Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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           Long Title


   1.      Short title  
   2.      Object of this Act  
   2A.     Application of Act to Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities  
   2B.     Application of Act to States and Territories  
   2BA.    Application of Part IV to local government bodies  
   2C.     Activities that are not business  
   3.      Repeal  
   4.      Interpretation  
   4A.     Subsidiary, holding and related bodies corporate  
   4B.     Consumers  
   4C.     Acquisition, supply and re - supply  
   4E.     Market  
   4F.     References to purpose or reason  
   4G.     Lessening of competition to include preventing or hindering competition  
   4H.     Application of Act in relation to leases and licences of land and buildings  
   4J.     Joint ventures  
   4K.     Loss or damage to include injury  
   4KA.    Definitions etc. that do not apply in Part XI or Schedule 2  
   4L.     Severability  
   4M.     Saving of law relating to restraint of trade and breaches of confidence  
   4N.     Extended application of Part IIIA  
   5.      Extended application of this Act to conduct outside Australia  
   6.      Extended application of this Act to persons who are not corporations  
   6AA.    Application of the Criminal Code  


   6A.     Establishment of Commission  
   7.      Constitution of Commission  
   8.      Terms and conditions of appointment  
   8A.     Associate members  
   8AB.    AER members taken to be associate members  
   9.      Remuneration  
   10.     Deputy Chairpersons  
   11.     Acting Chairperson  
   12.     Leave of absence  
   13.     Termination of appointment of members of the Commission  
   14.     Termination of appointment of associate members of the Commission  
   15.     Resignation  
   16.     Arrangement of business  
   17.     Disclosure of interests by Chairperson  
   17A.    Disclosure of certain interests by members of the Commission when taking part in determinations of matters  
   18.     Meetings of Commission  
   19.     Chairperson may direct Commission to sit in Divisions  
   25.     Delegation by Commission  
   26.     Delegation by Commission of certain functions and powers  
   27.     Staff of Commission  
   27A.    Consultants  
   28.     Functions of Commission in relation to dissemination of information, law reform and research  
   29.     Commission to comply with directions of Minister and requirements of the Parliament  


   29A.    Establishment of Council  
   29B.    Functions and powers of Council  
   29BA.   Commonwealth consent to conferral of functions etc. on Council  
   29BB.   How duty is imposed  
   29BC.   When a State/Territory energy law imposes a duty  
   29C.    Membership of Council  
   29D.    Terms and conditions of office  
   29E.    Acting Council President  
   29F.    Remuneration of Councillors  
   29G.    Leave of absence  
   29H.    Termination of appointment of Councillors  
   29I.    Resignation of Councillors  
   29J.    Arrangement of Council business  
   29L.    Council meetings  
   29LA.   Resolutions without meetings  
   29M.    Staff to help Council  
   29N.    Consultants  
   29O.    Annual report  


   30.     Constitution of Tribunal  
   31.     Qualifications of members of Tribunal  
   31A.    Appointment of Judge as presidential member of Tribunal not to affect tenure etc.  
   32.     Terms and conditions of appointment  
   33.     Remuneration and allowances of members of Tribunal  
   34.     Acting appointments  
   35.     Suspension and removal of members of Tribunal  
   36.     Resignation  
   37.     Constitution of Tribunal for particular matters  
   38.     Validity of determinations  
   39.     President may give directions  
   40.     Disclosure of interests by members of Tribunal  
   41.     Presidential member to preside  
   42.     Decision of questions  
   43.     Member of Tribunal ceasing to be available  
   43A.    Counsel assisting Tribunal  
   43B.    Consultants  
   44.     Staff of Tribunal  
   44A.    Acting appointments  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   44AB.   Definitions  
   44AC.   This Part binds the Crown  
   44AD.   Extra - territorial operation  

           Division 2--Establishment of the AER

   44AE.   Establishment of the AER  
   44AF.   AER to hold money and property on behalf of the Commonwealth  
   44AG.   Constitution of the AER  

           Division 3--Functions and powers of the AER

   44AH.   Commonwealth functions  
   44AI.   Commonwealth consent to conferral of functions etc. on AER  
   44AIA.  No merits review of AER decisions  
   44AJ.   How duty is imposed  
   44AK.   When a State/Territory energy law etc. imposes a duty  
   44AL.   Powers of the AER  

           Division 4--Administrative provisions relating to the AER

              Subdivision A--Appointment etc. of members

   44AM.   Appointment of Commonwealth AER members  
   44AO.   Acting appointment of Commonwealth AER member  
   44AP.   Appointment of State/Territory AER members  
   44AQ.   Acting appointment of State/Territory AER member  
   44AR.   AER Chair  
   44ARA.  AER Deputy Chair  
   44ARB.  AER Deputy Chair to act as the AER Chair  
   44AS.   Acting AER Deputy Chair  
   44AT.   Remuneration of AER members  
   44AU.   Additional remuneration of AER Chair  
   44AV.   Leave of absence  
   44AW.   Other terms and conditions  
   44AX.   Outside employment  
   44AY.   Disclosure of interests  
   44AZ.   Resignation  
   44AAB.  Termination of appointment  

              Subdivision B--Staff etc. to assist the AER

   44AAC.  Staff etc. to assist the AER  

              Subdivision C--Meetings of the AER etc.

   44AAD.  Meetings  
   44AAE.  Resolutions without meetings  
   44AAEA. Arbitration  

              Subdivision CA--Divisions of the AER

   44AAEB. Divisions of the AER--functions and powers under a law of the Commonwealth  
   44AAEC. Divisions of the AER--functions and powers under a State/Territory energy law or a local energy instrument  

              Subdivision D--Miscellaneous

   44AAF.  Confidentiality  
   44AAFA. Power of AER to obtain information and documents  
   44AAFB. Failure to comply with notice to give information etc. is an offence  
   44AAFC. AER may inspect, copy and retain documents  
   44AAG.  Federal Court may make certain orders  
   44AAGA. Federal Court may order disconnection if an event specified in the National Electricity Rules occurs  
   44AAH.  Delegation by the AER  
   44AAI.  Fees  
   44AAK.  Regulations may deal with transitional matters  


   44AAL.  Application of the finance law  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   44AA.   Objects of Part  
   44B.    Definitions  
   44C.    How this Part applies to partnerships and joint ventures  
   44CA.   Meaning of declaration criteria  
   44D.    Meaning of designated Minister  
   44DA.   The principles in the Competition Principles Agreement have status as guidelines  
   44E.    This Part binds the Crown  

