Queensland Consolidated Acts

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- As at 1 July 2024 
- Act 32 of 2011 


           Long Title


           Division 1 - Introduction

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Act binds all persons
   4.      Principles and objectives of national health system

           Division 2 - Object of Act

   5.      Object

           Division 3 - Overview of Act

   6.      Purpose of div 3
   7.      Role of Hospital and Health Services
   8.      Management of the public sector health system
   8A.     Funding of public sector health system
   9.      Management of health system performance
   10.     Statewide employment and industrial relations arrangements
   11.     Protections for safety and quality
   12.     Confidentiality safeguards

           Division 4 - Guiding principles of Act

   13.     Guiding principles

           Division 5 - Interpretation

   14.     Definitions
   15.     Meaning of health service
   16.     Meaning of service agreement


           Division 1 - Establishment, functions and powers of Services

   17.     Establishment of Services
   18.     Legal status
   19.     Functions of Services
   20.     Powers of Services
   20A.    Limitation on Service’s dealing with land or buildings
   21.     Application of other Acts

           Division 2 - Hospital and Health Boards for Services

              Subdivision 1 - Role of Hospital and Health Boards

   22.     Role of exercising control over Service

              Subdivision 2 - Membership

   23.     Membership of boards
   24.     Minister to advertise for members of boards
   24A.    Temporary members of board
   25.     Chair and deputy chair
   26.     Conditions of appointment
   27.     Vacation of office of board member
   27A.    Suspension from office of Hospital and Health Board members
   28.     Removal from office of board members
   29.     Defects in appointment of members

              Subdivision 3 - Delegation by Hospital and Health Boards

   30.     Delegation by boards

              Subdivision 4 - Conduct of business

   31.     Members to act in public interest
   32.     Conduct of business by boards

           Division 2A - Executive committees

   32A.    Hospital and Health Board must establish executive committee for Hospital and Health Service
   32B.    Function of executive committee
   32C.    Membership of executive committee
   32D.    Conduct of business by executive committee

           Division 3 - Health service chief executives

   33.     Appointment of health service chief executives
   34.     Delegation by health service chief executive

           Division 4 - Service agreements, engagement strategies and protocols

   35.     Chief executive and Service must enter into service agreements
   36.     Term of service agreement
   37.     Negotiations for service agreement
   38.     Minister may decide on terms of service agreement
   39.     Procedure to amend service agreement
   39A.    Chief executive to make service agreements available
   40.     Engagement strategies
   41.     Review of strategies
   42.     Protocol with primary healthcare organisations
   43.     Review of protocol

           Division 4A - Hospital and Health Ancillary Boards

   43A.    Minister may establish ancillary board

           Division 5 - Directions to Hospital and Health Services and appointment of advisers to Hospital and Health Boards

   44.     Minister may give directions to Service
   44A.    Minister may appoint advisers to boards
   44B.    Matters to which Minister may have regard in deciding whether to appoint adviser
   44C.    Functions of advisers
   44D.    Adviser not a member of board but has duty of disclosure
   44E.    Obligations of board in relation to adviser


           Division 1 - Chief executive

   44F.    Chief executive subject to direction of the Minister
   45.     Functions of chief executive
   46.     Delegation by chief executive

           Division 2 - Chief executive may issue health service directives

   47.     Health service directives
   48.     Consultation on health service directives
   49.     Publication of health service directives
   50.     Health service directives binding
   51.     Review of health service directives

           Division 2A - Chief executive may issue health employment directives

   51A.    Health employment directives
   51AA.   Consultation on health employment directives
   51B.    Relationship with legislation
   51C.    Relationship between health employment directives and other instruments
   51D.    Publication of health employment directives
   51E.    Health employment directives binding
   51F.    Review of health employment directives

           Division 3 - Chief health officer and deputy chief health officers

   52.     Chief health officer
   53.     Functions of chief health officer
   53AA.   Deputy chief health officers
   53AB.   Functions of deputy chief health officers
   53AC.   Delegation by chief health officer


           Division 1 - Purpose of part

   53A.    Purpose

           Division 2 - State pool account

   53B.    Establishment of State pool account
   53C.    Payment into State pool account
   53D.    Payments from State pool account
   53E.    Payment from State pool account if no administrator or administrator not available to make the payment

           Division 3 - State managed fund

   53F.    Establishment of State managed fund
   53G.    Payment into State managed fund
   53H.    Payments from State managed fund

