Victorian Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.

Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1958 - SECT 60

Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Works etc. vested in Board4

60. Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Works etc. vested in Board4

(1) On the eighteenth day of March One thousand eight hundred and ninety-one-

All lands described or specified in Parts one two three and four of the Third
Schedule to the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1915 and all
lands vested in the Board of Land and Works and comprised in the deeds or
documents of title of which particulars are set forth in Part five of the
Third Schedule to the said Act and the inheritance of all such lands in fee
and all interest rights and benefits and advantages appurtenant to connected
with or relating to all or any of such lands and the reservoirs tramways mains
and other works buildings plant and machinery thereon, and all mains pipes
stand-pipes branches and all other works (other than service pipes laid at the
cost of any owner or occupier of private lands), and all personal property
whatever connected therewith and used or intended to be used for the purposes
of the supply of water to the inhabitants of the metropolis, all of which are
hereinafter referred to as the "water supply works"; and

All sewers and drains situate within the metropolis and vested in the said
Board of Land and Works, and all reservoirs sluices engines and other works
constructed and placed either above or under ground by the said Board of Land
and Works for the purpose of clearing cleansing and emptying such sewers and
drains, all of which are hereinafter referred to as the "sewerage works"; and

All the bed soil and banks of the River Yarra Yarra and of all other public
rivers creeks and watercourses within the metropolis (except so much thereof
as is vested in the Port of Melbourne Authority, the Public Transport
Corporation or the Corporation of the city of Melbourne)-

shall without any conveyance assignment or transfer be deemed to have been and
to have become vested in the Board upon trust for the purposes respectively of
supplying water to the inhabitants of the metropolis of providing for the
sewerage and drainage of the metropolis and the commerce and recreation of the
inhabitants of the metropolis, but subject to the estate and interest of any
person existing therein on the date aforesaid and to the right of Her Majesty
to resume possession at any time without payment of compensation of any land
required for any public purpose with the consent of Parliament or for public
highways: Provided that the Board may, with the approval of the Governor in
Council given on the recommendation of the Minister after consultation with
the Minister administering the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, surrender to
the Crown any land vested as aforesaid in the Board.

(2) This section shall have effect as if the words "Provided that where any
proclaimed street or road is within the boundaries hereinbefore described such
street or road shall be deemed to be excluded therefrom" were omitted from
Part three of the Third Schedule to the
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1915.

* * * * *

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