           Division 2--Declared services

              Subdivision A--Recommendation by the Council

   44F.    Person may request recommendation  
   44FA.   Council may request information  
   44G.    Criteria for the Council recommending declaration of a service  
   44GA.   Time limit for Council recommendations  
   44GB.   Council may invite public submissions on the application  
   44GC.   Council must publish its recommendation  

              Subdivision B--Declaration by the designated Minister

   44H.    Designated Minister may declare a service  
   44HA.   Designated Minister must publish his or her decision  
   44I.    Duration and effect of declaration  
   44J.    Revocation of declaration  
   44K.    Review of declaration  
   44KA.   Tribunal may stay operation of declaration  
   44KB.   Tribunal may order costs be awarded  
   44L.    Review of decision not to revoke a declaration  

           Division 2AA--Services that are ineligible to be declared

              Subdivision A--Scope of Division

   44LA.   Constitutional limits on operation of this Division  

              Subdivision B--Ineligibility recommendation by Council

   44LB.   Ineligibility recommendation  
   44LC.   Council may request information  
   44LD.   Time limit for Council recommendations  
   44LE.   Council may invite public submissions on the application  
   44LF.   Council must publish its recommendation  

              Subdivision C--Designated Minister's decision on ineligibility

   44LG.   Designated Minister's decision on ineligibility  
   44LH.   Designated Minister must publish his or her decision  

              Subdivision D--Revocation of ineligibility decision

   44LI.   Revocation of ineligibility decision  

              Subdivision E--Review of decisions

   44LJ.   Review of ineligibility decisions  
   44LK.   Review of decision to revoke or not revoke an ineligibility decision  

              Subdivision F--Other matters

   44LL.   Ineligibility decisions subject to alteration, cancellation etc.  

           Division 2A--Effective access regimes

              Subdivision A--Recommendation by Council

   44M.    Recommendation for a Ministerial decision on effectiveness of access regime  
   44MA.   Council may request information  

              Subdivision B--Decision by Commonwealth Minister

   44N.    Ministerial decision on effectiveness of access regime  

              Subdivision C--Extensions of Commonwealth Minister's decision

   44NA.   Recommendation by Council  
   44NAA.  Council may request information  
   44NB.   Decision by the Commonwealth Minister  

              Subdivision CA--Revocation of Commonwealth Minister's decision

   44NBA.  Recommendation by Council  
   44NBB.  Council may request information  
   44NBC.  Decision by the Commonwealth Minister  

              Subdivision D--Procedural provisions

   44NC.   Time limit for Council recommendations  
   44NE.   Council may invite public submissions  
   44NF.   Publication--Council  
   44NG.   Publication--Commonwealth Minister  

              Subdivision E--Review of decisions

   44O.    Review of Ministerial decision on effectiveness of access regime  

              Subdivision F--State or Territory ceasing to be a party to Competition Principles Agreement

   44P.    State or Territory ceasing to be a party to Competition Principles Agreement  

           Division 2B--Competitive tender processes for government owned facilities

   44PA.   Approval of competitive tender process  
   44PAA.  Commission may request information  
   44PB.   Report on conduct of tender process  
   44PC.   Revocation of approval decision  
   44PD.   Time limit for Commission decisions  
   44PE.   Commission may invite public submissions  
   44PF.   Commission must publish its decisions  
   44PG.   Review of Commission's initial decision  
   44PH.   Review of decision to revoke an approval  

           Division 2C--Register of decisions and declarations

   44Q.    Register of decisions, declarations and ineligibility decisions  

           Division 3--Access to declared services

              Subdivision A--Scope of Division

   44R.    Constitutional limits on operation of this Division  

              Subdivision B--Notification of access disputes

   44S.    Notification of access disputes  
   44T.    Withdrawal of notifications  

              Subdivision C--Arbitration of access disputes

   44U.    Parties to the arbitration  
   44V.    Determination by Commission  
   44W.    Restrictions on access determinations  
   44X.    Matters that the Commission must take into account  
   44XA.   Time limit for Commission's final determination  
   44Y.    Commission may terminate arbitration in certain cases  
   44YA.   Commission must terminate arbitration if declaration varied or set aside by Tribunal  

              Subdivision D--Procedure in arbitrations

   44Z.    Constitution of Commission for conduct of arbitration  
   44ZA.   Member of the Commission presiding at an arbitration  
   44ZB.   Reconstitution of Commission  
   44ZC.   Determination of questions  
   44ZD.   Hearing to be in private  
   44ZE.   Right to representation  
   44ZF.   Procedure of Commission  
   44ZG.   Particular powers of Commission  
   44ZH.   Power to take evidence on oath or affirmation  
   44ZI.   Failing to attend as a witness  
   44ZJ.   Failing to answer questions etc.  
   44ZK.   Intimidation etc.  
   44ZL.   Party may request Commission to treat material as confidential  
   44ZM.   Sections 18 and 19 do not apply to the Commission in an arbitration  
   44ZN.   Parties to pay costs of an arbitration  
   44ZNA.  Joint arbitration hearings  

              Subdivision DA--Arbitration reports

   44ZNB.  Arbitration reports  

              Subdivision E--Effect of determinations

   44ZO.   Operation of final determinations  
   44ZOA.  Effect and duration of interim determinations  

              Subdivision F--Review of final determinations

   44ZP.   Review by Tribunal  
   44ZQ.   Provisions that do not apply in relation to a Tribunal review  
   44ZR.   Appeals to Federal Court from determinations of the Tribunal  
   44ZS.   Operation and implementation of a determination that is subject to appeal  
   44ZT.   Transmission of documents  

              Subdivision G--Variation and revocation of determinations

   44ZU.   Variation of final determinations  
   44ZUA.  Variation and revocation of interim determinations  

           Division 4--Registered contracts for access to declared services

   44ZV.   Constitutional limits on operation of this Division  
   44ZW.   Registration of contract  
   44ZX.   Review of decision not to register contract  
   44ZY.   Effect of registration of contract  

           Division 5--Hindering access to declared services

   44ZZ.   Prohibition on hindering access to declared services  

           Division 6--Access undertakings and access codes for services

              Subdivision A--Giving of access undertakings and access codes

   44ZZA.  Access undertakings by providers  
   44ZZAAA.Proposed amendments to access undertakings  
   44ZZAAB.Access undertakings containing fixed principles  
   44ZZAA. Access codes prepared by industry bodies  
   44ZZAB. Commission may rely on industry body consultations  

              Subdivision B--Effect of access undertakings and access codes

   44ZZBA. When access undertakings and access codes come into operation  

              Subdivision C--Extensions of access undertakings and access codes

   44ZZBB. Extensions of access undertakings and access codes  

              Subdivision D--Procedural provisions

   44ZZBC. Time limit for Commission decisions  
   44ZZBCA.Commission may request information  
   44ZZBD. Commission may invite public submissions  
   44ZZBE. Commission must publish its decisions  