           Division 4 - Provisions applying to administrator for all States, Territories and the Commonwealth

              Subdivision 1 - Preliminary

   53I.    Definitions for div 4

              Subdivision 2 - Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool

   53J.    The office of administrator
   53K.    Appointment of administrator
   53L.    Suspension of administrator
   53M.    Removal or resignation of administrator
   53N.    Acting administrator
   53O.    Provision of staff and facilities for administrator
   53P.    Functions of administrator

              Subdivision 3 - Financial management and reporting

   53Q.    Financial management obligations of administrator
   53R.    Monthly reports by administrator
   53S.    Annual report by administrator
   53T.    Administrator to prepare financial statements for State pool accounts
   53U.    Audit of financial statements
   53V.    Performance audits
   53W.    States to provide administrator with information about State managed funds
   53X.    Provision of information generally

              Subdivision 4 - Miscellaneous

   53Y.    Application of Acts to administrator
   53Z.    Application of Commonwealth Acts
   53ZA.   Extra territorial operation of Act
   53ZB.   Transitional and validation provisions


           Division 1 - Performance reporting

   54.     Chief executive may provide data to Commonwealth

           Division 2 - Health service audits

   55.     Function of health service auditors
   56.     Appointment of health service auditors
   57.     Appointment conditions and limit on powers
   58.     When office ends
   59.     Resignation
   60.     Powers of health service auditors
   61.     Giving health service auditor false or misleading information
   62.     Obstructing health service auditor
   63.     Duty of confidentiality of health service auditors
   64.     Reports by health service auditors
   65.     Chief executive may request report from health service chief executive


           Division 1 - General

   66.     Conditions of employment
   67.     Appointment of health service employees
   68.     Contracted health service employees other than health executives or senior health service employees
   69.     Health service employees not public service employees
   69A.    Modification of Industrial Relations Act 2016 for health service employees
   69B.    (Repealed)

           Division 2 - Health executive service and senior health service employees

              Subdivision 1 - Health executive service

   70.     Health executive service continued
   71.     Purpose of health executive service
   72.     Principles of health executive service employment
   73.     Composition of health executive service
   74.     Basis of employment for health executives

              Subdivision 2 - Senior health service employees

   74A.    Meaning of senior health service employee
   74B.    Basis of employment for senior health service employees

              Subdivision 3 - Excluded matters

   75.     Exclusion of certain matters from review under other Acts
   76.     (Repealed)

           Division 3 - Other provisions relating to health service employees

   77.     Redeployment or secondment to lower classification level
   78.     Transfer of health service employees
   79.     Entitlement on ending of particular employment contracts

           Division 4 - Matters relating to employment of health service employees by Services

   80.     Departmental health service employees to be employed by Services
   80AA.   (Repealed)
   80A.    Appointment to perform functions or do other things not affected by becoming employees of prescribed Service
   80B.    Matters and proceedings not affected by persons becoming employees of prescribed Service
   80C.    Matters and proceedings not affected by persons becoming senior health service employees in Service
   80D.    Division does not limit making of particular regulations


           Division 1 - Quality assurance committees

   81.     Purpose of division
   82.     Establishment of quality assurance committees
   83.     Restrictions on committees
   84.     Disclosure of information
   85.     Giving of reports and documents to patient safety entity
   85A.    Disclosure to prevent serious risk of harm
   86.     Information about excluded notifiable conduct
   87.     Protection for documents and information
   88.     Protection from liability
   89.     Giving of information protected
   90.     Information provider can not be compelled to give particular information in evidence
   91.     Further responsibilities of committees
   92.     Effect of provisions of division

           Division 2 - Root cause analysis

              Subdivision 1 - Preliminary

   93.     Purpose of div 2
   94.     Definitions for div 2
   95.     Meaning of root cause analysis
   96.     When is a health service provided
   97.     Guiding principles for conduct of RCA of reportable event

              Subdivision 2 - RCA teams

   98.     Appointment of RCA team
   99.     Requirements for appointment

              Subdivision 3 - Reporting

   100.    RCA team’s report
   101.    Reporting to commissioning authority

              Subdivision 4 - Stopping conduct of RCA of reportable event

   102.    Stopping conduct of RCA of reportable event—RCA team
   103.    Stopping conduct of RCA of reportable event—commissioning authority

