Victorian Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.


Act No. 6310/1958
Version incorporating amendments as at 25 August 2005


           Section Page
   1.      Short title and commencement
   2.      Repeals and savings
   3.      Definitions
   4.      Withdrawal of certain functions and powers from Board

   PART I-Repealed
   Divisions 1, 1A-Repealed

           5-25A. Repealed

           Division 2-Repealed

           26-31. Repealed
   32.     Power to make by-laws and regulations as to duties etc.
           33, 34. Repealed
           Divisions 3, 4-Repealed
           35-40. Repealed

           Division 5-Repealed

           41, 41A. Repealed
   42.     Gratuities on death from injury or disablement
   42A.    Repealed
   42B.    Water Industry Superannuation Fund
           43-48. Repealed
           Divisions 6, 7-Repealed
           49-59. Repealed

           Division 8-Repealed

   60.     Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Works etc. vested in Board
           61-63. Repealed
   64.     Disputes to be determined by Governor in Council
   65.     Repealed


           Division 1-Introductory

   66.     Definitions
   67.     Application of Part
   68.     Supply of water not compulsory
   68A.    System access

           Division 2-Supply of Water

   69.     Notice to lay service pipes
   70.     Owner or occupier of any tenement may lay service pipes
   71.     Notice to Board of laying of pipes
   72.     Pipes subject to by-laws
   73.     Communication with pipes of Board to be made under superintendence of officer
   74.     Board may lay and keep in repair connexions from mains to services, and may charge owners therefor
   75.     Service pipes may be removed after giving notice
   75A.    Board may construct works to supply water from lands and recover cost from the owner
   76.     Board may supply by measure or in any other manner
   77.     What purposes not domestic
   78.     Board may let meter and other apparatus
   79.     Such meters and apparatus not distrainable
   80.     Meter to be supplied and kept in order by consumer
   81.     Repairs to meter
   82.     Notice of removal of or change in meter
   83.     If meter not kept in order water may be cut off
   84.     Penalty for fixing uncertified meter
   85.     Penalty for removing or altering meter without notice
   86.     Officers of the Board may inspect meters
   87.     Board to affix public fire plugs in mains
   88.     Board to repair fire plugs
   89.     Local council to defray expense of fire plugs
   90.     Supply of water for public purposes
   91.     Fire plugs to be placed near factories at request of owners
   92.     Pipes to be kept charged and water may be taken for extinguishing fire
   93.     Power to break up streets and to open drains
   94.     Notice to be served before breaking up streets or opening drains
   95.     Streets broken up to be reinstated without delay
   96.     Powers of Board in construction of waterworks
   97.     Compensation to be made for damage

           Division 3-Charges and Recovery Thereof

           98-99. Repealed
   100.    Water supply to certain bodies
   100A.   Board may agree to supply water outside metropolis etc.
   100B.   Power to operate certain works outside metropolis
   101.    Arrangement with Commonwealth
           102-105. Repealed
   106.    Charges to be recoverable from occupier or person using water
   106A.   Body corporate primarily liable for water supplied to strata or cluster title subdivision
   107.    Recovery of charges by distress
   108.    Occupier may recover from owner certain payments
   109.    Power to cut off water for non-payment

           Division 4-By-laws

   110.    By-laws in relation to water
   111.    By-laws in relation to charges
   112.    Penalties to be stated in by-laws

           Division 5-Shutting off Water. Waste. Misapplication. Entry and Inspection. Miscellaneous Offences

   113.    Water may be cut off from offending consumer
   114.    Penalty for waste of water
   115.    Penalty for misapplication of water
   116.    No pipe to be fixed to consumer's pipe without permission of Board
   117.    Power of entry and inspection by Board and its officers
   118.    Notification of waters required to be kept free
   119.    Bathing or washing or throwing dirt into waterworks
   120.    Penalty for letting foul water flow thereinto
   121.    Penalty for nuisance in drainage area
   122.    Fouling water or injuring works by substances produced in making gas
   123.    Gasmakers causing water to be fouled
   124.    Expenses of the examination to abide the result
   125.    Penalty for obstructing construction of works
   126.    Penalty for tampering with works
   127.    Penalty for unlawfully taking water
   128.    When water diverted to any land onus of proof of non-complicity lies on owner or occupier of land


           Division 1-Introductory

   129.    Definitions
   130.    Act not to apply to municipal storm-water channels and drains

           Division 2-Powers and Duties of Board

   131.    Board to prepare plans
   132.    Duties and powers of the Board
   133.    Compensation
   134.    Department of Human Services may make recommendations
           as to plans of sewers
   135.    Sewers made by Board to vest in it
   135A.   Declared sewerage works to be vested in the Board
   136.    Board may make bridges arches culverts etc.
   137.    Altering sewers in streets
   138.    Penalty
   139.    Power to stop traffic in streets
   140.    Breaking up streets
   141.    Delay in filling in trenches; or doing work imperfectly
   142.    Alteration of gas-pipes and tramways
   142A.   Board may construct sewer to serve land and recover the cost from the owner