              Subdivision E--Review of decisions

   44ZZBF. Review of decisions  

              Subdivision F--Register of access undertakings and access codes

   44ZZC.  Register of access undertakings and access codes  

           Division 6A--Pricing principles for access disputes and access undertakings or codes

   44ZZCA. Pricing principles for access disputes and access undertakings or codes  

           Division 6B--Overlap among determinations, registered contracts, access undertakings and Tribunal review

   44ZZCB. Deferring access disputes or access undertakings  
   44ZZCBA.Deferral of arbitration if review is underway  
   44ZZCC. Overlap between determinations and access undertakings  
   44ZZCD. Overlap between registered contracts and access undertakings  

           Division 7--Enforcement and remedies

   44ZZD.  Enforcement of determinations  
   44ZZE.  Enforcement of prohibition on hindering access  
   44ZZF.  Consent injunctions  
   44ZZG.  Interim injunctions  
   44ZZH.  Factors relevant to granting a restraining injunction  
   44ZZI.  Factors relevant to granting a mandatory injunction  
   44ZZJ.  Enforcement of access undertakings  
   44ZZK.  Discharge or variation of injunction or other order  

           Division 8--Miscellaneous

   44ZZL.  Register of determinations  
   44ZZM.  Commonwealth consent to conferral of functions etc. on the Commission or Tribunal by State or Territory laws  
   44ZZMAA.No merits review by Tribunal of decisions under energy laws  
   44ZZMA. How duty is imposed  
   44ZZMB. When a law of a State or Territory imposes a duty  
   44ZZN.  Compensation for acquisition of property  
   44ZZNA. Operation of Parts IV and VII not affected by this Part  
   44ZZO.  Conduct by directors, servants or agents  
   44ZZOAAA.Information to be given to Tribunal  
   44ZZOAA.Tribunal only to consider particular material  
   44ZZOA. Time limit for Tribunal decisions  
   44ZZP.  Regulations about review by the Tribunal  
   44ZZQ.  Regulations about fees for inspection etc. of registers  
   44ZZR.  Procedure of the Tribunal when performing functions under a State/Territory energy law or a designated Commonwealth energy law  


           Division 1--Cartel conduct

              Subdivision A--Introduction

   45AA.   Simplified outline  
   45AB.   Definitions  
   45AC.   Extended meaning of party  
   45AD.   Cartel provisions  
   45AE.   Meaning of expressions in other provisions of this Act  

              Subdivision B--Offences etc.

   45AF.   Making a contract etc. containing a cartel provision  
   45AG.   Giving effect to a cartel provision  
   45AH.   Determining guilt  
   45AI.   Court may make related civil orders  
   45AIA.  Section 4AB of the Crimes Act does not apply  

              Subdivision C--Civil penalty provisions

   45AJ.   Making a contract etc. containing a cartel provision  
   45AK.   Giving effect to a cartel provision  

              Subdivision D--Exceptions

   45AL.   Conduct notified  
   45AM.   Cartel provision subject to grant of authorisation  
   45AN.   Contracts, arrangements or understandings between related bodies corporate  
   45AO.   Joint ventures--prosecution  
   45AP.   Joint ventures--civil penalty proceedings  
   45AQ.   Resale price maintenance  
   45AR.   Exclusive dealing  
   45AS.   Dual listed company arrangement  
   45AT.   Acquisition of shares or assets  
   45AU.   Collective acquisition of goods or services by the parties to a contract, arrangement or understanding  

           Division 2--Other provisions

   45.     Contracts, arrangements or understandings that restrict dealings or affect competition  
   45D.    Secondary boycotts for the purpose of causing substantial loss or damage  
   45DA.   Secondary boycotts for the purpose of causing substantial lessening of competition  
   45DB.   Boycotts affecting trade or commerce  
   45DC.   Involvement and liability of employee organisations  
   45DD.   Situations in which boycotts permitted  
   45E.    Prohibition of contracts, arrangements or understandings affecting the supply or acquisition of goods or services  
   45EA.   Provisions contravening section 45E not to be given effect  
   45EB.   Sections 45D to 45EA do not affect operation of other provisions of Part  
   46.     Misuse of market power  
   46A.    Misuse of market power--corporation with substantial degree of power in trans - Tasman market  
   46B.    No immunity from jurisdiction in relation to certain New Zealand laws  
   47.     Exclusive dealing  
   48.     Resale price maintenance  
   49.     Dual listed company arrangements that affect competition  
   50.     Prohibition of acquisitions that would result in a substantial lessening of competition  
   50A.    Acquisitions that occur outside Australia  
   51.     Exceptions  
   51AAA.  Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   51ACA.  Definitions  
   51ACAA. Meaning of industry code  

           Division 2--Contravention of industry codes

   51ACB.  Contravention of industry codes  

           Division 2A--Infringement notices

   51ACC.  Purpose and effect of this Division  
   51ACD.  Issuing an infringement notice  
   51ACE.  Matters to be included in an infringement notice  
   51ACF.  Amount of penalty  
   51ACG.  Effect of compliance with an infringement notice  
   51ACH.  Effect of failure to comply with an infringement notice  
   51ACI.  Infringement notice compliance period for infringement notice  
   51ACJ.  Withdrawal of an infringement notice  

           Division 3--Public warning notices

   51ADA.  Commission may issue a public warning notice  

           Division 4--Orders to redress loss or damage suffered by non-parties etc.

   51ADB.  Orders to redress loss or damage suffered by non - parties etc.  
   51ADC.  Kinds of orders that may be made to redress loss or damage suffered by non - parties etc.  

           Division 5--Investigation power

   51ADD.  Commission may require corporation to provide information  
   51ADE.  Extending periods for complying with notices  
   51ADF.  Compliance with notices  
   51ADG.  False or misleading information etc.  

