Victorian Current Acts

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   1.      Purposes  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Definitions  
   3A.     Meaning of terrorism record  
   3B.     Meaning of terrorism risk information  
   6.      Aboriginal agency  
   7.      References to Parts  


   7AA.    Statement of acknowledgement  
   7A.     Statement of Recognition  
   7D.     No effect on entitlement to compensation or creation of entitlement to compensation  


   7E.     Recognition principles  
   7F.     Courts to have regard to and apply recognition principles  
   7G.     Secretary and community service providers to have regard to and give effect to recognition principles  
   7H.     Role of recognition principles  

           Division 1--Decision makers to have regard to principles

   8.      Decision makers to have regard to principles  
   9.      Role of principles  
           Division 2--Best interests principles
   10.     Best interests principles  
           Division 3--Decision-making principles
   11.     Decision-making principles  
           Division 4--Additional decision-making principles for Aboriginal children
   12.     Additional decision-making principles  
   13.     Aboriginal Child Placement Principle  
   14.     Further principles for Aboriginal children  
   15.     Functions and powers of the Secretary  
   16.     Responsibilities of the Secretary  
   16A.    Power of the Secretary to enter into contracts  
   16B.    Powers of the Secretary in relation to land  
   16C.    Committee of management  
   16D.    Record of dealings  
   16E.    Secretary's powers in relation to intellectual property  
   17.     Delegation  
   18.     Secretary may authorise principal officer of Aboriginal agency to act  
   18AAA.  Revocation of authorisation under section 18(1)  
   18AAB.  Principal officer to notify Secretary if principal officer considers authorisation no longer in best interests  
   18A.    Powers and functions of acting principal officer  
   18B.    Delegation by principal officer of Aboriginal agency  
   18C.    Disclosure of information by Secretary to principal officer of Aboriginal agency  
   18D.    Use of information disclosed to Aboriginal agency and principal officer  
   19.     Secretary may authorise person in charge of community service to act  
   19A.    Information use and disclosure for purposes of authorised functions and powers  
   20A.    Disclosure of information for administrative purposes  
   20B.    Report by Secretary  


   21.     Object of Part  
   22.     Purposes of community-based child and family services  
   23.     Power of Secretary to provide funds  
   24.     Family assistance grants  
   25.     Authority to use Crown property  
   26.     Agreements relating to use of Crown property  


   27.     Object of Part  
   28.     Report to Secretary about child  
   29.     Report to Secretary about unborn child  
   30.     Response by Secretary to report  
   31.     Referral to community-based child and family service about child  
   32.     Referral to community-based child and family service about unborn child  
   33.     Response by community-based child and family service to referral  
   34.     Is the report about a child in need of protection?  
   38.     Consultation with Secretary  
   39.     Records of disclosures  
   40.     Reporters and referrers protected  
   41.     Identity of reporter or referrer confidential  
   42.     Review by Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal  


   42A.    Interpretation  
   42B.    Secretaries may disclose information relating to registrable offenders  
   42C.    Chief Commissioner of Police and Secretary may disclose information relating to registrable offenders  
   42D.    Disclosure of certain information relating to registrable offender in certain circumstances  
   42E.    Information obtained in certain circumstances not to be disclosed without authority  

           Division 1--Object of Part

   43.     Object of Part  
           Division 2--Departmental services
   44.     Departmental community services and secure welfare services  
           Division 7--Information privacy and community services
   72.     Community services  
           Division 8--Secure welfare services--security measures
   72A.    Definitions  
   72B.    Search on entering or leaving a secure welfare service  
   72C.    Secretary may order search  
   72D.    Unclothed search of child resident  
   72E.    Manner of conducting frisk search or unclothed search  
   72F.    Manner of conducting any search under this Division  
   72G.    Consequences of refusal to submit to search  
   72H.    Seizure  
   72I.    Seizure register  
   72J.    Certain seized items to be handed to police  
   72K.    Manner of dealing with seized things that may be used in a legal proceeding  
   72L.    Manner of dealing with seized money  
   72M.    Manner of dealing with other seized articles or things  
   72N.    Disposal  
   72O.    Prohibition of use of seclusion as punishment  
   72P.    Seclusion in secure welfare service  

           Division 1--Introduction

   133.    Object  
   134.    Definitions  
           Division 2--Short-term child care agreements
   135.    Short-term child care agreements  
   136.    Return of child to parent who has custody  
   137.    Extension of agreement  
   138.    Maximum period for care under agreement  
   139.    Review of agreement  
   140.    Agreement may be made with minor  
   141.    Termination of agreement  
   142.    Return of child to parent at end of agreement  
   143.    Rates of payment under agreement  
           Division 3--Long-term child care agreements
   144.    Children who may be the subject of a long-term child care agreement  
   145.    Long-term child care agreements  
   146.    When will the Secretary approve an agreement?  
   147.    Who may have the care of the child under an agreement?  
   148.    Who is a suitable person?  
   149.    What must an agreement include?  
   150.    Maximum period of care under agreement  
   151.    Return of child at request of parent with custody  
   152.    Review of agreement  
   153.    Agreement may be with minor  
   154.    Termination of agreement  
   155.    Return of child at end of agreement  
   156.    Rates of payment under agreement  
           Division 4--Review of decision-making and reports
   157.    Review by Secretary  
   158.    Review by Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal  
   159.    Report by service providers  
   160.    Report by Secretary  