           Division 3-General Provisions

   143.    Buildings not to be erected in over or under sewers
   144.    Penalties on persons placing buildings or encroachments on sewers
   145.    Penalty on persons sweeping dirt into sewers
   146.    No gully or ventilating shaft connected with main sewers to be trapped without consent
   147.    Works upon River Yarra to be approved by a local authority or Victorian Channels Authority
   148.    Repealed
   149.    Provision for interference with railway works
   150.    Pollution of public rivers
   151.    Penalties on persons interfering with sewers

           Division 4-Private Sewers and Drains

   152.    Construction of private sewers and drains
   153.    Seven days' notice to be given before drains can be branched
           into main sewers
   154.    Regulations as to abandonment of alterations etc. designed for sewers previously approved
   155.    In case sewer be not constructed within twelve months fresh consent to be applied for
   156.    Penalty for giving use of drain without permission
   157.    Board may construct so much of private drain as lies under pavement of street
   158.    Board and owners may contract for execution of work by the Board
   159.    Private sewers to be cleansed

           Division 5-Private Premises

   160.    General notice when any streets are sewered
   160A.   Locality where sewers vested in Board to be treated as a sewerage area
   161.    Drainage of a group of houses
   162.    New houses to have drains approved by Board
   163.    Penalty for non-compliance with orders of the Board for drainage for private premises
   164.    Inspection of private premises
   165.    Board to pay costs of reinstating premises if drains found
   166.    Penalty if occupier prevents owner obeying this Act or the
           orders of the Board
   167.    Occupier may do work if owner fails
   168.    Liability of persons jointly liable to do work

           Division 6-Recovery of Charges Costs Expenses and Interest

   169.    Expenses incurred by Board to remain a charge on lands of owner in default
   170.    Board may recover costs of performing works
   171.    Restriction on right of lessee to remove buildings
   172.    Powers of trustees
   173.    Powers of agents
   174.    Powers of councils

           Division 7-Repealed

           175-179. Repealed

           Division 8-Special Provisions Relating to Works and Services for Public Bodies

   180.    Board may supply Crown premises with closets and make charges
   181.    Crown or Public Transport Corporation etc. to pay for sanitary services
   182.    Repealed
   183.    Sanitary service for buildings hereafter erected
   184.    Arrangements with Commonwealth

           Division 9-By-Laws as to Sewerage and Drainage

   184A.   Power to make by-laws as to sewerage and drainage
   184AB.  Discharge of trade waste


   184B.   Definitions
   184C.   Board may enter into an agreement with the owner of land
   184D.   Investigations as to land to be subdivided
   184E.   Board may accept sewage on agreement


   185.    Metropolitan General Fund and application thereof
   186.    Bank account
   186A.   Agreements with respect to collection of fees under tariffs


   187.    Borrowing powers
   188.    Money to be borrowed on debentures
   189.    Provisions relating to debentures
   189A.   Debentures other than debentures with interest coupons
   190.    Power to invest in debentures of Board
   191.    Register of debentures
   192.    Copies to be supplied
   193.    Notice of trust not receivable
   194.    Owners of securities not responsible for application of
   195.    Duplicate debentures
   196.    Regulations relating to debentures and inscribed stock
   196AA.  Dispensing with probate on certain stock transmissions
   196A.   Guarantee of debentures and stock by Government of
   197.    Receiver may be appointed in certain cases
   198.    Receiver an officer of court etc.
   199.    Repealed
   199A.   Board may obtain additional accommodation where approved by the Treasurer
   200.    Power to Treasurer to make advances to the Board
   200A.   Repealed


           Division 1-Introductory

   201.    Metropolitan area

           Divisions 2-3A-Repealed

           202-217B. Repealed

           Division 4-Financial

   218.    Repealed
   219.    Metropolitan Improvement Fund
   220.    Financial accommodation
   221.    Government loans
           222, 223. Repealed

           Division 5-Repealed

           224-226. Repealed


           227, 228. Repealed
   229.    Board to maintain certain roads in shires of Corio and
   230.    Repealed


   231.    Power to Board to purchase or lease lands for purposes of this Act
   231A.   Power of Board to acquire land liable to flooding
   232.    Consent of Governor in Council required before compulsory acquisition
   232A.   Statutory easements
   233.    Power to dispose of purchased lands and property not wanted
   234.    Owners of land may on sale reserve a right of pre-emption
   235.    Board may make leases for twenty-one years
   236.    Board may grant building and improving leases of land
   237.    Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 to apply
   238.    Board may be committee of management