           Division 6--Miscellaneous

   51AE.   Regulations relating to industry codes  
   51AEAA. Functions and powers of Commission under industry codes  
   51AEA.  Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  
   51AF.   Acquisition of property  


           Division 1--Basic concepts

   52A.    Definitions  
   52B.    Making content available  
   52C.    Interacting with content  
   52D.    Distributing content  

           Division 2--Designated digital platform corporation and designated digital platform services

   52E.    Minister may make designation determination  

           Division 3--Registered news businesses and registered news business corporations

   52F.    Application for registration of news business and news business corporation  
   52G.    Registration of news business and news business corporation  
   52H.    Revocation of registration or endorsement--general  
   52I.    Revocation of registration or endorsement--false or misleading information or documents  
   52J.    Obligation on registered news business corporation to notify ACMA of loss of qualification for registration  
   52K.    Adding or removing news source from registered news business  
   52L.    Requirements for connection between corporation and news business  
   52M.    Revenue test  
   52N.    Content test  
   52O.    Australian audience test  
   52P.    Professional standards test  

           Division 4--General requirements

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   52Q.    Obligations in respect of digital platform services individually  

              Subdivision B--The minimum standards

   52R.    Giving list and explanation of data provided to registered news businesses  
   52S.    Change to algorithm to bring about identified alteration to distribution of content with significant effect on referral traffic  
   52V.    Section 52S--dominant purpose  
   52W.    Section 52S--significant effect  

              Subdivision C--Recognition of original covered news content

   52X.    Recognition of original covered news content  

              Subdivision D--Facilitating open communication

   52Y.    Facilitating open communication--responsible digital platform corporation for designated digital platform service  
   52Z.    Facilitating open communication--registered news business corporation for registered news business  

              Subdivision E--Trade secrets and personal information

   52ZA.   Trade secrets  
   52ZB.   Personal information  

           Division 5--Non-differentiation

   52ZC.   Digital service to be supplied without differentiating in relation to registered news businesses  

           Division 6--Bargaining

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   52ZD.   Bargaining news business representative for a registered news business  
   52ZE.   Notification of bargaining  

              Subdivision B--Bargaining obligations

   52ZF.   Application of Subdivision  
   52ZG.   Bargaining parties, core bargaining issues and represented registered news businesses  
   52ZH.   Obligation to negotiate in good faith  
   52ZI.   Obligation to notify Commission if agreement reached  

              Subdivision BA--Mediation

   52ZIA.  Obligation to participate in mediation  
   52ZIB.  Rules about conduct of mediation  
   52ZIC.  Termination of mediation  

              Subdivision C--Miscellaneous

   52ZJ.   Bargaining over other issues  

           Division 7--Arbitration about remuneration issue

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   52ZK.   Register of bargaining code arbitrators  

              Subdivision B--Starting arbitration

   52ZL.   Notification of arbitration  
   52ZM.   Formation of arbitral panel  
   52ZN.   Disclosure of conflicts of interest where ACMA appoints member of panel  
   52ZO.   Costs of arbitral panel  
   52ZP.   Chair to notify start of arbitration  
   52ZQ.   Bargaining parties' agreement about dealing with extra services in arbitration  

              Subdivision C--Final offer arbitration

   52ZR.   Application  
   52ZS.   Obligation to participate in arbitration in good faith  
   52ZT.   Information request by bargaining party--general  
   52ZU.   Information request by bargaining party--challenges by other bargaining party  
   52ZV.   Information request by bargaining party--miscellaneous rules  
   52ZW.    Agreed early termination of arbitration  
   52ZX.   Final offer arbitration  
   52ZXA.  Final offer to be accompanied by information about contracts  
   52ZY.   Final offer arbitration--termination of arbitration if no final offers  
   52ZZ.   Matters to consider in arbitration, etc.  
   52ZZA.  Other requirements for arbitration determination  
   52ZZB.  Submissions of bargaining parties  
   52ZZC.  Role of Commission  
   52ZZD.  Guidelines about conduct of arbitration  

              Subdivision D--Effect of arbitral determination

   52ZZE.  Bargaining parties must comply with the determination  

           Division 8--Enforcement etc.

   52ZZF.  Record generating and keeping  

           52ZZG. Infringement notices--Division 4 of this Part  

   52ZZH.  Joint and several liability for pecuniary liabilities  

           Division 9--Agreements between digital platform corporations and registered news business corporations

   52ZZI.  Simplified outline of this Division  
   52ZZJ.  Standard offers--content  
   52ZZK.  Standard offers--consequences of agreement  
   52ZZL.  Contracting out of general requirements, bargaining and arbitration  
   52ZZM.  Offers relating to general requirements, bargaining and arbitration not prohibited  

           Division 10--Powers and functions of the ACMA in relation to this Part

   52ZZN.  Powers of the ACMA to obtain information etc.  
   52ZZO.  No Ministerial directions to the ACMA in relation to this Part  

           Division 11--Miscellaneous

   52ZZP.  Exceptions to Part IV  
   52ZZQ.  Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  
   52ZZR.  Giving information and producing documents by electronic means  
   52ZZS.  Review of operation of this Part  


           Division 1--Preliminary

              Subdivision A--Object and simplified outline

   53.     Object of this Part  
   53A.    Simplified outline  

              Subdivision B--Definitions

   53B.    Definitions  
   53C.    Gas market conduct  
   53D.    Gas market participants  

              Subdivision C--Geographical application

   53E.    Extension to external Territories  
   53F.    Extraterritorial operation  
   53G.    Geographical application of offences  
   53H.    Geographical application--supplies and acquisitions  

              Subdivision D--Application to government entities

   53J.    Gas market provisions bind the Crown  
   53K.    Application to government entities  

           Division 2--Gas market instruments

              Subdivision A--Gas market instruments

   53L.    Regulations may prescribe gas market codes  
   53M.    Minister may make gas market emergency price orders  
   53N.    Scope of gas market instruments  

              Subdivision B--Matters that gas market codes may deal with

   53P.    General  
   53Q.    Dealing with other gas market participants  
   53R.    Negotiations, expressions of interest and offers  
   53S.    Agreements  
   53T.    Terms on which gas commodities are supplied or acquired, including price  
   53U.    Gas exchanges  
   53V.    Dispute and complaint resolution  
   53W.    Mediation and arbitration  

              Subdivision C--Matters that gas market emergency price orders may deal with

   53X.    Terms on which gas commodities are supplied or acquired, including price  
   53Y.    Gas exchanges  

              Subdivision D--Incidental and other matters that gas market codes and gas market emergency price orders may deal with

   53Z.    Transparency  
   53ZA.   Reporting, records and auditing  
   53ZB.   Conferral of powers and functions  
   53ZC.   Fees  
   53ZD.   Incidental or related matters  
   53ZE.   What gas market instruments may refer to  

              Subdivision E--Miscellaneous matters

   53ZF.   Provisions do not limit other provisions  
   53ZG.   Constitution--gas market instruments must not give preference to States etc.  
   53ZH.   Fees must not amount to taxation  
   53ZI.   Powers to make legislative instruments  

           Division 3--Compliance with gas market instruments

              Subdivision A--Civil penalty provisions of gas market instruments

   53ZJ.   Civil penalty provisions of gas market instruments  

              Subdivision B--Infringement notices

   53ZK.   Infringement notices  

              Subdivision C--Public warning notices

   53ZL.   Commission may give draft public warning notice  
   53ZM.   Commission may issue public warning notice  
   53ZN.   Proceedings for defamation not to lie  

              Subdivision D--Orders to redress loss or damage suffered by non-parties etc.

