Western Australian Current Acts

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           Long Title

   PART I -- Preliminary  

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   4.      Terms used
   4AA.    Official agents for the appointment of scrutineers

   PART II -- Administration  

   4A.     Western Australian Electoral Commission, nature of
   5.      Electoral Commissioner, office of established
   5A.     Deputy Electoral Commissioner, office of established
   5B.     Appointment of Electoral Commissioner and Deputy Electoral Commissioner
   5C.     Electoral Commissioner or Deputy Electoral Commissioner, suspension or removal of
   5D.     Appointment of Acting Commissioners
   5E.     Electoral Commissioner etc., other provisions as to
   5F.     Functions of Electoral Commissioner
   5G.     Delegation by Electoral Commissioner
   5H.     Deputy Electoral Commissioner, functions of
   5I.     Commissioners to have regard to particular groups when performing functions
   6.      Appointing returning officers
   7.      Appointment of substitute for returning officer
   13.     Restriction on resignation of returning officer after issue of writ
   14.     Replacement of returning officer after issue of writ
   15.     Temporary assistants, appointment of
   15A.    Officers to make declaration before acting etc.
   16.     People not eligible to be officer etc.

   PART IIA -- Representation in Parliament

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   16A.    Terms used
   16B.    Electoral Distribution Commissioners, appointment of etc.

           Division 2 -- Whole of State electorate and electoral districts  

   16C.    Whole of State electorate and representation
   16D.    Electoral districts and representation

           Division 3 -- Division of State into districts  

   16E.    Division of State into districts required after each general election for Assembly
   16F.    Commissioners, functions of
   16G.    Districts, how State to be divided into
   16I.    Dividing State, matters Commissioners to consider when
   16J.    District boundaries etc., Commissioners may modify etc.
   16K.    Effect of notice under s. 16F(2)(f) as to division of State
   16MA.   Map or maps of districts generated from digital or electronic record
   16M.    One vote one value principle, absolute majorities required for Bills affecting

   PART III -- Enrolment

           Division 1 -- Entitlement to be elector  

   17.     Who is entitled to be enrolled and vote
   17AA.   Entitlement to be enrolled for persons who attain 16 years of age
   17A.    Electors leaving Australia but staying on Commonwealth roll to stay on register of electors
   17B.    Enrolment of elector with no fixed address if enrolled on Commonwealth roll
   18.     People not entitled to vote and be enrolled

           Division 2 -- Register of electors  

   19.     Register of electors
   31.     Arrangement with Commonwealth for single enrolment procedure
   31A.    Arrangement with Commonwealth for sharing of information to revise register of electors
   31B.    Arrangement with Commonwealth in relation to silent elector applications under s. 51B
           34. Register of electors and other documents not invalid in particular cases
   35.     Public officers to give particular persons information to revise register of electors
   35A.    Electoral Commissioner may revise register of electors due to information received from Commonwealth or State
   38.     Regulation-making power in relation to enrolment
   40.     Changes to register of electors

           Division 3 -- Enrolment  

   40A.    When persons are enrolled
   41.     How persons may be enrolled
   42.     Form of claims
   43.     Claims of certain Cwlth electors to be taken to be in order
   44.     Essential parts of claims
   44A.    Enrolment of claimants and rejection of claims
   45.     Offences in relation to compulsory enrolment
   46.     Enrolment officer’s functions in relation to entitlement of claimant considered insufficient or incorrect

           Division 4 -- Objections

              Subdivision 1 -- To claims  

   47.     Objections to claims

              Subdivision 2 -- To enrolment  

   48.     Objections to enrolment

              Subdivision 3 -- Powers of Electoral Commissioner on appeal  

   49.     Electoral Commissioner’s powers

           Division 5 -- Miscellaneous  

   51.     Removing repeated names and adjusting register of electors
   51A.    Persons who lack capacity to vote not to be on register of electors
   51AA.   Removal of name following declaration by SAT
   51B.    Silent electors
   51C.    Review of register of electors in relation to silent electors
   52.     Permitted alterations to register of electors
   56.     Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages to notify Electoral Commissioner of deaths in State
   59.     Electoral Commissioner to be informed about particular prisoners and detained persons
   60.     Changes to register of electors required due to information given under s. 56 and
           61. General postal voters
   62.     Offences in relation to applications to be general postal voters

