In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:
"accepted" , in relation to a proposal to make a restructuring plan, has the meaning given by subregulation 5.3B.25(1).
"admissible debt or claim" , in relation to a company under restructuring or a company's restructuring plan, means a debt or claim that would be admissible to proof against the company under subsection 553(1) of the Act if:
(a) the company were wound up; and
(b) the relevant date were:
(i) if the company is under restructuring--the beginning of the restructuring; and
(ii) if the company has made a restructuring plan--the beginning of the restructuring that ended when the plan was made;
but does not include:
(c) the entitlements of an employee of the company; or
(d) a debt or claim that would be admissible to proof under subsection 553(1A) of the Act.
Note: Employee entitlements are defined in subsections 596AA(2) and (3) of the Act and include superannuation contributions payable by the company.
"affected creditor" means:
(a) in relation to a proposal to vary or terminate a company's restructuring plan--a creditor of the company who is a party (as creditor) to the plan; or
(b) in relation to a proposal by a company to make a restructuring plan--a person who would be a party to the restructuring plan if it were made.
"excluded creditor" , in relation to a company under restructuring, means a creditor of the company who:
(a) is the restructuring practitioner for the company; or
(b) was, at the time the restructuring began, a related creditor of the company; or
(c) was, on becoming an affected creditor, a related entity of the restructuring practitioner.
"make" , in relation to a restructuring plan, has the meaning given by regulation 5.3B.26.
"proposal period" , in relation to a company under restructuring, has the meaning given by regulation 5.3B.17.
"propose" , in relation to a restructuring plan, has the meaning given by regulation 5.3B.14.
"related creditor" of a company means a person who is a related entity, and a creditor, of the company.
"restructuring proposal statement" means a statement made by a company under regulation 5.3B.16.