Tasmanian Consolidated Acts

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- Act 116 of 1995 
- Royal Assent 8 December 1995 


           Long Title

   PART 1 - Preliminary

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Interpretation
   3A.     Meaning of obtaining minerals, and produced, in relation to geothermal energy
   3B.     Meaning of production and of production activities
   4.      Act binds Crown
   5.      Application of Act
   6.      Ownership of minerals and substances
   7.      Non-application of Act to certain minerals
   8.      Director, Registrar and inspectors
   9.      Powers of inspectors
   10.     Obstructing inspectors

   PART 2 - Exploration Licences

           Division 1 - Applications

   11.     Application for exploration licence
   12.     Priority of applications
   13.     Pending application
   14.     Recommendation of application for exploration licence
   15.     Objection to exploration licence
   15A.    Alteration of application, &c., before notice published
   16.     Alteration of application after objection
   17.     Granting application for exploration licence
   17A.    When application for licence may be granted or refused
   18.     Conditions of exploration licence
   19.     Restriction on exploration in relation to private land

           Division 2 - Exploration licences

   20.     Exploration licence
   21.     Area of land comprised in exploration licence
   22.     Exploration licence for small areas
   23.     Authority of exploration licence
   24.     Term of exploration licence
   25.     Extension of term of licence
   26.     Minimum expenditure
   27.     Exemption from conditions of exploration licence
   28.     Annual report
   28AA.   Final report
   28A.    Returns
   29.     Duties under exploration licence
   30.     Exploration without licence

           Division 3 - Dealings with licences

   31.     Variation of exploration licence
   32.     Application for transfer of exploration licence
   33.     Approval of transfer of exploration licence
   34.     Revocation of exploration licence
   35.     Surrender of exploration licence
   36.     Application to consolidate exploration licences
   37.     Term of consolidated exploration licence

   PART 2A - Special Exploration Licences

           Division 1 - Applications

   38.     Application for special exploration licence
   38A.    Priority of applications
   38B.    Pending application
   39.     Recommendation of application for special exploration licence
   40.     Objection to special exploration licence
   40A.    Alteration of application, &c., before notice published
   40B.    Alteration of application after objection
   41.     Granting application for special exploration licence
   41A.    When Minister may grant application
   42.     Conditions of special exploration licence
   42A.    Restriction on exploration on private land

           Division 2 - Special exploration licences

   42B.    Special exploration licence
   43.     Authority of special exploration licence
   43A.    Duties under special exploration licence
   43B.    Annual report
   43BA.   Final report
   43C.    Returns
   44.     Term of special exploration licence
   44A.    Extension of term of licence
   45.     Area of land comprised in special exploration licence
   45A.    Exploration without licence

           Division 3 - Dealings with special exploration licences

   45B.    Variation of special exploration licence
   45C.    Application for transfer of special exploration licence
   45D.    Approval of transfer of special exploration licence
   46.     Revocation of special exploration licence
   46A.    Surrender of special exploration licence

   PART 3 - Retention Licences

           Division 1 - Applications

   47.     Application for retention licence
   48.     Holder of exploration licence or lease may permit other person to apply for retention licence
   49.     Transfer of application
   49A.    Pending application
   50.     Recommendation of application for retention licence
   51.     Objection to retention licence
   52.     Alteration of application after objection
   53.     Granting application for retention licence
   54.     Restriction on exploration on private land
   55.     Conditions of retention licence

           Division 2 - Retention licences

   56.     Retention licence
   57.     Area of land comprised in retention licence
   58.     Authority of retention licence
   59.     Term of retention licence
   60.     Exemption from conditions of retention licence
   60A.    Annual report
   60AAB.  Final report
   60AB.   Returns
   60B.    Duties under retention licence
   60C.    Exploration without licence

           Division 3 - Dealings with licences

   61.     Variation of retention licence
   62.     Application for transfer of retention licence
   63.     Approval of transfer of retention licence
   64.     Extension of term of retention licence
   65.     Term of extended licence
   66.     Revocation of retention licence
   67.     Surrender of retention licence