           Division 6 -- Accessing enrolment information  

   62A.    Preparing register extracts for disclosure
   62AA.   Public inspection of register extracts
   62AB.   Disclosing particular information to members of Parliament and parliamentary parties
   62AC.   Disclosing particular information to persons other than parliamentary parties and members of Parliament
   62AD.   Disclosing enrolment information to government departments
   62AE.   Restricted use of information given under this Division
   62AF.   Restricted use of protected information given under this Division

   PART IIIA -- Registration of political parties  

   62B.    Scope of Part
   62C.    Terms used
   62CA.   Membership requirements for qualification as eligible political party
   62D.    Register of political parties, Electoral Commissioner to keep etc.
   62E.    Applications for registration
   62F.    Variation of application, Electoral Commissioner may advise etc.
   62G.    Public notice of application to be given
   62H.    Registration of political party
   62HA.   Political party taken not to be registered for certain purposes
   62I.    Parliamentary party existing at 21 Oct 2000, registration of as political party
   62J.    Refusal of registration, grounds for etc.
   62K.    Amendment of register
   62KA.   Annual returns in relation to continued registration
   62L.    Cancellation of registration
   62M.    Public inspection and notice of register
   62N.    Review of decision under s. 62H, 62J or 62L
           62O. False representation as to registration, offence
   62P.    Electoral Commissioner may request information from political party
   62Q.    Offences relating to information
   62R.    Certificate of Electoral Commissioner is evidence

   PART IV -- Elections

           Division 1 -- Writs  

   64.     General elections, issue of writs for
   65.     Writ issued under s. 64, 67 or 156E, notice of to be gazetted etc.
   67.     Vacancy in Assembly, issue of writ for etc.
   68.     Writ deemed to be issued at 6 p.m. on day of issue
   69.     Form and content of writs
   69A.    When close of rolls occurs after issue of writ
   70.     Rules for fixing close of nominations
   71.     Rules for fixing polling day
   72.     Last day for return of writ, rules for fixing
   74.     Writ to be addressed to Electoral Commissioner who is to forward copy to returning officer etc.
   75.     Advertisement of writ and other matters relating to election
   76.     Time fixed in writ, extending

           Division 1A -- Rolls for elections  

   76AA.   Rolls for elections to be prepared
   76AB.   Altering or amending rolls after they are prepared
   76AC.   Supplementary rolls
   76AD.   Amalgamated rolls
   76AE.   Rolls not invalid in particular cases
   76AF.   Regulation-making power in relation to preparing rolls

           Division 2 -- Nominations  

   76A.    Who is qualified to be elected as member of Parliament
   76B.    Who is not qualified to be elected as member of Parliament
   77.     Rules about nominating candidates
   78.     Form and content of nominations
   79.     When returning officer may receive nominations
   80.     Grouping of candidates
   80A.    Lodging group claims with Electoral Commissioner
   81.     Nomination paper and deposit required for valid nomination
   81A.    Making and effect of party nominations
   82.     Withdrawing nominations
   83.     Nomination paper, effect of defects etc. in
   84.     Deposit by candidate, return or forfeiture of
   85.     Place of declaration of nominations
   86.     Close of nominations procedure for single member election
   87.     Close of nominations procedure for Council election where relevant number more than one
   87A.    Close of nominations, returning officer’s other duties as to
   88.     Death of candidate after nomination
   89.     Failure and partial failure of election, when occurs and consequences of

           Division 2A -- Registration of how-to-vote cards  

   89A.    How-to-vote cards
   89B.    When how-to-vote cards are suitable to be registered
   89C.    Applications to register how-to-vote cards
   89D.    Commissioner must register suitable how-to-vote cards
   89E.    Replacing registered how-to-vote cards
   89F.    Correcting errors identified by Electoral Commissioner in registered how-to-vote cards
   89G.    Cancelling registration of registered how-to-vote cards on request
   89H.    Nominating or changing accountable person for how-to-vote cards
   89I.    Publishing registered how-to-vote cards on Commission website