   161.    Restrictions on who may provide long-term care of children  


   161A.   Definitions  
   161B.   Prohibited actions  


   162.    When is a child in need of protection?  
   163.    Effect of conduct outside Victoria  


   164.    Responsibilities of Minister  

           Division 1--Case planning

   166.    What is a case plan?  
   167.    Permanency objective  
   168.    Preparation of case plan  
   169.    Review of case plan  
           Division 1A--Therapeutic treatment planning
   169A.   What is a therapeutic treatment plan?  
   169B.   Preparation of therapeutic treatment plan  
   169C.   Review of therapeutic treatment plan  
           Division 2--Responsibilities of Secretary for a child for whom Secretary has parental responsibility
   172.    Powers of Secretary when Secretary has parental responsibility  
   173.    Placement of children  
   174.    Secretary's duties in placing child  
   175.    Support for child moving from secure welfare service  
   175A.   Secretary may specify certain issues  
   175B.   Authorisation of carer to make certain decisions  
   175C.   When Secretary must consult with parent of child  
   176.    Cultural support for Aboriginal child  
   177.    State Guardianship Fund  
           Division 3--Responsibility to provide information
   178.    Responsibility of Secretary to provide information to parents  
   179.    Responsibility of Secretary or out of home care service providers to provide information to carers  
   180.    Confidentiality  

           Division 1--Introduction

   181.    Who is a protective intervener?  
   182.    Who is a mandatory reporter?  
           Division 2--Report to protective intervener
   183.    Report to protective intervener  
   184.    Mandatory reporting  
   185.    Report on child in need of therapeutic treatment  
   186.    Grounds for belief  
   187.    Determination by Secretary about report  
   188.    Record of report  
           Division 3--Protection of reporters
   189.    Reporters protected  
   190.    Evidence and legal proceedings  
   191.    Confidentiality  

           Division 1--Voluntary disclosure of information

   192.    Disclosure and use of information under this Act  
   193.    Disclosure of information in course of consultation by a community-based child and family service provider  
           Division 2--Compulsory disclosure of information
   194.    Who is an authorised officer?  
   195.    Secretary may authorise direction to disclose  
   196.    Authorised officer may require disclosure of information  
   197.    Refusal or failure to comply with requirement  
   198.    Protection against self-incrimination  
   199.    Legal professional privilege and client legal privilege  
   200.    Medical professional privilege does not apply  
   201.    Offence to give false or misleading information  
   202.    Exclusion of evidence of disclosed information  

           Division 1--Investigation of protective intervention report

   204.    Directions for protective interveners  
   205.    Investigation by protective intervener  
   206.    Record of investigation  
   207.    Provision of protection report to police  
   208.    Protection of givers of information  
   209.    Confidentiality  
           Division 2--Investigation of therapeutic treatment report
   210.    Investigation by Secretary  
   211.    Record of investigation  
   212.    Protection of givers of information  
   213.    Confidentiality  

           Division 1--General

   214.    How proceeding in Family Division commenced  
   215.    Conduct of proceedings in Family Division  
   215A.   Standard of proof  
   215B.   Management of child protection proceedings  
   216.    Power of Family Division to make certain orders by consent in absence of parties  
   216A.   Child not required to attend Court in Family Division  
           Division 2--Conciliation conferences
   217.    Referral of application to conciliation conference  
   218.    What is a conciliation conference?  
   220.    Guidelines for conciliation conferences  
   221.    Time and place of conciliation conference  
   222.    Who is to attend a conciliation conference?  
   223.    Report to Court by convenor  
   224.    Court to consider report of convenor  
   225.    Immunity of participants  
   226.    Confidentiality of conciliation conferences  
   227.    Conciliation convenors  