              Subdivision 5 - Disclosure or release of information

   104.    Definition for sdiv 5
   105.    Disclosure of information—RCA team member or relevant person
   106.    Disclosure of information—commissioning authority or relevant person
   107.    Information about excluded notifiable conduct
   108.    Release of information to health ombudsman
   109.    Release of information to chief health officer
   110.    Release of information by chief health officer to health ombudsman
   111.    Release of information to chief psychiatrist
   112.    Giving of copy of RCA report—patient safety entity
   113.    Giving of copy of RCA report etc.—investigation under the Coroners Act 2003
   114.    Giving of information to Minister or chief executive
   115.    Giving of copy of, or information contained in, RCA report—person who has sufficient personal or professional interest

              Subdivision 6 - Protections

   116.    Protection from liability
   117.    Giving of information protected
   118.    Information provider can not be compelled to give particular information in evidence
   119.    Protection for documents and information
   120.    Reprisal and grounds for reprisals
   121.    Offence for taking reprisal
   122.    Damages entitlement for reprisal

              Subdivision 7 - Miscellaneous

   123.    Application of provisions of this division

           Division 3 - Clinical reviews

   124.    Functions of clinical reviewers
   125.    Appointment of clinical reviewers
   126.    Appointment conditions and limit on powers
   127.    When office ends
   128.    Resignation
   129.    Powers of clinical reviewers
   130.    Giving clinical reviewer false or misleading information
   131.    Obstructing clinical reviewer
   132.    Duty of confidentiality of clinical reviewers
   133.    Disclosure to person under Coroners Act 2003
   134.    Stopping clinical review
   135.    Reports by clinical reviewers other than to provide advice to investigator
   136.    Reports by clinical reviewers to provide advice to investigator
   137.    Chief executive may request report from health service chief executive
   138.    Protection for reports

           Division 4 - Minimum nurse-to-patient ratios, midwife-to-patient ratios and workload standards

   138A.   Definitions for division
   138B.   Prescription of minimum nurse-to-patient and midwife-to-patient ratios
   138C.   Temporary exemptions
   138D.   Matters for Minister to consider
   138E.   Standards about nursing and midwifery workload management
   138F.   Publication of information about nursing and midwifery workload management

           Division 5 - State aged care facilities

   138G.   Definitions for division
   138H.   Prescription of minimum nurse and registered nurse percentages
   138I.   Prescription of minimum average daily resident care hours
   138J.   Temporary exemptions
   138K.   Matters for Minister to consider
   138L.   Standards about State aged care facility workload management
   138M.   Publication of information about State aged care facility workload management


           Division 1 - Interpretation and application

   139.    Definitions for pt 7
   139A.   Meaning of designated person
   140.    Meaning of parent
   141.    Part does not apply to Act officials

           Division 2 - Confidentiality

              Subdivision 1 - Prohibited disclosure of confidential information

   142.    Confidential information must not be disclosed by designated persons
   142A.   Confidential information must not be disclosed by prescribed health professionals

              Subdivision 2 - Permitted disclosure of confidential information

   143.    Disclosure required or permitted by law
   144.    Disclosure with consent
   145.    Disclosure of confidential information for care or treatment of person
   146.    Disclosure to person who has sufficient interest in health and welfare of person
   147.    Disclosure to lessen or prevent serious risk to life, health or safety
   148.    Disclosure for the protection, safety or wellbeing of a child
   149.    Disclosure for funding arrangements and public health monitoring
   150.    Disclosure for purposes relating to health services
   150A.   Disclosure for purposes related to approved research
   151.    Disclosure to Commonwealth, another State or Commonwealth or State entity
   152.    Disclosure to or by inspector
   153.    Disclosure to Act officials
   154.    Disclosure to or by relevant chief executive
   155.    Disclosure to health practitioner registration board
   156.    Disclosure to health ombudsman
   157.    Disclosure to person performing functions under Coroners Act 2003
   157A.   Disclosure to inspector of detention services
   157B.   Disclosure to person performing functions under Mental Health Act 2016
   158.    Disclosure to lawyers
   159.    Disclosure to Australian Red Cross Society
   160.    Disclosure of confidential information in the public interest
   160A.   Disclosure for purpose of Health Transparency Act 2019
   161.    Necessary or incidental disclosure

           Division 3 - Access by external service provider to information system

   161A.   Chief executive may authorise access to information system
   161B.   External service provider may access confidential information under authorisation

           Division 4 - Access by prescribed health professional to prescribed information system

   161C.   Prescribed health professional may access prescribed information system and particular information