   53ZO.   Orders to redress loss or damage suffered by non - parties etc.  
   53ZP.   Kinds of orders that may be made to redress loss or damage suffered by non - parties etc.  

              Subdivision E--Avoidance schemes

   53ZQ.   Schemes for avoidance purposes  
   53ZR.   Whether it is reasonable to draw conclusion as to purpose  
   53ZS.   This Subdivision does not limit Division 2  

           Division 4--Investigation powers

   53ZT.   Commission may require person to provide information  
   53ZU.   Extending periods for complying with notices  
   53ZV.   Compliance with notices  
   53ZW.   False or misleading information etc.  
   53ZX.   This Division does not limit other provisions  

           Division 5--Other matters

   53ZY.   Certain provisions of this Act do not limit other provisions  
   53ZZ.   Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  
   53ZZA.  Constitution--application of gas market provisions  
   53ZZB.  Constitution--acquisition of property  
   53ZZC.  Regulations referring to other instruments  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   55.     Object of this Part  
   55A.    Definitions  

           Division 2--Limit on payment surcharges

   55B.    Payment surcharges must not be excessive  

           Division 3--Information about payment surcharges

   55C.    Surcharge information notices  
   55D.    Extending periods for complying with notices  
   55E.    Participant must comply with notice  

           Division 4--Infringement notices

   55F.    Purpose and effect of this Division  
   55G.    Issuing an infringement notice  
   55H.    Matters to be included in an infringement notice  
   55J.    Amount of penalty  
   55K.    Effect of compliance with an infringement notice  
   55L.    Effect of failure to comply with an infringement notice  
   55M.    Infringement notice compliance period for infringement notice  
   55N.    Withdrawal of an infringement notice  


           Division 1--Preliminary

              Subdivision A--Object and simplified outline

   56AA.   Object of this Part  
   56AB.   Simplified outline  

              Subdivision B--Designating sectors subject to the consumer data right

   56AC.   Designated sectors subject to the consumer data right  
   56AD.   Minister's tasks before designating a sector etc.  
   56AE.   Secretary must arrange for analysis, consultation and report about an instrument proposing to designate a sector  
   56AEA.  Commission must analyse an instrument proposing to designate a sector  
   56AF.   Information Commissioner must analyse and report about an instrument proposing to designate a sector  
   56AH.   Other matters  

              Subdivision C--Meanings of key terms

   56AI.   Meanings of CDR data, directly or indirectly derived and CDR consumer  
   56AJ.   Meaning of data holder  
   56AK.   Meaning of accredited data recipient  
   56AL.   Meanings of CDR participant and designated gateway  
   56AM.   Meanings of chargeable CDR data , chargeable circumstances and fee - free CDR data  

              Subdivision D--Extension to external Territories and extraterritorial operation

   56AN.   Extension to external Territories  
   56AO.   Extraterritorial operation of the CDR provisions  
   56AP.   Geographical application of offences  

              Subdivision E--Application to government entities

   56AQ.   CDR provisions bind the Crown  
   56AR.   Government entities may participate under this Part  
   56AS.   Participating government entities of a State or Territory--declaration  
   56AT.   Participating government entities of a State or Territory--revocation  

              Subdivision F--Application to acts done by or in relation to agents etc. of CDR entities

   56AU.   Acts done by or in relation to agents etc. of CDR entities  

           Division 2--Consumer data right

              Subdivision A--Power to make consumer data rules

   56BA.   Minister may make consumer data rules  
   56BAA.  Rules must include requirement to delete CDR data on request from CDR consumer  
   56BB.   Matters that the consumer data rules may deal with  
   56BC.   Rules about disclosure, collection, use, accuracy, storage, security or deletion of CDR data for which there are CDR consumers  
   56BD.   Limitations for rules about CDR data for which there are CDR consumers  
   56BE.   Rules about disclosure, collection, use, accuracy, storage, security or deletion of product data  
   56BF.   Limitations for rules about product data  
   56BG.   Rules about designated gateways  
   56BH.   Rules about accreditation of data recipients  
   56BI.   Rules about reporting, record keeping and auditing  
   56BJ.   Rules about incidental or related matters  
   56BK.   Further limitations on the consumer data rules  

              Subdivision B--Compliance with consumer data rules

   56BL.   Obligation to comply with consumer data rules  
   56BM.   Infringement notices  
   56BN.   Misleading or deceptive conduct--offence  
   56BO.   Misleading or deceptive conduct--civil penalty  

              Subdivision C--Process for making consumer data rules etc.

   56BP.   Minister's tasks before making the rules  
   56BQ.    Secretary must arrange for consultation and report before the rules are made  
   56BR.   Commission and Information Commissioner must analyse the proposed rules  
   56BS.    Emergency rules: public consultation not required etc.  
   56BT.   Emergency rules: consequences if made  
   56BTA.  Other matters  

              Subdivision D--Fees for disclosing CDR data

   56BU.   Charging a fee in inappropriate circumstances when required to disclose CDR data  
   56BV.   Commission may intervene if fee for disclosing or using chargeable CDR data is unreasonable etc.  
   56BW.   Review by the Tribunal of determinations specifying particular CDR participants  
   56BX.   Functions and powers of Tribunal  
   56BY.   Provisions that do not apply in relation to a Tribunal review  

           Division 3--Accreditation etc.

              Subdivision A--Accreditation process

   56CA.   Granting accreditations  
   56CB.   Review of decisions refusing to accredit  
   56CC.   Prohibition on holding out--offence  
   56CD.   Prohibition on holding out--civil penalty  

              Subdivision B--Register of Accredited Persons

   56CE.   Register of Accredited Persons  
   56CF.   Evidentiary value of the register  

              Subdivision C--Data Recipient Accreditor

   56CG.   Appointment of the Data Recipient Accreditor  
   56CH.   Functions, powers and annual report  
   56CI.   Directions by Minister  
   56CJ.   Delegation  

              Subdivision D--Accreditation Registrar

   56CK.   Appointment of the Accreditation Registrar  
   56CL.   Functions, powers and annual report  
   56CM.   Directions by Minister  
   56CN.   Delegation  

           Division 4--External dispute resolution

   56DA.   Minister may recognise external dispute resolution schemes  

           Division 5--Privacy safeguards

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   56EA.   Simplified outline  
   56EB.   Kinds of CDR data to which the privacy safeguards apply  
   56EC.   Relationship with other laws  

              Subdivision B--Consideration of CDR data privacy

   56ED.   Privacy safeguard 1--open and transparent management of CDR data  
   56EE.   Privacy safeguard 2--anonymity and pseudonymity  