           Division 1--Temporary assessment orders

   228.    Application for temporary assessment order by notice  
   229.    Application for temporary assessment order without notice  
   230.    Matters to be considered by Court  
   231.    Temporary assessment order  
   232.    What may a temporary assessment order provide for?  
   233.    Child not to be medically examined in certain cases  
   234.    Protection of privileges  
   235.    Application for variation or revocation of order made in absence of child  
   236.    Duration of temporary assessment order  
   237.    Secretary may apply for warrant  
   238.    Report to Court by Secretary  
   239.    Appeal against temporary assessment order  
           Division 2--Action by protective intervener
   240.    Action by protective intervener  
   241.    Protective intervener may place child in need of protection in emergency care  
   242.    Actions on placing child in emergency care  
   243.    Making a protection application without placing child in emergency care  
           Division 3--Child in need of therapeutic treatment
   244.    When is a child in need of therapeutic treatment?  
   245.    Referral to Therapeutic Treatment Board for advice  
   246.    Secretary may apply for therapeutic treatment order  
   247.    Issue of search warrant if child does not appear  
   247A.   Actions on placing child in emergency care—therapeutic treatment application  
   248.    When Court may make order under this Division  
   249.    Therapeutic treatment order  
   250.    Duration of order  
   251.    Statements by child not admissible in criminal proceedings  
   252.    When can a therapeutic treatment (placement) order be made?  
   253.    Therapeutic treatment (placement) order  
   254.    Duration of order  
   255.    Application for extension of order  
   256.    Extension of order  
   257.    Variation of order  
   258.    Revocation of order  
           Division 4--Irreconcilable differences
   259.    Application if there is an irreconcilable difference  
   260.    Conciliation counselling  
   261.    Proceeding on application if party does not appear  
           Division 5--Interim accommodation orders
   262.    Interim accommodation order  
   263.    Conditions of interim accommodation order  
   264.    Duration of interim accommodation order  
   265.    Parent entitled to know child's whereabouts  
   266.    Power of Secretary to transfer child  
   267.    Extension of interim accommodation order  
   268.    Application for variation of interim accommodation order  
   269.    Procedure on breach of interim accommodation order  
   270.    Application for new interim accommodation order  
   271.    Appeal against interim accommodation order  
           Division 6--Undertakings
   272.    Order requiring undertaking  
   273.    Variation or revocation of undertaking  

           Division 1--General

   274.    When Court may make order under this Part  
   275.    Types of protection order  
   276.    Restrictions on the making of protection orders  
   276A.   Court to have regard to certain matters  
   277.    Service of applications  
           Division 2--Undertaking
   278.    Undertaking—protection order  
   279.    Variation or revocation of undertaking  
           Division 3--Family preservation order
   280.    Family preservation order  
   281.    Family preservation order may impose conditions  
   282.    Powers of Secretary under family preservation order  
           Division 6--Family reunification order
   287.    Family reunification order  
   287A.   Determining the period of a family reunification order  
   288.    Lapsing of family reunification order  
   288A.   Change to nature of order  
           Division 7--Care by Secretary order
   289.    Care by Secretary order  
   289A.   Change to nature of order  
           Division 8--Long-term care order
   290.    Long-term care order  
           Division 10--Extension of protection orders
   293.    Application for extension of protection order  
   294.    Extension of order  
   294A.   Restrictions on the extension of protection orders  
   296.    Duration of extension  
   298.    Review of extended orders  
           Division 11--Variation of protection orders
   299.    Application of Division  
   300.    Application for variation of order  
   300A.   Secretary may apply for variation of order without notice  
   301.    Decision of Court on application for variation  
   302.    Interim variation of family reunification order  
           Division 12--Revocation of protection orders
   303.    Application of Division  
   304.    Application for revocation of order—general  
   305.    Application for revocation of care by Secretary order  
   306.    Application for revocation of long-term care order  
   307.    Decision of Court on application for revocation  
   308.    Revocation of family reunification order or care by Secretary order  
   309.    Revocation of long-term care order  
   310.    Court may make further orders on revocation  
           Division 13--Breach of protection order
   311.    Application of Division  
   312.    Breach of protection order—notice of application  
   313.    Placing child in emergency care when notice is served  
   314.    Placing child in emergency care without notice  
   315.    Requirements when placing child in emergency care  
   316.    Order to continue  
   318.    Decision of Court  


   319.    When Court may make permanent care order  
   320.    Application for permanent care order  
   321.    Permanent care order  
   322.    Restrictions on the making of permanent care orders  
   323.    Restrictions on the making of permanent care order in respect of an Aboriginal child  
   324.    Lapsing of permanent care order  
   325.    Disputes between persons jointly granted parental responsibility  
   325A.   Change to nature of order  
   326.    Variation or revocation of permanent care order  
   327.    Decision on application for variation or revocation  

           Division 1--Appeals

   329.    Appeal to Supreme Court on a question of law  
   330.    Appeals to be heard in open court  
           Division 2--Reviews
   331.    Internal review  
   332.    Internal review—decision of principal officer of Aboriginal agency  
   333.    Review by Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal  

           Division 1--Interstate movement of children

   334.    Definition  
   335.    Interstate movement of children  
   336.    Financial or other arrangements  
   337.    Transfer agreements  
           Division 2--Transfer of child protection orders and proceedings
   338.    Transfer of child protection orders and proceedings  


   339.    Establishment of Therapeutic Treatment Board  
   340.    Constitution of Board  
   341.    Functions of Board  
   342.    Committees  
   343.    Procedure of the Board  


   344.    Children under 10 years of age  


   344A.   Time limits for filing a charge-sheet  
   344B.   Application for extension of time for commencement of proceeding  
   344C.   Extension of time  
   344D.   Rehearing  