   PART 3A - Production Licences

           Division 1 - Applications

   67A.    Application for production licence
   67B.    Holder of licence may consent to other person applying for production licence
   67C.    Pending applications
   67D.    Recommendation of application for production licence
   67E.    Objection to production licence
   67F.    Alteration of application, &c., before notice published
   67G.    Alteration of application after objection
   67H.    Granting application for production licence
   67I.    When Minister may grant application
   67J.    Conditions of licence
   67K.    Restriction on exploration on private land

           Division 2 - Production licences

   67L.    Production licence
   67M.    Area of land comprised in production licence
   67N.    Authority of production licence
   67O.    Term of production licence
   67P.    Extension of term of production licence
   67Q.    Exemption from conditions of production licence
   67R.    Annual report
   67RA.   Final report
   67S.    Returns
   67T.    Duties under production licence
   67U.    Production without licence

           Division 3 - Dealings with licence

   67V.    Variation of production licence
   67W.    Application for transfer of production licence
   67X.    Approval of transfer of production licence
   67Y.    Revocation of production licence
   67Z.    Surrender of production licence

   PART 4 - Mining Leases

           Division 1 - Applications, marking out and objections

   68.     Notice to apply for mining lease
   69.     Mining without lease prohibited
   70.     Applications for mining lease
   71.     Exclusive right to mining lease
   72.     Marking out
   73.     Pending applications for leases
   74.     Priority of applications for leases
   74A.    Alteration of application, &c., before notice given
   75.     Recommendation of application for mining lease
   76.     Objections to mining lease
   77.     Amendment of applications after objections
   78.     Granting application for mining lease
   78A.    When Minister may grant application
   79.     Mining lease over private land
   80.     Conditions of mining lease

           Division 2 - Mining leases

   81.     Mining lease
   82.     Consolidated mining lease
   83.     Area of land comprised in mining lease
   84.     Authority of mining lease
   85.     Term of mining lease
   86.     Exemption from conditions of mining lease
   87.     Returns
   87A.    Annual report
   87B.    Final report
   88.     Duties under mining lease

           Division 3 - Subleases

   89.     Sublease
   90.     Recommendation of application for sublease
   91.     Approval of sublease
   92.     Term of sublease

           Division 4 - Dealings with leases

   93.     Application for transfer of mining lease
   94.     Recommendation of application for transfer
   95.     Approval of transfer of mining lease
   96.     Application for renewal of mining lease
   97.     Granting of application for renewal
   98.     Term of renewed lease
   99.     Revocation of mining lease
   100.    Surrender of mining lease

           Division 5 - Rent and royalty

   101.    Rent
   102.    Royalty
   102AA.  Agreement to deferral of royalty
   102AB.  Effect of, and revocation of, agreement to defer royalty, &c.
   102A.   Royalty rebate
   103.    Recovery and collection of royalty

           Division 6 - Miscellaneous matters

   104.    Termination of interest in mining lease
   105.    Removal of building, machinery and property
   106.    Lease for storage and other purposes

   PART 5 - Prospecting Licences, Group Prospecting Licences and Fossicking Areas

           Division 1 - Prospecting and group prospecting licences

   107.    Prospecting without licence prohibited
   108.    Application for prospecting licence or group prospecting licence
   109.    Granting application for prospecting licence or group prospecting licence
   110.    Conditions of prospecting licence or group prospecting licence
   111.    Prospecting licence and group prospecting licence
   112.    Authority of prospecting licence and group prospecting licence
   113.    Term of prospecting licence and group prospecting licence
   114.    Revocation of prospecting licence and group prospecting licence
   115.    Reports and work program

           Division 2 - Fossicking areas

   116.    Fossicking areas

   PART 6 - Drill Core and Cutting

           Division 1 - Exploration and retention licences

   117.    Notification by licensee of drill core and cutting recovered
   118.    Disposal by licensee
   119.    Deposit by licensee of drill core or cutting

           Division 2 - Mining leases

   120.    Notification by lessee of drill core and cutting recovered
   121.    Disposal and deposit by lessee
   122.    Deposit by lessee of drill core or cutting

           Division 3 - Miscellaneous matters

   123.    Labelling, storing and preserving of drill core or cutting
   124.    Inspection of drill core and cutting
   125.    Library of drill core and cuttings
   126.    Examination of drill core or cutting