           Division 3 -- Procedural provisions about voting

              Subdivision 1 -- Establishing places to vote  

   90.     Appointing places in relation to voting
   90A.    Amending notices made under s.
   90B.     Certain buildings to be used for free
   90C.    Liquor not to be sold in licensed premises where people vote
   90D.    Officers and times to vote at mobile voting places
   90E.    Notice to be given in relation to mobile voting places

              Subdivision 2 -- Early voting days for elections  

   91.     Rules for fixing early voting days

              Subdivision 3 -- Appointments and functions of persons in relation to holding an election  

   92.     Returning officer’s duties in relation to elections
   92A.    Electoral Commissioner and returning officers may appoint issuing officers
   92B.    Electoral Commissioner may give directions in relation to elections
   92C.    Appointing presiding officers and assistant presiding officers at polling places
   92D.    Substitute and assistant presiding officers
   92E.    Effect of failure to take poll if presiding officer is absent
   92F.    Appointment of scrutineers during polling
   92G.    Election campaign workers to have access to toilet facilities
   92H.    Responsibilities in relation to election campaign workers
   92I.    Returning officer may provide or require persons to wear identification
   92J.    Police at places to vote
   92K.    Candidate not to conduct election

              Subdivision 4 -- Requirements for places to vote  

   93.     Duties for places to vote, ballot boxes and ballot papers
   93A.    Designated entrances for places to vote
   93B.    Returning officer to ensure separate voting compartments and pens or pencils are provided
   93C.    Ensuring access to rolls for elections

              Subdivision 5 -- Ballot papers  

   94.     Providing ballot papers to places to vote
   94A.    Form and content of ballot papers generally
   94B.    Printing political party names on ballot papers
   94C.    Printing “Independent” on ballot papers
   94D.    Printing Council ballot papers
   94E.    Printing Assembly ballot papers

           Division 3A -- Voting

              Subdivision 1 -- Entitlement to vote if person on roll  

   95.     Person may vote if name on roll

              Subdivision 2 -- Polling places  

   96.     Persons who may be at polling places
   96A.    Ballot box to be exhibited and sealed before voting commences
   96B.    When electors can vote at polling places
   96C.    Questions to be put to people claiming to vote at polling place
   96D.    Voting at polling place for person’s district

              Subdivision 3 -- Absent and provisional voting at polling places  

   97.     Term used: vote as a provisional voter
   97A.    Absent voting
   97B.    Provisional voting when required by officers
   97C.    Provisional voting when enrolled under s.
   97D.     Provisional voting when not on or removed from roll
   97E.    Provisional voting when name cannot be found on roll
   97F.    Provisional voting if record made that person has received ballot paper
   97G.    Provisional voting if person applies to enrol on day on which they intend to vote
   97H.    Declaration made under this Subdivision sufficient for elections that have same polling day
   97I.    Regulations about absent and provisional voting

              Subdivision 4 -- How to vote  

   98.     Terms used
   98A.    Giving ballot papers to persons who have right to vote or who made declarations
   98B.    Method of voting at polling place
   98C.    How ballot paper is to be marked by voter for single member election
   98D.    Marking ballot paper for Council election where relevant number is more than one if at least 1 above-the-line square
   98E.    Voting in below-the-line-squares or if no above-the-line squares
   98F.    Assisting particular voters to vote at polling place
   98G.    Person with physical impairment voting at place near polling place
   98H.    Spoilt ballot papers
   98I.    Rules for ballot boxes and rolls at close of poll

              Subdivision 5 -- Voting at mobile voting places  

   99.     Persons who may be at mobile voting places
   99A.    When electors can vote at mobile voting places
   99B.    Voting at mobile voting places to be generally conducted consistently with voting at polling places