              Subdivision C--Collecting CDR data

   56EF.   Privacy safeguard 3--soliciting CDR data from CDR participants  
   56EG.   Privacy safeguard 4--dealing with unsolicited CDR data from CDR participants  
   56EH.   Privacy safeguard 5--notifying of the collection of CDR data  

              Subdivision D--Dealing with CDR data

   56EI.   Privacy safeguard 6--use or disclosure of CDR data by accredited data recipients or designated gateways  
   56EJ.   Privacy safeguard 7--use or disclosure of CDR data for direct marketing by accredited data recipients or designated gateways  
   56EK.   Privacy safeguard 8--overseas disclosure of CDR data by accredited data recipients  
   56EL.   Privacy safeguard 9--adoption or disclosure of government related identifiers by accredited data recipients  
   56EM.   Privacy safeguard 10--notifying of the disclosure of CDR data  

              Subdivision E--Integrity of CDR data

   56EN.   Privacy safeguard 11--quality of CDR data  
   56EO.   Privacy safeguard 12--security of CDR data, and destruction or de - identification of redundant CDR data  

              Subdivision F--Correction of CDR data

   56EP.   Privacy safeguard 13--correction of CDR data  

              Subdivision G--Compliance with the privacy safeguards

   56EQ.   Information Commissioner to promote compliance etc.  
   56ER.   Information Commissioner may conduct an assessment relating to the management and handling of CDR data  
   56ES.   Notification of CDR data security breaches  
   56ET.   Investigating breaches of the privacy safeguards etc.  
   56EU.   Civil penalty provisions  
   56EV.   Civil penalty provisions--maximum amount of penalty  
   56EW.   Enforceable undertakings  
   56EX.   Injunctions  
   56EY.   Actions for damages  
   56EZ.   Delegation to the Commission etc.  

           Division 6--Data standards etc.

              Subdivision A--Data standards

   56FA.   Making data standards  
   56FB.   What data standards can set out etc.  
   56FC.   Data standards must be published  
   56FD.   Legal effect of data standards  
   56FE.   Enforcement of binding data standards  

              Subdivision B--Data Standards Chair

   56FF.   Data Standards Chair  
   56FG.   Appointment of the Data Standards Chair  
   56FH.   Functions and powers of the Data Standards Chair  
   56FI.   Directions by Minister  

              Subdivision C--Data Standards Body

   56FJ.   Appointment of the Data Standards Body  
   56FK.   Function and powers of the Data Standards Body  

              Subdivision D--Administrative provisions

   56FL.   Acting appointments  
   56FM.   Terms and conditions  
   56FN.   Remuneration  
   56FO.   Leave  
   56FP.   Application of the finance law etc.  
   56FQ.   Resignation  
   56FR.   Termination of appointment  
   56FS.   Delegation  

           Division 7--Other matters

   56GA.   CDR functions of the Information Commissioner  
   56GAA.  Delegation by Secretary  
   56GAB.  Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  
   56GB.   Referring to instruments as in force from time to time  
   56GC.   Complying with requirements to provide CDR data: protection from liability  
   56GD.   Exemptions by the Commission  
   56GE.   Exemptions and modifications by regulations  
   56GF.    Constitutional basis  
   56GG.   Compensation for acquisition of property  
   56GH.   Review of the operation of this Part  


           Division 1--Objects of Part and simplified outline

   57AA.   Objects of Part  
   57AB.   Simplified outline  

           Division 2--Key concepts

   57BA.   Meaning of scheme vehicle  
   57BB.   Meaning of Australian repairer  
   57BC.   Meaning of scheme RTO and RTO course  
   57BD.   Meaning of scheme information  
   57BE.   Meaning of data provider  
   57BF.   Meaning of safety and security information  
   57BG.   Supply of scheme information between related bodies corporate  

           Division 3--Supply of scheme information

   57CA.   Scheme information--offer to supply to Australian repairers and scheme RTOs  
   57CB.   Scheme information--supply on request by Australian repairers or scheme RTOs  
   57CC.   Scheme information--terms and conditions of supply and use  
   57CD.   Scheme information--interaction of supply obligations and other rights and obligations  

           Division 4--Information management

   57DA.   Safety and security information--packaging  
   57DB.   Safety and security information--supply to Australian repairers and scheme RTOs  
   57DC.   Safety and security information--use or disclosure of sensitive information  
   57DD.   Safety and security information--storage of, and access to, sensitive information  
   57DE.   Security information--records of access  

           Division 5--Dispute resolution

   57EA.   Scope of Division  
   57EB.   Resolving disputes  
   57EC.   Right to bring proceedings unaffected  
   57ED.   Attempt to resolve dispute before mediation  
   57EE.   When is a party taken to have tried to resolve a dispute?  
   57EF.   Mediation  
   57EG.   Termination of mediation  
   57EH.   Costs of mediation  

           Division 6--Motor vehicle service and repair information scheme adviser

   57FA.   Scheme adviser--establishment and appointment  
   57FB.   Scheme adviser--functions  

           Division 7--Miscellaneous

   57GA.   Civil penalty provisions  
   57GB.   Infringement notices  
   57GC.   Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws  
   57GD.   Acquisition of property  
   57GE.   Scheme rules  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   60.     Simplified outline of this Part  
   60AA.   Objects etc.  
   60A.    Definitions  
   60B.    Regulated goods  

           Division 2--Carbon tax price reduction obligation

   60C.    Price exploitation in relation to the carbon tax repeal  
   60CA.   Failure to pass on cost savings--250% penalty  
   60D.    Notice to entity that is considered to have engaged in price exploitation in relation to the carbon tax repeal  
   60E.    Commission may issue notice to aid prevention of price exploitation in relation to the carbon tax repeal  
   60F.    Acquisition of property  

           Division 2A--Carbon tax removal substantiation notices

   60FA.   Carbon tax removal substantiation notices  
   60FB.   Extending periods for complying with carbon tax removal substantiation notices  
   60FC.   Compliance with carbon tax removal substantiation notices  

           Division 2B--Carbon tax removal substantiation statements

   60FD.   Carbon tax removal substantiation statements  

           Division 2C--Statements for customers

   60FE.   Statements for customers  

           Division 3--Price monitoring in relation to the carbon tax repeal etc.