           Division 1--Custody and bail

   345.    Children to be proceeded against by summons  
   346.    Child in custody to be brought before Court or bail justice  
   347.    Child in custody to be placed in remand centre  
   347A.   Child may be temporarily held in police gaol to facilitate transport to and from court and youth justice facilities  
           Division 2--Referral for investigation
   349.    Referral to Secretary  
   350.    Report of investigation  
   351.    Report on outcome of application  
   352.    Court must adjourn in case of therapeutic treatment order  
   352A.   Report to Criminal Division on child's progress under therapeutic treatment order  
   353.    Report to Criminal Division on outcome of therapeutic treatment order  
   354.    Hearing of adjourned case  
   354A.   Powers of Court in criminal proceedings if child accused voluntarily participates in therapeutic treatment program  
   355.    Pre-sentence report to Court  
           Division 3--Procedure for indictable offences that may be heard and determined summarily
   356.    Procedure for indictable offences that may be heard and determined summarily  
   356A.   Exceptional circumstances  
           Division 3A--Diversion
   356B.   Application of Division  
   356C.   Purposes of diversion  
   356D.   Adjournment to undertake diversion program  
   356E.   Acknowledgement of responsibility and consent to diversion by the child  
   356F.   Prosecutorial consent to diversion  
   356G.   Matters to be considered when determining the type of diversion program  
   356H.   Extension of adjournment  
   356I.   Conclusion of the diversion program  
   356J.   Diversion program and community service activities  
   356K.   Natural justice  
           Division 4--Standard of proof
   357.    Proof beyond reasonable doubt  
           Division 5--Reports and other matters to be taken into account in considering sentence
   358.    Court may only consider certain reports and other matters  
   359.    Victim impact statements  
   359A.   Alternative arrangements for reading aloud of victim impact statement  
   359B.   Alternative arrangements for examination  

           Division 1--Sentencing generally

   360.    Sentences  
   361.    Sentencing hierarchy  
   362.    Matters to be taken into account  
   362A.   Sentence discount for guilty plea  
   362B.   Aggregate sentence of detention  
           Division 2--Undertaking
   363.    Non-accountable undertaking  
   364.    Breach of undertaking  
           Division 3--Accountable undertaking
   365.    Accountable undertaking  
   366.    Breach of undertaking  
           Division 4--Good behaviour bond
   367.    Good behaviour bond  
   368.    Dismissal where bond observed  
   369.    Child required to appear  
   370.    Failure to appear  
   371.    Breach of bond  
   372.    Time for application  
           Division 5--Fines
   373.    Fines  
   374.    Financial circumstances of child to be considered  
   375.    Instalment orders  
   376.    Time to pay  
   377.    Application for time to pay, for instalment order or for variation of instalment order  
   378.    Default in payment of fine or instalment  
   379.    Reduction of order by payment of portion of fine  
           Division 6--Probation orders
   380.    Court may order probation  
   381.    Conditions of probation orders  
   382.    Concurrent probation orders  
   383.    Court may require Secretary to report  
   384.    Breach of probation  
   385.    Secretary's report  
   386.    Time for application  
           Division 7--Youth supervision orders
   387.    Court may impose youth supervision order  
   388.    Concurrent youth supervision orders  
   389.    Youth supervision orders  
   390.    Suspension of youth supervision order  
   391.    Court may require Secretary to report  
   392.    Breach of youth supervision order  
   393.    Penalties for breach  
   394.    Matters to be taken into account  
   395.    Time for application  
           Division 8--Youth attendance orders
   396.    Definitions  
   397.    Youth attendance order  
   398.    Restrictions on power to make youth attendance order  
   399.    Sentencing court to impose requirements  
   400.    Concurrent orders  
   401.    Copy of order to be given  
   402.    Reporting  
   403.    Suspension of youth attendance order  
   404.    Court may require Secretary to report  
   405.    Objects of youth attendance order  
   406.    Person subject to control etc. of Secretary etc.  
   407.    Community service  
   408.    Breach of youth attendance order  
   409.    Application for variation or revocation of order  
           Division 8A--Youth control orders
   409A.   Objects of a youth control order  
   409B.   Court may make youth control order  
   409C.   Restrictions on power to make a youth control order  
   409D.   Court order for youth control order planning meeting  
   409E.   Matters to which Court is to have regard in determining whether to make a youth control order  
   409F.   Court to impose certain requirements  
   409G.   Non-accountable parental undertaking  
   409H.   Breach of undertaking  
   409I.   Concurrent orders  
   409J.   Copy of order to be given  
   409K.   Remission of monitoring etc. to the Court  
   409L.   Reporting and monitoring  
   409M.   Suspension of youth control order  
   409N.   Variation of youth control order  
   409O.   Warning of possible variation of a youth control order  
   409P.   Neither consent nor warning required  
   409Q.   Revocation of youth control order  
   409R.   Consequences of revocation of youth control order  
   409S.   Purpose of youth control order planning meeting  
   409T.   Requirements for youth control order planning meetings  
   409U.   Youth control order plan  
   409V.   Requirements for report of meeting  
   409W.   Youth control order planning meeting report to be filed in the Court  
   409X.   Access to youth control order planning meeting report  
   409Y.   Confidentiality of meeting  
   409Z.   Report by appellate court  
   409ZA.  References to the Secretary  
           Division 9--Youth residential centre orders
   410.    Court may make youth residential centre order  
   411.    Youth residential centre orders  
           Division 10--Youth justice centre orders
   412.    Court may make youth justice centre order  
   413.    Youth justice centre orders  
           Division 11--Deferral of sentencing
   414.    Deferral of sentencing  
   415.    Group conference  
   416.    Hearing of adjourned case  
           Division 12--Orders in addition to sentence
   417.    Orders in addition to sentence  
   418.    Enforcement of orders in addition to sentence  
           Division 13--General
   419.    Provisions applicable to warrants  
   420.    Bail  
   421.    Variation or revocation of order  
   422.    Suspension of order  
   423.    Proceedings for breach of sentence  