              Subdivision 6 -- Postal voting  

   100.    Terms used
   100A.   Fixing day for commencement of postal application period
   100B.   Postal vote applications
   100C.   Dealing with postal vote applications
   100D.   Sending postal ballot papers
   100E.   Replacing postal ballot papers
   100F.   Informing political parties and candidates of postal voters
   100G.   Method of postal voting
   100H.   Return of postal ballot paper unopened by elector
   100I.   Assisting elector to vote by postal voting
   100J.   Offence to sign declaration as another person
   100K.   Postal voting in particular places
   100L.   Electoral Commissioner must store postal ballot papers until scrutinised
   100M.   Preliminary scrutiny of declarations relating to postal ballot papers
   100N.   Decisions in relation to postal ballot papers subject to review by Court of Disputed Returns
   100O.   Dealing with postal ballot papers
   100P.   Offences in relation to postal vote applications and applications to be general postal voter
   100Q.   Offences about influencing persons in relation to postal voting
   100R.   Offence about false statements in relation to postal voting
   100S.   Offences about marking postal ballot papers
   100T.   Offences about custody of documents
   100U.   Regulations about postal voting
   100V.   Electors enrolled under s. 47 who vote by postal voting taken to have made declaration

              Subdivision 7 -- Technology assisted voting  

   101.    Terms used
   101A.   Electoral Commissioner may approve procedures for technology assisted voting
   101B.   Record of vote
   101C.   Independent auditing of technology assisted voting
   101D.   Scrutineers
   101E.   Counting of technology assisted votes
   101F.   Secrecy relating to technology assisted voting
   101G.   False or misleading statements in relation to technology assisted voting
   101H.   Protection of computer hardware and software
   101I.   Regulations relating to technology assisted voting
   101J.   How this Act applies in relation to technology assisted voting
   101K.   Electoral Commissioner may determine that technology assisted voting is not to be used
   101L.   Eligible electors enrolled under s. 47 who vote by means of technology assisted voting taken to have made declaration

              Subdivision 8 -- Visiting electors who need assistance  

   102.    Application of Subdivision
   102A.   Issuing officer not to visit elector to take vote unless under Subdivision
   102B.   Visiting electors to take vote
   102C.   Giving electors ballot papers
   102D.   Method of marking ballot paper
   102E.   Dealing with envelope received under s. 102D
           102F. Offence to sign declaration as another person

              Subdivision 9 -- Adjourning and postponing voting  

   103.    Adjourning and postponing polling
   103A.   Voting after postponed or adjourned polling

           Division 4 -- Counting of votes (general)  

   134.    Rules for conducting count of votes
   135.    Adjournment of count etc. to be announced
   136.    Ballot papers to be sealed in boxes before adjournment

           Division 4A -- Scrutiny and count (Assembly elections)  

   136A.   Application of Division
   137.    Appointment of scrutineers
   138.    Scrutineers, submissions by etc.
   139.    Informal ballot papers defined
   140.    Elector’s intention to be given effect
   140A.   Some ballot papers with non-consecutive preferences can be formal
   141.    Counting places
   142.    Procedure for count of votes by assistant returning officers
   142A.   Counting postal, absent and provisional votes
   143.    Returning officer to ascertain number of votes for each candidate
   144.    Procedure for counting votes
   145.    Equal votes, procedure in case of etc.
   146.    When re-count may be conducted

           Division 4B -- Scrutiny and count (Council elections)  

   146A.   Application and construction of Division
   146B.   Rules about officers and counting places
   146C.   Appointment of scrutineers
   146D.   Scrutineers, submissions by etc.
   146E.   Informal ballot papers
   146EA.  Formal votes for individual candidates
   146EB.  Formal votes for groups
   146EC.  Treatment of ballot papers of electors who have voted above the line
   146G.   Procedure for count of votes by assistant returning officers
   146H.   Procedure for count of votes
   146I.   Procedure for count of votes by returning officers
   146J.   Re-count, when may be conducted etc.