           Division 1-General

   239.    Public lands exempt from rates and charges
           239A-239C. Repealed
   239D.   Fees under tariffs and charges
   239DA.  Transitional provision (1997 Amendments)
   239E.   Remission etc. of payment of fees under a tariff
           239EA-239EB. Repealed
   239F.   Certificate of fees under tariffs
   239G.   Encumbrance statement
   239GA.  Special meter readings
   240.    Lands etc. vested in Board to be free from municipal rates
   240A.   General by-law making powers
   241.    By-laws etc. to be statutory rules
   241A.   Incorporation of documents in certain orders or other instruments
   241B.   Validation of certain orders or other instruments
   242.    Board may enter into agreement with respect to management
           of land
   242A.   Repealed
   242B.   Board may suggest amendment to planning instruments
   242C.   Board may prepare plans
   242D.   Board may undertake investigations
   243.    Justices may act though interested in certain cases
   244.    Amends may be tendered for trespass before action brought
   245.    Authentication of documents
   246.    Service of legal process on the Board
           247, 248. Repealed
   248A.   Prescribed persons to give notice of disposition of land
   248B.   Former owner to remain liable for fees under tariffs etc.
   249.    Members acting bona fide not personally liable
   250.    Expenses and penalties recoverable before the Magistrates'
   251.    Board may appear in court by General Manager etc.
   252.    Bankrupt debtors
   253.    Person violating Act or regulations of Board deemed guilty
           of an offence
   253A.   Offence to obstruct inspectors performing duties under this
   254.    Application of penalties
   255.    Penalties extended to persons causing offences
   256.    In whose name information may be laid
   257.    Officers to be reimbursed expenses
   257A.   Judicial notice of certain matters
   257B.   Proof of certain matters not required
   257C.   Evidence concerning lands and works of Board
   257D.   Evidence of by-laws etc.
   257E.   Evidence of documents issued by Board
   257F.   Prima facie evidence of ownership
   258.    Recovery of penalty does not prejudice right to take other proceedings
   258A.   Sundays and holidays
   258AA.  Settlement of disputes between the Board and public corporations
   258B.   Money may be invested
   258BA.  Easements on plans of subdivision
   258BB.  Transfer of reserved land to Board

           Division 2-Research and Training

   258C.   Board may enter into arrangements etc. with any person etc. engaged in scientific research etc.


   259.    Definitions
   260.    Powers etc. in this Part to be in aid of those other Parts of this Act
   260A.   Repealed
   261.    General powers and duties of the Board
   262.    Surveys and investigations
   263.    Declaration of main drains
   264.    Power to construct etc. main drain outside metropolis in certain cases
   265.    Works to vest in the Board
   266.    Power to enter into agreements with municipal councils as to construction of certain works
   267.    Vesting of main drains in the Board
   268.    Power to the Board to prohibit building within prescribed distance of centre of main drain
   269.    Right of councils etc. to connect drain etc. with main drains
   269A.   Board may enter into agreements with owners of land for the construction of drainage works
   269B.   Investigations as to land intended to be subdivided
   270.    Declaration of watershed areas
   271.    Repealed
   272.    Savings as to bridges etc.
   273.    Powers of the Board as to rivers etc.
   274.    River improvement works on private land
   275.    Certain provisions of Health Act 1958 not to apply to
           rivers etc. under management of Board
   276.    Power of Board to issue permits or licences for pumping etc.
   277.    Board to continue to supply water to certain parks,
           gardens etc.
   278.    Power to make by-laws
   279.    Power to make by-laws for traffic on rivers etc.
   280.    Power to impose fees under a tariff
   280A.   Tariff restricted to rateable properties
   281.    Setting a tariff
   281A.   Valuations
   281B.   Supplementary valuations
   281C.   Application for review
   281D.   Inspection of rate records
   281E.   Recovery of fees under tariffs
   281F.   Savings provision
   282.    General powers of the Board as to works
   283.    Compensation for damage
   284.    Application of other provisions of this Act
   284A.   Application of Water Act 1989 compensation provisions
   285.    By-laws
   286.    Application of by-laws
   287.    Construction of works affecting public corporations
   288.    Repealed
   289.    Certain diversions of water prohibited
   289A.   Power to Board to permit private works for protection of private lands
   289AB.  Repealed
   290.    Saving of rights of Crown
   291.    Power to Crown to resume certain public lands vested in the Board
   292.    Power to declare corporations to be public corporations
   293.    Power to Governor in Council to rectify errors etc.
   293A.   Supreme Court-limitation of jurisdiction
   294.    Validation of certain actions of Board

   PART XI-Repealed

           295-312. Repealed


   313.    Definitions
   314.    Functions of the Board
   315.    Powers of the Board
   316.    By-laws
   317.    Waste Management Fund
   318.    Borrowing powers
   319.    Debentures and inscribed stock
   320.    Notice of trust not receivable
   320A.   Repealed
   321.    Investment powers
   322.    Offences
   323.    Recovery of costs to remedy contravention
   324.    Board may obtain injunction
   325.    Relationship of this Part to remainder of Act
           SCHEDULE 1-Repeals
           SCHEDULE 2-Portion of Metropolis
           SCHEDULE 3-Metropolitan Area
           SCHEDULE 4-Repealed
           SCHEDULE 5-The Agreement
           SCHEDULE 6-Technical Description of Road Coloured Blue
           on Plan
           SCHEDULE 7-Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works
           SCHEDULE 8-Warrant of Seizure and Sale
           SCHEDULE 9-Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works-General Notice
           SCHEDULE 10-Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works-Further General Notice
           11, 11A-Repealed
           SCHEDULE 11B-Easements Set Apart or Appropriated for the use of the Board Pursuant to Section 258BA.
           1. General Information
           2. Table of Amendments
           3. Explanatory Details

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