           Division 1--Appeal by offender to the County Court or Trial Division of the Supreme Court

   424.    Right of appeal  
   425.    How appeal is commenced  
   426.    Determination of appeal  
           Division 7A--of Part 8.2 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 provides for the admission of recorded evidence of complainants in proceedings for certain sexual offences heard summarily by the Children's Court.
           Division 2--Appeal by DPP against sentence
   427.    DPP's right of appeal against sentence  
   428.    How appeal is commenced  
   429.    Determination of DPP appeal  
           Division 7A--of Part 8.2 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 provides for the admission of recorded evidence of complainants in proceedings for certain sexual offences heard summarily by the Children's Court.
           Division 2A--Appeal by DPP--Failure to fulfil undertaking
   429A.   DPP's right of appeal—failure to fulfil undertaking  
   429B.   How appeal is commenced  
   429C.   Determination of DPP's appeal—failure to fulfil undertaking  
           Division 3--Procedure on appeals from Children's Court
   430.    Late notice of appeal deemed to be application for leave to appeal  
   430A.   Stay of order  
   430B.   Bail pending appeal  
   430C.   Abandonment of appeal  
   430D.   Appellant's failure to appear  
   430E.   Respondent's failure to appear on appeal by DPP  
   430F.   One notice of appeal for 2 or more sentences  
   430G.   Appeal to County Court or Supreme Court authorised by other Acts  
           Division 4--Reports
   430H.   Application of Division  
   430I.   Court may order pre-sentence report  
   430J.   Notification of requirement to submit pre‑sentence report  
   430K.   Pre-sentence report to be filed with court  
   430L.   Attendance at appellate court of author of pre‑sentence report  
   430M.   Disputed pre-sentence report  
   430N.   Group conference report  
   430O.   Group conference report to be filed with court  
           Division 5--Appeal to Supreme Court on a question of law
   430P.   Appeal to Supreme Court on a question of law  
   430Q.   Appeal on question of law precludes other appeals  
           Division 6--Appeal to Court of Appeal
   430R.   Right of appeal against sentence of detention imposed on appeal from Children's Court  
   430S.   How appeal is commenced  
   430T.   Determination of appeal  
   430U.   Orders etc. on successful appeal  
   430V.   Powers and procedure  
           Division 7--of Part 6.3 of Chapter 6 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 applies as if a reference to that Part were a reference to this Division.
           Division 6A--Case stated for Court of Appeal
   430VA.  Reservation of question of law  
   430VB.  Adjournment if question of law reserved  
   430VC.  Refusal to reserve question of law  
   430VD.  Case to be stated if question of law reserved  
   430VE.  General powers of Court of Appeal on case stated  
   430VF.  Judgment to be entered on record  
   430W.   DPP may refer point of law to Court of Appeal  
   430WA.  Powers and procedure  
           Division 7--of Part 6.3 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 applies as if a reference to that Part were a reference to this Division.
           Division 7--Status of sentence and orders during appeal period
   430X.   Sentence not stayed during appeal period  
   430Y.   Bail pending appeal  
   430Z.   Stay of certain orders during appeal period  
   430ZA.  Execution of order for forfeiture or destruction of property  
           Division 8--Miscellaneous
   430ZB.  Appeal by child under 15 years  
   430ZC.  Parent may enter into bail  
   430ZD.  Appeals to be heard in open court  
   430ZE.  Legal representation  
   430ZF.  Interpreters  
   430ZG.  Explanation of and reasons for orders  
           Division 9--Costs on appeal
   430ZH.  No costs on appeal or new hearing  

           Division 2--Youth Parole Board

   442.    Establishment of Youth Parole Board  
   443.    Terms and conditions of office  
   444.    Alternate members  
   445.    Meetings of the Youth Parole Board  
   446.    Validity of acts or decisions of the Youth Parole Board  
   447.    Secretary or member may act on behalf of Youth Parole Board  
   448.    Evidentiary provisions  
   449.    Powers etc. of Youth Parole Board  
   450.    Powers to take evidence etc.  
   451.    Saving of members of Youth Parole Board from liability  
   452.    Reports by Youth Parole Board  
           Division 3--Youth parole officers
   453.    Youth parole officers  
           Division 4--Information sharing
   454.    Information sharing by Secretary about incidents  
   455.    Information sharing by Youth Parole Board about release  
           Division 5--Release on parole from youth residential centre or youth justice centre
   457A.   Limitation on Youth Parole Board's consideration of terrorism risk information  
   457B.   Provision of terrorism risk information for purposes of this Division  
   458.    Release on parole from youth residential centre or youth justice centre  
   458A.   Certain conditions to be imposed in relation to certain offences  
   459.    Person still under sentence until end of parole period  
   460.    Cancellation of parole  
   460A.   Requirement to consider cancelling parole of person charged with certain offences in certain circumstances  
   460B.   Requirement to consider cancelling parole of person who gains a terrorism record  
   460C.   Requirement to consider cancelling parole if new terrorism risk information provided  
   461.    Youth Parole Board may release on parole more than once  