   PART 7 - Claims and Appeals

           Division 1 - Jurisdiction and proceedings

   127.    Mining Tribunal
   128.    Jurisdiction of Mining Tribunal
   129.    Claims
   130.    Claim resolution
   131.    Hearings and proceedings
   132.    Witnesses
   133.    Orders of Mining Tribunal
   134.    Ejection or seizure
   135.    Costs
   136.    Register of claims and decisions
   137.    Questions of law
   138.    Transfer of proceedings into Supreme Court
   139.    Transfer of proceedings to Mining Tribunal

           Division 2 - Appeals

   140.    Appeals
   141.    Hearing of appeal
   142.    Withdrawal and dismissal of appeal
   143.    Exceptions to rights of appeal

   PART 8 - Compensation

           Division 1 - Private land

   144.    Compensation for compensable loss
   145.    Compensation agreement for compensable loss
   146.    Claim for compensation for licences

           Division 2 - Crown land

   147.    Compensation for damage to improvements
   148.    Compensation agreement for damage to improvement

           Division 3 - Public purpose

   149.    Compensation for revocation due to public purpose

           Division 4 - General provisions

   150.    Determination of compensation
   151.    Disputes as to compensation payable

   PART 9 - Geoscientific Investigation and Research

           Division 1 - Powers relating to investigation and research

   152.    Contracts for investigation and research
   153.    Geoscientific investigation and research
   154.    Purchase of plant and equipment
   155.    Surveys
   156.    Research
   157.    Drilling operations
   158.    Appointment of employees

           Division 2 - Financial provisions

   159.    Geoscientific Investigation and Research Trust Fund
   160.    Application of Geoscientific Trust Fund
   161.    Financial assistance

   PART 9A - Landslip Areas

   161A.   Interpretation
   161B.   Declaration of landslip areas
   161C.   Registration of landslip area order
   161D.   Revocation or amendment of landslip area order

   PART 10 - Miscellaneous

           Division 1 - Matters relating to licences, leases and mining

   161E.   Director to publish notice where licence ceases to apply to land
   161F.   Authorisation to conduct geological investigation
   161G.   Works approval under authorisation to conduct geological investigation
   162.    Priority between applications for leases and licences
   162A.   Licences not personal property for purposes of Personal Property Securities Act 2009 of the Commonwealth
   163.    Fossil sites
   164.    Speleothems
   164A.   Areas of geological significance
   164B.   Director may require seller of minerals from construction activities to provide information
   165.    Aerial geophysical surveys
   166.    Encroachment on adjoining land
   167.    Encroachment of water
   168.    Use of surface water
   169.    Construction of roads
   170.    Installation of buildings and facilities
   171.    Entry on land
   172.    Acquisition and sale of land
   173.    Seizure of minerals taken from Crown land
   174.    Removal of persons
   175.    Interest in mineral tenement
   176.    Legal or equitable interest
   177.    Lost licence or lease
   178.    Invalidated licence or lease
   179.    Leases and licences in respect of Aboriginal land

           Division 2 - Rehabilitation of abandoned mining lands

   180.    Contracts for rehabilitation of mining lands
   181.    Rehabilitation of Mining Lands Trust Fund
   182.    Application of Rehabilitation Trust Fund

           Division 3 - Caveats

   183.    Lodgment
   184.    Notice of lodgment
   185.    Duration of caveat
   186.    Caveats under agreement

           Division 4 - Records and confidentiality

   187.    Records kept by licensee
   188.    Records kept by lessee
   188A.   Accurate plans of mines to be made and kept
   189.    Copies of records and plans
   190.    Confidentiality of records
   191.    Publication of records, returns and information

           Division 5 - Register

   192.    Mining register
   193.    Correction of register
   194.    Inspection of register

           Division 6 - Fees and deposits

   195.    Refund of application fee
   196.    Use of security deposit
   196A.   Variation of security deposit
   197.    Refund of security deposit
   198.    Forfeiture of security deposit

           Division 7 - Miscellaneous matters

   199.    Evidence
   199A.   Director may require purchaser to provide information
   200.    Atomic substance
   201.    Delegations
   202.    False and misleading statements
   203.    Orders to be Statutory Rules
   204.    Code of practice
   204A.   Reporting guidelines
   205.    Regulations
   206.    Repeal
   207.    Savings and transitional provisions
   208.    Administration of Act
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2

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