   60G.    Commission may monitor prices in relation to the carbon tax repeal etc.  
   60H.    Information - gathering powers  
   60J.    Reporting  

           Division 4--False or misleading representations about the effect of the carbon tax repeal etc. on prices

   60K.    False or misleading representations about the effect of the carbon tax repeal etc. on prices  

           Division 5--Infringement notices

   60L.    Issuing an infringement notice  
   60M.    Effect of compliance with an infringement notice  
   60N.    Effect of failure to comply with an infringement notice  
   60P.    Infringement notice compliance period for infringement notice  
   60Q.    Withdrawal of an infringement notice  
   60R.    Effect of this Division  


   75B.    Interpretation  
   76.     Pecuniary penalties  
   76A.    Defence to proceedings under section 76 relating to a contravention of section 92  
   76B.    Consequences in some cases if substantially the same conduct contravenes a provision of this Act and is an offence  
   77.     Civil action for recovery of pecuniary penalties  
   77A.    Indemnification of officers  
   77B.    Certain indemnities not authorised and certain documents void  
   77C.    Application of section 77A to a person other than a body corporate  
   78.     Criminal proceedings not to be brought for contraventions of Part IV  
   79.     Offences against section 45AF or 45AG  
   79A.    Enforcement and recovery of certain fines  
   79B.    Preference must be given to compensation for victims  
   80.     Injunctions  
   80A.    Price exploitation in relation to the carbon tax repeal--orders limiting prices or requiring refunds of money  
   80AB.   Stay of injunctions  
   80AC.   Injunctions to prevent mergers if authorisation granted on the basis of false or misleading information  
   81.     Divestiture where merger contravenes section 50 or 50A  
   81A.    Divestiture where merger done under authorisation granted on false etc. information  
   82.     Actions for damages  
   83.     Findings and admissions of fact in proceedings to be evidence  
   84.     Conduct by directors, employees or agents  
   85.     Defences  
   86.     Jurisdiction of courts  
   86AA.   Limit on jurisdiction of Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)  
   86A.    Transfer of matters  
   86C.    Non - punitive orders  
   86D.    Punitive orders--adverse publicity  
   86E.    Order disqualifying a person from managing corporations  
   86F.    Privilege against exposure to penalty--disqualification from managing corporations  
   87.     Other orders  
   87AA.   Special provision relating to Court's exercise of powers under this Part in relation to boycott conduct  
   87B.    Enforcement of undertakings  
   87C.    Enforcement of undertakings--Secretary of the Department  
   87CA.   Intervention by Commission  


   87CB.   Application of Part  
   87CC.   Certain concurrent wrongdoers not to have benefit of apportionment  
   87CD.   Proportionate liability for apportionable claims  
   87CE.   Defendant to notify plaintiff of concurrent wrongdoer of whom defendant aware  
   87CF.   Contribution not recoverable from defendant  
   87CG.   Subsequent actions  
   87CH.   Joining non - party concurrent wrongdoer in the action  
   87CI.   Application of Part  


           Division 1--Introduction

   87D.    Definitions  
   87E.    Proceedings to which this Part applies  

           Division 2--Limitation periods

   87F.    Basic rule  
   87G.     Date of discoverability  
   87H.    Long - stop period  
   87J.    The effect of minority or incapacity  
   87K.    The effect of close relationships  

           Division 3--Limits on personal injury damages for non-economic loss

   87L.    Limits on damages for non - economic loss  
   87M.    Maximum amount of damages for non - economic loss  
   87N.    Index numbers  
   87P.    Most extreme cases  
   87Q.    Cases of 33% or more (but not 100%) of a most extreme case  
   87R.    Cases of 15% or more (but less than 33%) of a most extreme case  
   87S.    Cases of less than 15% of a most extreme case  
   87T.    Referring to earlier decisions on non - economic loss  

           Division 4--Limits on personal injury damages for loss of earning capacity

   87U.    Personal injury damages for loss of earning capacity  
   87V.    Average weekly earnings  

           Division 5--Limits on personal injury damages for gratuitous attendant care services

   87W.    Personal injury damages for gratuitous attendant care services for plaintiff  
   87X.    Personal injury damages for loss of plaintiff's capacity to provide gratuitous attendant care services  

           Division 6--Other limits on personal injury damages

   87Y.    Damages for future economic loss--discount rate  
   87Z.    Damages for loss of superannuation entitlements  
   87ZA.   Interest on damages  
   87ZB.   Exemplary and aggravated damages  

           Division 7--Structured settlements

   87ZC.   Court may make orders under section 87 for structured settlements  


           Division 1--Authorisations

   87ZP.   Definitions  
   88.     Commission may grant authorisations  
   89.     Procedure for applications and the keeping of a register  
   90.     Determination of applications for authorisations  
   90A.    Commission to afford opportunity for conference before determining application for authorisation  
   90B.    Commission may rely on consultations undertaken by the AEMC  
   91.     Grant and variation of authorisations  
   91A.    Minor variations of authorisations  
   91B.    Revocation of an authorisation  
   91C.    Revocation of an authorisation and substitution of a replacement  
   92.     Providing false or misleading information  

           Division 2--Notifications

              Subdivision A--Exclusive dealing and resale price maintenance

   93.     Notification of exclusive dealing or resale price maintenance  
   93AAA.  Imposing conditions relating to notifications  

              Subdivision B--Collective bargaining

   93AA.   Definitions  
   93AB.   Notification of collective bargaining  
   93AC.   Commission's objection notice  
   93ACA.  Imposing conditions relating to collective boycott conduct  
   93AD.   When collective bargaining notice comes into force and ceases to be in force  
   93AE.   Withdrawal of collective bargaining notice  
   93AEA.  Only 1 collective bargaining notice under subsection 93AB(1A) may be given  
   93AF.   Only 1 collective bargaining notice under subsection 93AB(1) may be given  
   93AG.   Stop notice for collective boycott conduct  

              Subdivision C--Conferences

   93A.    Commission to afford opportunity for conference before giving notice  

              Subdivision D--Register of notifications

   95.     Register of notifications  

           Division 3--Class exemptions

   95AA.   Commission may determine class exemptions  
   95AB.   Commission may withdraw the benefit of class exemption in particular case  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   95A.    Interpretation  
   95B.    Exempt supplies  
   95C.    Application of Part  
   95D.    Crown to be bound  
   95E.    Object of this Part  
   95F.    Simplified overview of this Part  

           Division 2--Commission's functions under this Part

   95G.    Commission's functions under this Part  

           Division 3--Price inquiries

              Subdivision A--Holding of inquiries

   95H.    Price inquiries  
   95J.    Content of inquiry notices  
   95K.    Period for completing inquiry  
   95L.    Notice of holding of inquiry  
   95M.    Notice of extension of period for completing inquiry  
   95N.    Price restrictions  

              Subdivision B--Reports on inquiries

   95P.    Copies of report to be made available  
   95Q.    Notification of proposed prices after receipt of report  

