Victorian Repealed Regulations

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This legislation has been repealed.

Occupational Health and Safety (Certification of Plant Users and Operators) Regulations 1994 - SECT 17

Person in training to be under direct supervision

17. Person in training to be under direct supervision

(1) The employer of a trainee carrying out work referred to in regulation 7(1)
must ensure-

   (a)  that the trainee receives the directions, demonstrations and
        monitoring appropriate to the tasks assigned to the trainee and the
        competence of the trainee so that, as far as practicable, the trainee
        can perform the work in a manner that is safe and without risks to
        health; and

   (b)  that should an emergency involving the trainee arise, action to
        immediately rectify any dangerous situation can be taken; and

   (c)  that the trainee is always under direct supervision unless a lesser
        degree of supervision would not place the trainee or any other person
        at risk and-

   (i)  the circumstances of a particular task make direct supervision
        impracticable or unnecessary; or

   (ii) the level of competence of the trainee is such that direct supervision
        is unnecessary. Penalty: 100 penalty units.

(2) The employer must ensure that the direct supervisor of a trainee is
authorised by the employer to oversight the trainee and is-

   (a)  a person who holds a relevant certificate of competency or a
        certificate referred to in regulation 7(4); or

   (b)  if such a person is not available, a person who has equivalent
        qualifications to enable the person to supervise the trainee.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

(3) If a person who is undertaking a training course or program carries out
work as part of the course or program to which regulation 7(1) applies, the
person or body conducting the course or program must ensure that he, she or it
complies with all obligations placed on an employer by this regulation in
respect of the person undertaking the training.

Penalty: 100 penalty units. _______________

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