           Division 1 - Interpretation

   162.    Definitions for pt 8

           Division 2 - Authorised persons and security officers

   163.    Appointment of authorised persons
   164.    Appointment of security officers
   165.    Person may be appointed as authorised person and security officer
   166.    Appointment conditions and limit on powers
   167.    When office ends
   168.    Resignation
   169.    Identity cards
   170.    Production or display of identity card
   171.    Return of identity card

           Division 3 - Traffic control

   172.    Health services land for which authorised person may exercise powers
   173.    Health services land for which health service chief executives may exercise powers
   174.    Authorised persons to control traffic on health services land
   175.    Regulatory notice
   176.    Notices that contravention of regulatory notice an offence
   177.    Removal and detention of illegally parked or abandoned vehicles
   178.    Disposal of unclaimed vehicles
   179.    Application of proceeds of sale

           Division 4 - Conduct on health services land

   180.    Health services land for which authorised person or security officer may exercise powers
   181.    Health services land for which health service chief executives may exercise powers
   182.    Conduct causing a public nuisance
   183.    Power to deal with persons causing a public nuisance
   184.    (Repealed)

           Division 5 - Requirements to give name and address and other matters

   185.    Power to require name and address
   186.    Offence to contravene personal details requirement
   187.    Obstructing an authorised person or security officer
   188.    Impersonating authorised person or security officer


   189.    Functions of health service investigators
   190.    Appointment of health service investigators
   191.    Appointment conditions and limit on powers
   192.    When office ends
   193.    Resignation
   194.    Powers of health service investigators
   195.    Giving health service investigator false or misleading information
   196.    Obstructing investigator
   197.    Duty of confidentiality of health service investigators
   198.    Disclosure to person under Coroners Act 2003
   199.    Reports by health service investigators
   200.    Chief executive may request report from health service chief executives


           Division 1 - Interpretation

   201.    Definitions for pt 10

           Division 2 - General provisions about inspectors

              Subdivision 1 - Functions and appointment

   202.    Functions of inspectors
   203.    Appointment and qualifications
   204.    Appointment conditions and limit on powers
   205.    When office ends
   206.    Resignation

              Subdivision 2 - Identity cards

   207.    Issue of identity card
   208.    Production or display of identity card
   209.    Return of identity card

              Subdivision 3 - Miscellaneous provisions

   210.    References to exercise of powers
   211.    Reference to document includes reference to reproductions from electronic document

           Division 3 - Entry of places by inspectors

              Subdivision 1 - Power to enter

   212.    General power to enter places

              Subdivision 2 - Entry by consent

   213.    Application of sdiv 2
   214.    Incidental entry to ask for access
   215.    Matters inspector must tell occupier
   216.    Consent acknowledgement

              Subdivision 3 - Entry under warrant

   217.    Application for warrant
   218.    Issue of warrant
   219.    Electronic application
   220.    Additional procedure if electronic application
   221.    Defect in relation to a warrant
   222.    Entry procedure

           Division 4 - General powers of inspectors after entering places

   223.    Application of div 4
   224.    General powers
   225.    Power to require reasonable help
   226.    Offence to contravene help requirement

           Division 5 - Seizure and forfeiture

              Subdivision 1 - Power to seize

   227.    Seizing evidence at a place that may be entered without consent or warrant
   228.    Seizing evidence at a place that may be entered only with consent or warrant
   229.    Seizure of property subject to security

              Subdivision 2 - Powers to support seizure

   230.    Requirement of person in control of thing to be seized
   231.    Offence to contravene seizure requirement
   232.    Power to secure seized thing
   233.    Offence to contravene other seizure requirement
   234.    Offence to interfere

              Subdivision 3 - Safeguards for seized things

   235.    Receipt and information notice for seized thing
   236.    Access to seized thing
   237.    Return of seized thing

              Subdivision 4 - Forfeiture

   238.    Forfeiture by chief executive decision
   239.    Information notice about forfeiture decision
   240.    Forfeiture on conviction
   241.    Procedure and powers for making forfeiture order

              Subdivision 5 - Dealing with property forfeited or transferred to State

   242.    When thing becomes property of the State
   243.    How property may be dealt with

           Division 6 - Disposal orders

   244.    Disposal order

           Division 7 - Other information-obtaining powers

   245.    Power to require name and address
   246.    Offence to contravene personal details requirement
   247.    Power to require information
   248.    Offence to contravene information requirement