           Division 5 -- Declaration of poll and return of the writ  

   147.    Declaration of poll and certification and return of writ
   148.    Election not to be questioned on certain grounds
   149.    Informality in election, Governor’s powers as to
   149A.   Election of unqualified or disqualified person void

           Division 6 -- After the poll  

   149B.   Term used: document
   150.    Dealing with statistical returns and rolls
   151.    Returning officer to provide other election material to Electoral Commissioner
   152.    Keeping election material
   153.    Disclosure or production of rolls used in election to candidates
   154.    Election papers, production of to Court of Disputed Returns; purposes for which they can be used restricted
   155.    Destruction of election papers
   155AA.  Election papers used for referendum etc., use of and destruction of afterwards

           Division 7 -- Voting to be compulsory  

   155AB.  Terms used
   156.    Electors’ voting obligations
   156AA.  Evidentiary certificate for s. 156 proceedings

   PART IVA -- Filling vacancies in the Council  

   156A.   Terms used
   156B.   Vacancy in Council, Governor to be notified of etc.
   156C.   Electoral Commissioner’s duties when informed of vacancy; nominations of candidates for vacancy being filled by re-count
   156D.   Procedure at close of nominations if vacancy being filled by re-count
   156E.   Vacancy being filled by fresh election, writ for

   PART V -- Disputed returns  

   157.    Validity of election or return, how to dispute
   158.    Content of petition to Court of Disputed Returns
   159.    Return of writ, presumed date of
   160.    Security for costs, petitioner to give
   161.    No proceedings on petition unless it complies with law
   162.    Court’s powers on petition
   163.    Court’s functions in relation to status of roll and electors’ entitlement to be included on roll
   164.    Bribery etc. by candidate or illegal practice, voiding election in case of
   165.    Illegal practice, Court to report to Electoral Commissioner
   166.    Delays and immaterial errors not to vitiate election
   167.    Court’s decision is final
   168.    Copies of petition etc. to be sent to House affected
   169.    Costs
   170.    Security for costs, how to be dealt with
   171.    Other costs
   172.    Effect of Court’s decision
   173.    Rules of Court for this Part
   174.    Election of MLC on re-count, application of this Part to

   PART 6 -- Electoral finance and disclosure of political contributions, income and expenditure

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   175.    Terms used
   175AA.  Electoral expenditure and when it is incurred in relation to election and capped expenditure period
   175AB.  Gifts
   175AC.  Recalculation of amounts under Part
   175A.   Interpretation of this Part

           Division 2 -- Agents  

   175B.   Agent of political party, appointment of
   175C.   Agents of candidates
   175CA.  Agents of members of Council or Assembly
   175D.   Agents of groups
   175DA.  Agents of third-party campaigners
   175E.   Appointing agents for political entities other than associated entities
   175F.   Agent of political party, registration of
   175G.   Agent of political party, appointment of has no effect if not on register
   175H.   Agent of political party, removing from register
   175I.   Agent of political party, evidence of appointment of
   175J.   No agent of political party, who has Div. 3 duties in case of
   175K.   Ending appointment of agents for political entities other than political parties and associated entities

           Division 2A -- Electoral funding  

   175LA.  Terms used and interpretation
   175LB.  Higher reimbursement amount and lower reimbursement amount
   175LC.  Registered political party opting in and out of receiving higher reimbursement amount
   175LCA. Non-party candidates may opt in and out of receiving higher reimbursement amount
   175LCB. Publishing information about who has opted in to receive higher reimbursement amount
   175LCC. Entitlement to election funding reimbursement amount
   175LD.  Claim for payment, requirement for and making etc.
   175LE.  Electoral Commissioner to determine claims
   175LF.  Circumstances in which payment to be made
   175LG.  Amount paid not to exceed electoral expenditure
   175LH.  Payments to be made in respect of claims
   175LI.  Decision as to payment, revoking and re-making
   175LJ.  Payments to be made in respect of candidate who died
   175LK.  Appropriation for payments under this Division