           Division 1AA--Use of terrorism risk information

   461A.   Limitation on Youth Parole Board's consideration of terrorism risk information  
           Division 1--Jurisdiction over detainees
   462.    Persons detained in youth residential centre subject to Youth Parole Board  
   463.    Persons detained in youth justice centre subject to Youth Parole Board  
           Division 2--Transfer from youth residential centre to youth justice centre
   464.    Power of Youth Parole Board to transfer person to a youth justice centre  
   465.    Restriction on transfer of under 14 year olds  
   466.    Transfer to youth justice centre  
           Division 3--Transfer from youth justice centre to prison
   467.    Power of Youth Parole Board to transfer person to prison  
   468.    Detainee may request transfer to prison  
   469.    Transfer to prison  
           Division 4--Transfer from youth justice centre to youth residential centre
   470.    Persons in youth justice centre may be transferred to youth residential centre  
           Division 5--Transfers to and from prison
   471.    Persons in prison may be transferred to youth justice centre  
   472.    Person in prison may be transferred to youth residential centre  
   473.    Person transferred from prison to YJC or YRC may be transferred back to prison  
           Division 6--General
   474.    Person in youth residential centre sentenced to detention in youth justice centre or imprisonment  
   475.    Person in youth justice centre sentenced to imprisonment  
   476.    Person in youth justice centre sentenced to detention in youth residential centre  
   477.    Person in prison sentenced to detention in youth justice centre  


   478.    Governor in Council may establish corrective services  
   479.    Approval of service as youth justice unit  
   480.    Approval of service as group conference program  
   480A.   Approval of service as a youth control order planning meeting program  
   481.    Standard of services  
   482.    Form of care, custody or treatment  

           Division 1AA--Preliminary

   482A.   Definitions  
   482B.   Authorisation of an officer in charge  
           Division 1--Legal custody
   483.    Legal custody  
   484.    Removal of person from remand centre etc.  
   485.    Temporary leave from legal custody  
           Division 2--Management of detainees
   487.    Prohibited actions  
   487A.   Exemption from liability  
   488.    Isolation  
   488AA.  Reporting on use of reasonable force and isolation  
           Division 3--Searches of persons entering, leaving or within youth justice facilities and requirements on visitors
   488A.   Search on entering or leaving a youth justice facility  
   488AB.  Officer in charge may order search  
   488AC.  Unclothed search of detainee  
   488AD.  Manner of conducting search  
   488AE.  Consequences of refusal to submit to search  
   488AF.  Officer in charge may order search to be terminated  
   488B.   Visitors required to comply with orders  
   488C.   Visitors to give prescribed information  
   488D.   Officer in charge may refuse or terminate visits for security reasons  
           Division 3AA--Offences relating to operation or possession of remotely piloted aircraft or helicopter
   488DA.  Definitions  
   488DB.  Offences relating to operation or possession of remotely piloted aircraft or helicopter  
   488DC.  Officer in charge may give authorisation  
   488DD.  Search  
   488DE.  Seizure  
           Division 3A--Seizure
   488E.   Seizure  
   488F.   Seizure register  
   488G.   Certain seized items to be handed to police  
   488GA.  Manner of dealing with seized things that may be used in a legal proceeding  
   488GB.  Manner of dealing with seized money  
   488GC.  Manner of dealing with other seized articles or things  
   488GD.  Disposal  
           Division 4--Change of name applications by detainees
   488H.   Application  
   488I.   Definitions  
   488J.   Applications for change of name by or on behalf of a detainee  
   488K.   Approval by Secretary  
   488L.   Approval to be notified in writing  
   488M.   Registration of name change  
   488N.   Registrar may correct Register  
           Division 4A--Approval of making of acknowledgement of sex applications by detainees
   488O.   Offence to make acknowledgement of sex application without approval  
   488P.   Application by detainee or other person for approval of Secretary  
   488Q.   Approval by Secretary of the making of acknowledgement of sex application  
   488R.   Copy of approval or refusal of Secretary  
           Division 5--General
   489.    Detention in default of payment of a fine  
   490.    Bringing of person before court or inquest  
   491.    Power of police to arrest person in youth justice centre  
   492.    Interstate transfer of young offenders  
   492A.   Secrecy of security arrangements at youth justice facilities  


   492B.   Review of Children and Justice Legislation Amendment (Youth Justice Reform) Act 2017  


   492C.   What is the permitted purpose for sharing information under this Part?  
   492D.   Department of Justice and Regulation may disclose terrorism risk information  
   492E.   Youth Parole Board may disclose terrorism risk information  


   493.    Offence to fail to protect child from harm  
   494.    Offence to leave child unattended  
   495.    Offence to harbour or conceal child  
   496.    Offence to counsel or induce child to be absent without lawful authority etc.  
   497.    Offences in relation to community service etc.  