           Division 8 - Miscellaneous provisions relating to inspectors

              Subdivision 1 - Damage

   249.    Duty to avoid inconvenience and minimise damage
   250.    Notice of damage

              Subdivision 2 - Compensation

   251.    Compensation

              Subdivision 3 - Other offences relating to inspectors

   252.    Giving inspector false or misleading information
   253.    Obstructing inspector
   254.    Impersonating inspector

           Division 9 - Reviews and appeals

   255.    Right of appeal
   256.    Appeal process starts with internal review
   257.    How to apply for review
   258.    Stay of operation of decision
   259.    Review decision
   260.    Who may appeal
   261.    Procedure for an appeal to the court
   262.    Stay of operation of review decision
   263.    Powers of court on appeal
   264.    Effect of decision of court on appeal


           Division 1 - Application

   265.    Application of pt 11

           Division 2 - Evidentiary aids

   266.    Appointments and authority
   267.    Signatures
   268.    Evidentiary provisions

           Division 3 - Offence proceedings

   269.    Summary offences
   270.    Limitation on time for starting proceedings for summary offence
   271.    Proceedings for indictable offences
   272.    Limitation on who may summarily hear indictable offence
   273.    Allegations of false or misleading information or document


           Division 1 - Transfer notices

   273A.   Transfer notice
   273B.   Registering authority to note transfer or other dealing
   273C.   Decisions not reviewable
   273D.   Effect on legal relationships
   273E.   Things done under transfer notice

           Division 2 - General provisions

   274.    Disclosure of personal information of health service employees and health professionals
   275.    Governor in Council may dismiss members of board
   276.    Governor in Council may appoint administrator for Service
   277.    Term and role of administrator
   278.    Ministerial advisory committees
   279.    Delegation by Minister
   280.    Protecting officials
   281.    Approval of forms
   282.    Regulation-making power


           Division 1 - Repeal

   283.    Repeal of Health Services Act 1991

           Division 2 - Savings and transitionals for Act No. 32 of 2011

   284.    Definitions for div 2
   285.    Existing health service employees
   286.    Existing health executives employed in health service districts
   287.    Chief health officer
   288.    Continued appointment of inspectors
   289.    Continued appointment of authorised persons
   290.    Continued appointment of security officers
   291.    Continued appointment of auditors
   292.    Continued appointment of investigators
   293.    Continuation of RCA teams
   294.    Continuation of quality assurance committees
   295.    Continuation of Ministerial advisory committees
   296.    Health service audits
   297.    Health service investigations
   298.    Regulatory notices and information notices
   299.    Authorisations and considerations by chief executive
   300.    Applications under Information Privacy Act 2009, s 43, 44 or 94
   301.    Applications under Information Privacy Act 2009, s 99
   302.    Persons affected by reviewable decision under the Information Privacy Act 2009
   303.    Applications under Right to Information Act 2009, s 24 or 80
   304.    Applications under Right to Information Act 2009, s 85
   305.    Persons affected by reviewable decision under the Right to Information Act 2009
   306.    Assistance must be provided
   307.    Transfer notice
   308.    Decisions not reviewable
   309.    Severability
   310.    Registering authority to note transfer or other dealing
   311.    Effect on legal relationships
   312.    Things done under transfer notice
   313.    Requirement for Service to develop engagement strategies
   314.    Requirement for Service to develop protocol
   315.    Advertising for members of boards before commencement
   316.    Reporting obligations for prescribed public hospitals to continue
   317.    When chief executive may decide service agreement
   318.    (Repealed)
   319.    (Expired)

           Division 3 - Savings and transitionals for the Health and Hospitals Network and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012

   319A.   Definitions for div 3
   319B.   Governing councils continue in existence as Hospital and Health Boards
   319C.   Networks continue in existence as Hospital and Health Services
   319D.   (Expired)

           Division 4 - Transitional provisions for the Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013

   320.    Senior health service employees
   321.    (Expired)

           Division 5 - Transitional provision for Health and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014

   322.    Transitional provision for chain of event documents

           Division 6 - Transitional provisions for Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2015

   323.    Definitions for div 6
   324.    Pre-modernisation industrial instruments
   325.    Making of order by commission to apply pre-modernisation health instruments to senior medical officers
   326.    Effect of pre-modernisation instrument order
   327.    Making of new certified agreement or determination
   328.    Application of amended s 75

           Division 7 - Transitional provision for Health Legislation Amendment Act 2020

   329.    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander board membership

           Division 8 - Transitional provisions for Health and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024

   330.    Clinical reviews started before commencement
   331.    Health service investigations started before commencement
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2

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