           Division 2B -- State campaign accounts  

   175LL.  Terms used
   175LM.  State campaign accounts to be kept for electoral expenditure
   175LN.  Notifying Electoral Commissioner about State campaign accounts
   175LO.  Money in State campaign accounts
   175LP.  Electoral expenditure to be paid out of State campaign accounts
   175LQ.  Lodging annual returns in relation to State campaign accounts
   175LR.  Candidates to pay amounts out of State campaign accounts after candidate terminating events
   175LS.  Members to pay amounts out of State campaign accounts after member terminating events
   175LT.  Groups to pay amounts out of State campaign accounts after group terminating events
   175LU.  Political parties to pay amounts out of State campaign accounts after party terminating events
   175LV.  Third-party campaigners to pay amounts out of State campaign accounts after campaigner terminating events

           Division 3 -- Disclosure of political contributions and other income  

   175M.   Relevant details of political contributions
   175MA.  Disclosure of political contributions that are, or that are in combination, more than specified amount
   175MC.  Publication of information in notices on Commission website
   175N.   Political parties to lodge annual return of political contributions and other income
   175NA.  Associated entities to lodge annual return of political contributions and other income
   175O.   Candidates to lodge return of gifts received during disclosure period
   175P.   Groups to lodge return of gifts received during disclosure period
   175Q.   Third-party campaigners to lodge return of gifts received during disclosure period
   175R.   Political contributions not to be accepted unless identity known, or believed to be known
   175S.   Reporting of political contributions under certain provisions required even if no details are required to be included in return

           Division 3A -- Prohibition on receiving foreign contributions  

   175SAA. Terms used
   175SAB. Particular political entities not to accept foreign contributions
   175SAC. Third-party campaigners not to receive foreign contributions
   175SAD. Recovery of foreign contribution
   175SAE. False affirmation or information about being foreign donor
   175SAF. Offence to enter scheme to receive foreign contribution not permitted under Division

           Division 4 -- Disclosure of electoral expenditure  

   175SAG. Term used: expenditure disclosure period
   175SA.  Return required for political party’s electoral expenditure
   175SB.  Return required for candidate’s electoral expenditure
   175SC.  Return required for group’s electoral expenditure
   175SD.  Return required for third-party campaigner’s electoral expenditure
   175SE.  Reporting of expenditure under certain provisions required even if no details are required to be included in return
   175SF.  Two or more elections on one day, one return may be lodged in case of

           Division 4A -- Caps on electoral expenditure in relation to elections

              Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary  

   175SG.  Terms used
   175SH.  When incurring electoral expenditure is permitted in relation to election
   175SI.  Certain electoral expenditure taken to be incurred by or with authority of political party or group

              Subdivision 2 -- Expenditure caps for particular elections  

   175SJ.  Expenditure caps for conjoint elections
   175SK.  Expenditure caps for Council elections not part of conjoint elections
   175SL.  Expenditure caps for elections in districts not part of conjoint elections

              Subdivision 3 -- Additional expenditure caps for political parties and third-party campaigners  

   175SM.  Expenditure caps for electoral expenditure on particular district
   175SN.  Expenditure cap in relation to candidates for Legislative Council

              Subdivision 4 -- Miscellaneous  

   175SO.  Recovery of electoral expenditure not permitted to be incurred under Division
   175SP.  Offence to incur electoral expenditure not permitted under Division
   175SQ.  Offence to enter scheme to incur electoral expenditure not permitted under Division

           Division 4B -- Registration of third-party campaigners  

   175SR.  Particular third-party campaigners to be registered
   175SS.  Third-party campaigners register
   175ST.  Application to be registered
   175SU.  Decision and registration
   175SV.  Updating details on third-party campaigners register
   175SW.  Cancelling registration

           Division 5 -- Miscellaneous  

   175T.   Terms used
   175U.   Offences
   175V.   Payments due to State, recovery of
   175W.   Investigative powers for this Part
   175X.   Lodging incomplete disclosure documents
   175Y.   Extension of time to lodge annual return
   175Z.   Verifying information in disclosure documents
   175ZA.  Non-compliance with Part does not affect election
   175ZB.  Amending disclosure documents and claims
   175ZC.  Public availability of documents under this Part
   175ZD.  Unincorporated party, proceedings against
   175ZE.  Public agencies to report on certain expenditure
   175ZF.  Regulations for this Part
   175ZG.  Annual report by Electoral Commissioner