   498.    Offence to escape or attempt to escape etc.  
   499.    Offence to harbour or conceal person  
   500.    Offence to counsel or induce person to escape  
   501.    Offences in relation to persons held in centres  


   502.    Offence to impersonate Secretary as protective intervener  
   503.    Offence to obstruct Secretary or employee  


   504.    The Children's Court  
   505.    Where and when Court to be held  
   505A.   Court may order place of hearing which is not a proper venue  
   506.    President, magistrate or reserve magistrate to be in attendance  
   507.    Assignment of magistrates or reserve magistrates  
   508.    President  
   509.    Acting President  
   509A.   Administrative responsibility of President  
   510.    Assignment of duties  
   511.    Delegation by the President  
   512.    Protection of President  
   513.    Protection of magistrates or reserve magistrates  
   513A.   Constitution of Court if magistrate unable to continue  
   513B.   Appeals from Court constituted by Chief Magistrate who is a dual commission holder  
   514.    Annual report  


   515.    Jurisdiction of Family Division  
   516.    Jurisdiction of Criminal Division  
   516A.   Joint committal proceedings  
   517.    Koori Court (Criminal Division)  
   518.    Jurisdiction of Koori Court (Criminal Division)  
   518A.   Circumstances in which Koori Court (Criminal Division) may deal with breach of a sentence imposed by it or by another Division of the Children's Court  
   519.    Circumstances in which Koori Court (Criminal Division) may deal with certain offences  
   520.    Sentencing procedure in Koori Court (Criminal Division)  
   520A.   Neighbourhood Justice Division  
   520B.   Places where Neighbourhood Justice Division may sit and act  
   520C.   Jurisdiction of Neighbourhood Justice Division  
   520D.   Transfer of proceedings  
   520E.   Sentencing procedure in Neighbourhood Justice Division  
   521.    Application of Act to other Courts  


   522.    Procedural guidelines to be followed by Court  
   522A.   Consistent magistrate to oversee criminal proceedings  
   523.    Proceedings to be heard in open court  
   524.    Legal representation  
   525.    Proceedings in which child is required to be legally represented  
   526.    Interpreter  
   527.    Explanation of and reasons for orders  
   527A.   Judicial resolution conference  
   527B.   Protection of conduct of judicial resolution conference  


   528.    Court to have powers of Magistrates' Court  
   528A.   Enforcement of costs orders made in the Family Division  
   528B.   Issue of warrants in electronic form  
   529.    Recall and cancellation of warrant  
   530.    Power to adjourn proceeding  
   531.    Power to dispense with service  
   532.    Witness summonses  
   533.    Court may reserve question of law for determination by Supreme Court  
   533A.   Court may issue or transmit court documents electronically  
   533B.   Court may receive documents electronically  


   534.    Restriction on publication of proceedings  
   534A.   Certain publications exempted from the restriction on publication of proceedings  
   534B.   Certain publications exempted if publication is in relation to sentencing of an adult  


   535.    Principal registrar, registrars and deputy registrars  
   536.    Appointment of Aboriginal elders or respected persons  
   537.    Court register  
   538.    Process  
   539.    Powers of registrar  
   540.    Fees  
   541.    Extortion by and impersonation of court officials  
   542.    Protection of registrars  


   542A.   Assignment of duties  
   542B.   Guidelines relating to the appointment of judicial registrars  
   542C.   Recommendations for appointment of judicial registrars  
   542D.   Appointment by Governor in Council  
   542E.   Remuneration and terms and conditions of appointment  
   542EA.  Oath or affirmation of office  
   542F.   Resignation from office  
   542J.   Performance of duties by judicial registrar  
   542K.   Appeal from or review of determination of Court constituted by judicial registrar  


   543.    Youth justice officers  
   544.    Duties of youth justice officers  
   545.    Children's Court Liaison Office  
   546.    Children's Court Clinic  

