation of aeroplanes of different types

135.425   Application of Division   135.N.3

135.430   Assignment as pilot in command on aeroplanes of different types

Division   135.N.4--Recent experience

135.435   Recent experience requirements--90 days before flight

Subpart   135.P--Crew other than flight crew

Division   135.P.1--General

Division   135.P.2--Air crew

135.445   Training and checking

135.450   Competence

135.455   English proficiency

Division   135.P.3--Medical transport specialists

135.460   Training and checking

135.465   Competence


Table of contents

99.005   Purposes of Part

Subpart   99.A--General

99.010   Definitions for Part   99

99.015   SSAAs to which this Part applies

99.020   Substantial compliance with requirements of Part required

Subpart   99.B--Drug and alcohol management plans

Division   99.B.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.025   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.B.2--Persons required to have a DAMP

99.030   Who must develop and maintain a DAMP

99.035   DAMP must be implemented

99.040   DAMP must be made available to SSAA employees

Division   99.B.3--Content and implementation of DAMP

Subdivision   99.B.3.1--Content of DAMP

99.045   Content of DAMP

Subdivision   99.B.3.2--Drug and alcohol testing program

99.050   Requirements for drug and alcohol testing

99.055   Requirements relating to DAMP medical review officer

99.060   Requirements relating to use of testing devices

Subdivision   99.B.3.3--Drug and alcohol response program

99.065   Requirements relating to SSAA employees ceasing SSAAs

99.070   Requirements relating to returning to SSAAs

99.075   Requirements relating to intervention programs

Subdivision   99.B.3.4--Implementing a DAMP

99.080   Implementing a DAMP

Division   99.B.4--Review and audit of DAMP

99.085   Review of DAMP by DAMP organisation

99.090   Audit of DAMP organisation by CASA

99.095   CASA may direct changes to DAMP

Division   99.B.5--Provision of Information

99.100   DAMP organisation or DAMP contractor to provide information

99.105   DAMP record - keeping

Subpart   99.C--Drug and alcohol testing by CASA

Division   99.C.1--Preliminary

99.110   Purposes of Subpart

Subdivision   99.C.1.1--Who may be drug or alcohol tested

99.115   Who may be drug or alcohol tested

99.120   Body samples may only be taken if person consents

Subdivision   99.C.1.2--Powers of approved testers

99.125   Powers of approved testers

Subdivision   99.C.1.3--CASA to approve testing devices

99.130   Approved drug and alcohol testing devices

Division   99.C.2--Drug testing

Subdivision   99.C.2.1--General

99.135   Which body samples may be drug tested

99.140   How samples are taken and tested

99.145   Approved drug testing devices to be used for initial drug tests

99.150   Method for determining sample identifiers

Subdivision   99.C.2.2--Initial drug tests

99.155   Taking samples

99.160   Initial drug test

99.165   If initial drug test result is not positive

99.170   If initial drug test result is positive

99.175   Notices of initial drug test

99.180   Dealing with samples for confirmatory drug test

99.185   Transporting samples

Subdivision   99.C.2.3--Receipt and storage of samples by approved laboratories

99.190   Receipt of samples

99.195   Storage of samples

Subdivision   99.C.2.4--Conduct of drug tests by approved laboratories

99.200   Testing Sample A

99.205   Samples to be tested in accordance with National Association of Testing Authorities' accreditation

99.210   Notices of Sample A results

99.215   Donor may request testing of Sample B

99.220   Approved laboratory to keep Sample B

99.225   Notices of Sample B results

99.230   Test results

Subdivision   99.C.2.5--Record - keeping

99.235   Approved laboratory to keep records

Division   99.C.3--Alcohol testing

99.240   Which body samples may be alcohol tested

99.245   How samples are taken and tested

99.250   Approved breathalysers to be used in alcohol tests

99.255   Alcohol tests

99.260   Test results

99.265   Notice of alcohol test

Subpart   99.D--Evidentiary certificates and prescribed proceedings

Division   99.D.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.275   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.D.2--Evidentiary certificates

99.280   Certificates by approved tester

99.285   Certificates by approved laboratory

99.290   Document taken to be a certificate unless contrary intention established

99.295   Certificate not to be admitted unless copy given

99.300   Person signing the certificate may be called to give evidence

99.305   Rebuttal evidence

99.310   CASA may ask for full certificate

Division   99.D.3--Prescribed proceedings

99.315   Prescribed proceedings

Subpart   99.E--Offences for Subpart   99.C

Division   99.E.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.320   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.E.2--Offences

Subdivision   99.E.2.1--Offences relating to giving a body sample

99.325   Failing to carry identification whilst undertaking applicable SSAA

99.330   Refusing or failing to give a body sample

99.335   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after refusing a drug or alcohol test or failing to give a body sample

99.340   Failing to stop performing an applicable SSAA

99.345   Failing to remain in approved tester's presence

99.350   Person must not interfere with integrity of body sample

Subdivision   99.E.2.2--Offences occurring after positive test result

99.355   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA between having initial drug test and confirmatory drug test

99.360   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after having confirmatory drug test and before result returned

99.365   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA before confirmatory alcohol test result returned

99.370   Performing applicable SSAA showing positive result for testable drug

99.375   Performing applicable SSAA while showing positive result for a confirmatory alcohol test

Subdivision   99.E.2.3--Offences relating to returning to SSAAs after positive test result

99.380   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after having confirmatory drug test

99.385   Continuing to perform applicable SSAA after confirmatory alcohol test

Division   99.E.3--CASA medical review officers

99.390   CASA medical review officers

Subpart   99.F--Provision of information

Division   99.F.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.395   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.F.2--Information

99.400   Drug or alcohol test information given or required by CASA

99.405   Information that must be given to CASA following drug or alcohol test

Subpart   99.G--CASA's powers in relation to civil aviation authorisations

Division   99.G.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.410   Purposes of Subpart

99.415   When CASA may vary, suspend or cancel a civil aviation authorisation

99.420   When variation, suspension or cancellation takes effect

99.425   Notice

99.430   Effect of effluxion of time in relation to the suspension of civil aviation authorisation

99.435   Effect of suspension of civil aviation authorisation

Subpart   99.H--Approved testers and authorisations to conduct drug and alcohol tests

Division   99.H.1--Purposes of Subpart

99.440   Purposes of Subpart

Division   99.H.2--Approvals and authorisations

99.445   CASA may approve persons to take body samples and conduct tests

99.450   Persons authorised to take body samples and conduct tests

Division   99.H.3--Obligations on approved testers and protection from liability

99.455   Obligations on approved testers

99.460   Approved testers not liable in certain cases

Division   99.H.4--Powers of approved testers

99.465   Approved testers' powers to access premises

Division   99.H.5--Identity cards

99.470   Identity cards

99.475   Return of identity card

99.480   Display and production of identity cards

99.485   Suspension or revocation of authorisation

99.490   Notices

Division   99.H.6--Notices to approved testers

99.495   Notice to approved testers

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