   PART VII -- Electoral offences  

   179.    Purpose of this Part
   180.    Term used: breach or neglect of official duty
   181.    Offence of bribery
   182.    Term used: bribery
   183.    Offence of undue influence
   184.    Term used: undue influence
   185.    Exception to what is bribery or undue influence
   186.    Disqualification for bribery or undue influence
   187.    Illegal practices defined
   187A.   Intentionally rendering person unable to vote etc.
   187B.   Electoral advertisement on internet, when publishing is an illegal practice
   188.    Offences and penalties for illegal practices
   189.    Gift etc. by candidate to club etc., offence in some cases
   190.    Electoral offences and punishments
   191.    False statement in electoral paper
   191A.   Misleading or deceptive publication
   191B.   Prohibition on distributing or publishing unregistered how-to-vote cards
   191C.   Registered how-to-vote cards with errors not to be published or distributed
   191D.   Presiding officer may inspect and confiscate documents in relation to how-to-vote cards
   192.    Prohibited acts in or near particular places to vote
   192A.   Loud speakers etc., use of during polling hours
   193.    Person not to conduct petitions, polls or surveys at polling places and mobile voting places or in voting areas
   194.    Failure to transmit claim for enrolment
   195.    Electoral Commissioner may require information for particular purposes
   196.    Employer to allow employee leave of absence to vote
   197.    Removing misbehaving persons from places to vote
   198.    Re-entering places to vote after being removed
   199.    Incurring unauthorised electoral expense on behalf of a candidate
   199A.   Interfering with political liberty
   200.    Illegal practice committed indirectly etc., liability for
   201.    Attempt to commit offence
   202.    Evidentiary provision
   205.    Summary offences and time limit for prosecutions
   206.    The Criminal Code Ch. XIV not to apply to parliamentary elections

   PART VIII -- Miscellaneous  

   206A.   Persons who lack capacity to vote
   206B.   Revoking lack of capacity notice
   207.    Who may witness signatures and take declarations
   208.    Service of notices
   209.    Electoral papers sent by post, deemed service of
   210.    Electronic communication of electoral matter permitted
   211A.   Certain documents may be transmitted electronically
   211.    Person unable to write may make mark
   212.    Forms, compliance requirements
   213.    Regulations generally
   213A.   Regulations affecting certain candidates

   PART 9 -- Transitional provisions

           Division 1 -- Transitional provisions for Constitutional and Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Equality) Act 2021  

   215.    Terms used
   216.    Vacancies and representation in Legislative Council
   217.    Continued registration of existing parties

           Division 2 -- Transitional provisions for Electoral Amendment (Finance and Other Matters) Act 2023

              Subdivision 1 -- Transitional provisions commencing on day after Royal Assent of Electoral Amendment (Finance and Other Matters) Act 2023  

   218.    Terms used
   219.    Pre-commencement registered parties opting in to receive higher reimbursement amount
   220.    Elected non-party members opting in to receive higher reimbursement amount for next election after amount change day
   221.    Independent candidates may opt in to receive higher reimbursement amount for next post-change election
   222.    Independent candidates may opt in to receive higher reimbursement amount for that election held after amount change day
   223.    Publishing information about who has opted in to receive higher reimbursement amount

              Subdivision 2 -- Transitional provisions commencing on 1 July 2024  

   224.    Terms used
   225.    Former provisions apply if election occurring at commencement
   226.    Persons on rolls before commencement taken to be enrolled on register of electors on commencement day
   227.    Claims for enrolment before commencement
   228.    Enrolment before commencement day taken to be entry of name on register of electors
   229.    Pre-commencement arrangements made under former s. 31, 31A and 31B continue
   230.    Silent electors
   231.    Registration of general early voters continues as general postal voters
   232.    Approved procedures for technology assisted voting
   233.    State campaign accounts
   234.    Transitional regulations
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2

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