           Division 1--General

   547.    Reports to which Part applies  
   548.    Notification of requirement to submit report  
   549.    Warning to be given to persons being interviewed  
   550.    Attendance at Court of author of report  
   551.    Disputed report  
   552.    Confidentiality of reports  
           Division 2--Protection reports
   553.    Protection reports  
   554.    Secretary to forward report to Court  
   555.    Content of protection report  
   556.    Access to protection report  
           Division 3--Disposition reports and additional reports
   557.    Disposition reports  
   558.    Content of disposition report  
   559.    Access to disposition report  
   560.    Additional report  
   561.    Access to additional report  
   562.    Access to additional reports prepared by Secretary to Department of Justice  
           Division 4--Therapeutic treatment application reports
   563.    Therapeutic treatment application reports  
   564.    Content of therapeutic treatment application report  
   565.    Secretary to forward report to Court  
   566.    Access to therapeutic treatment application report  
           Division 5--Therapeutic treatment (placement) reports
   567.    Therapeutic treatment (placement) reports  
   568.    Content of therapeutic treatment (placement) report  
   569.    Secretary to forward report to Court  
   570.    Access to therapeutic treatment (placement) report  
           Division 6--Pre-sentence reports
   571.    Court may order pre-sentence report  
   572.    Who prepares pre-sentence reports?  
   573.    Contents of pre-sentence report  
   574.    Pre-sentence report to be filed in the Court  
   575.    Access to pre-sentence reports  
           Division 7--Group conference reports
   576.    Group conference report  
   577.    Who prepares group conference reports?  
   578.    Content of group conference report  
   579.    Group conference report to be filed in the Court  
   580.    Access to group conference report  


   581.    CAYPINS procedure  
   582.    Certain agencies may give information for enforcement purposes  


   583.    Witness who has previously appeared in Children's Court  
   584.    Accused or other person who has previously appeared in Children's Court  
   585.    Transfer of proceedings from Magistrates' Court to Children's Court  
   586.    Supreme Court or County Court may exercise sentencing powers of Children's Court  
   587.    Notice to be filed if child is placed in emergency care or apprehended without warrant  

   PART 7.11--RULES

   588.    Rules  
   589.     Rules of court  
   590.    Rules of court—Koori Court (Criminal Division)  
   590A.   Rules of court—Neighbourhood Justice Division  
   591.    Disallowance  
   592.    Practice notes  
   592A.   Statement of recognition  
   592B.   Definitions  
   592C.   Meaning of relevant historical care and protection order  
   592D.   Application of this Part  
   592E.   Effect of relevant historical care and protection order in relation to matters concerning convictions, findings of guilt or criminal history  
   592F.   Effect of relevant historical care and protection order in relation to an appointment, post, status or privilege  
   592G.   Obligations of responsible agencies, other than Victoria Police, in relation to the release of official records and secondary records  
   592H.   Obligations of Victoria Police in relation to the release of official records and secondary records  
   592I.   Destruction of official records and secondary records  
   592J.   No effect on entitlement to compensation or creation of entitlement to compensation  


   593.    Service of documents  
   594.    Service on parent or child or other person  
   595.    Proof of service  
   596.    Person may cause document to be served  


   597.    Powers of Secretary in relation to medical services and operations  


   598.    Circumstances in which child may be placed in emergency care  


   598A.   Circumstances in which a protective services officer may apprehend a child under a search warrant  


   599.    Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction  


   600.    Regulations  


   606.    Transitional and saving provisions  
   607.    Transitional provision—Criminal Procedure Legislation Amendment Act 2008  
   607A.   Transitional provisions—Statute Law Amendment (Evidence Consequential Provisions) Act 2009  
   608.    Transitional provision—Crimes Amendment (Identity Crime) Act 2009  
   609.    Transitional provision—Criminal Procedure Act 2009  
   610.    Transitional provision—Criminal Procedure Amendment (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2009  
   611.    Order specifying land, leases, licences and interests in land to be transferred to Secretary  
   612.    Vesting of property in Secretary  
   613.    Action by Registrar of Titles  
   614.    Taxes  
   615.    Land etc. vests subject to encumbrances  
   616.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Matters) Act 2010  
   617.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2010  
   618.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Further Amendment Act 2010 (CAYPINS)  
   619.    Transitional provision—Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Security of Youth Justice Facilities) Act 2011  
   620.    Transitional provision—Courts and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Act 2012  
   621.    Transitional provision—Courts and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Act 2012  
   622.    Transitional provision—Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2012  
           Division 6A--of Part 5.4 applies to a question of law that arises in a proceeding on or after the commencement of section 35 of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2012, irrespective of when the proceeding commenced.
   623.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Cancellation of Parole and Other Matters) Act 2013  
   624.    Transitional provision—Children, Youth and Families Amendment Act 2013  
   625.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Further Amendment Act 2016  
   627.    Transitional provisions—Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Permanent Care and Other Matters) Act 2014  
   628.    Transitional provisions—Children and Justice Legislation Amendment (Youth Justice Reform) Act 2017  
   629.    Transitional provision—Bail Amendment (Stage Two) Act 2018  
   630.    Transitional and savings provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment (Family Violence Protection and Other Matters) Act 2018  
   630A.   Transitional provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2018  
   631.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2018  
   632.    Transitional provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment (Drug Court and Other Matters) Act 2020  
   632A.   Transitional—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022—proceedings  
   632B.   Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022—power to make orders to resolve difficulty  
   633.    Transitional provision—Children and Health Legislation Amendment (Statement of Recognition, Aboriginal Self-determination and Other Matters) Act 2023—saving of authorisations of principal officers  
   634.    Transitional regulations—Children and Health Legislation Amendment (Statement of Recognition, Aboriginal Self-determination and Other Matters) Act 2023  
   635.    Transitional provision—Regulatory Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2024  
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