              Subdivision C--Procedure at inquiries

   95R.    Public inquiries etc.  
   95S.    Taking of evidence on oath or affirmation  
   95T.    Failure of witness to attend  
   95U.    Refusal to be sworn or to answer question  
   95V.    Protection of witnesses  
   95W.    Allowances to witnesses  

           Division 4--Price notifications

   95X.    Declarations by Minister or Commission  
   95Y.    Declarations in relation to State or Territory authorities  
   95Z.    Price restrictions  
   95ZA.   Later notices modifying a locality notice  
   95ZB.   Applicable period in relation to a locality notice  
   95ZC.   Register of price notifications  
   95ZD.   Delegation by Commission  

           Division 5--Price monitoring

   95ZE.   Directions to monitor prices, costs and profits of an industry  
   95ZF.   Directions to monitor prices, costs and profits of a business  
   95ZG.   Exceptions to price monitoring  

           Division 6--Other provisions

   95ZH.   Ministerial directions  
   95ZI.   Inquiries by an unincorporated body or a group of 2 or more individuals  
   95ZJ.   Withdrawal of notices  
   95ZK.   Power to obtain information or documents  
   95ZL.   Inspection of documents etc.  
   95ZM.   Retention of documents  
   95ZN.   Confidential information  
   95ZO.   Immunity  
   95ZP.   Secrecy: members or staff members of the Commission etc.  
   95ZPA.  Disclosure of protected information to the Energy Department  
   95ZQ.   Secrecy: persons involved in inquiries by bodies other than the Commission  


   96.     Acts constituting engaging in resale price maintenance  
   96A.    Resale price maintenance in relation to services  
   97.     Recommended prices  
   98.     Withholding the supply of goods  
   99.     Statements as to the minimum price of goods  
   100.    Evidentiary provisions  


           Division 1--Applications for review

   101.    Applications for review  
   101A.   Application for review of notices under Division 2 of Part VII  
   101B.   Application for review of notice under section 95AB  
   102.    Functions and powers of Tribunal  

           Division 2--Procedure and Evidence

   103.    Procedure generally  
   104.    Regulations as to certain matters  
   105.    Power to take evidence on oath  
   106.    Hearings to be in public except in special circumstances  
   107.    Evidence in form of written statement  
   108.    Taking of evidence by single member  
   109.    Participants in proceedings before Tribunal  
   110.    Representation  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   10.01.  Objects of Part  
   10.01A. Simplified outline  
   10.02.  Interpretation  
   10.02A. Inland terminals  
   10.03.  Designated shipper bodies  

           Division 2--Additional restrictive trade practice provisions applying to ocean carriers

   10.04.  Application of section 46 in relation to conference agreements  

           Division 3--Minimum standards for conference agreements

   10.06.  Application of Australian law to outwards conference agreements and withdrawal from agreements  
   10.07.  Minimum levels of shipping services to be specified in conference agreements  
   10.08.  Conference agreements may include only certain restrictive trade practice provisions  
   10.09.  Where may consequences of conference agreements not complying with minimum standards be found?  

           Division 4--Registers and files and public inspection of them

   10.10.  Registers and conference agreement files open to public inspection  
   10.11.  What registers are to be kept by the Registrar?  
   10.12.  What conference agreement files are to be kept by the Registrar?  
   10.13.  What register is to be kept by the Commission?  

           Division 5--Exemptions from certain restrictive trade practice prohibitions

              Subdivision A--Exemptions relating to conference agreements

   10.14.  Exemptions apply only to certain activities  
   10.15.  When do exemptions commence to apply in relation to registered conference agreements?  
   10.16.  Exemptions do not apply to variations of conference agreement unless varying agreement registered  
   10.17.  Exemptions from sections 45AF, 45AG, 45AJ, 45AK and 45  
   10.17A. Exemptions from sections 45AF, 45AG, 45AJ, 45AK and 45 for freight rate agreements  
   10.18.  Exemption from section 47  
   10.18A. Exemptions from section 47 for freight rate agreements  

              Subdivision B--Exemptions relating to loyalty agreements

   10.19.  Exemptions from sections 45AF, 45AG, 45AJ, 45AK and 45  
   10.20.  Exemption from section 47  
   10.21.  Exemptions cease to apply in relation to a shipper at the shipper's option  

              Subdivision D--Other exemptions

   10.24.  Exemptions from sections 45AF, 45AG, 45AJ, 45AK, 45 and 47 in relation to certain negotiations  
   10.24A. Exemptions from sections 45AF, 45AG, 45AJ, 45AK, 45 and 47 in relation to stevedoring contracts  

           Division 6--Registration of conference agreements

              Subdivision A--Provisional registration

   10.25.  Application for provisional registration of conference agreement  
   10.26.  How application is to be made and verified  
   10.27.  Copy of agreement to be filed with application etc.  
   10.27A. Copy of conference agreement to be given to designated peak shipper body  
   10.28.  Decision on application for provisional registration  
   10.29.  Parties to conference agreement to negotiate minimum level of shipping services after provisional registration of agreement  

              Subdivision B--Final registration

   10.30.  Application for final registration of conference agreement  
   10.31.  How application is to be made and verified  
   10.32.  Copy of agreement to be filed with application etc.  
   10.33.  Decision on application for final registration  

              Subdivision C--Confidentiality requests

   10.34.  Request for confidentiality  
   10.35.  Abstract to accompany request for confidentiality  
   10.36.  Examination of abstract  
   10.37.  Decision on request for confidentiality  
   10.38.  Application for registration to be returned where request for confidentiality refused etc.  

              Subdivision D--Miscellaneous

   10.39.  Application also to be made for registration of varying conference agreements  
   10.40.  Notification of happening of affecting events prior to final registration etc.  

           Division 7--Obligations of ocean carriers in relation to registered conference agreements

   10.41.  Parties to registered conference agreement to negotiate with certain designated shipper bodies etc.  
   10.42.  Application to be made for registration of varying conference agreements  
   10.43.  Parties to registered conference agreement to notify happening of affecting events etc.  

           Division 8--Powers of Minister in relation to registered conference agreements

   10.44.  Powers exercisable by Minister in relation to registered conference agreements etc.  
   10.45.  Circumstances in which Minister may exercise powers in relation to registered conference agreements  
   10.46.  Action to be taken where powers exercised by Minister without first obtaining Commission report  
   10.47.  Investigation and report by Commission on reference by Minister  
   10.48.  Investigation and report by Commission on own initiative or on application by affected person  
   10.49.  Undertakings by parties to registered conference agreement  
   10.49A. Enforcement of undertakings  

           Division 9--Obligations of non-conference ocean carriers with substantial market power

   10.50.  Investigations by Commission into market power of ocean carriers  
   10.51.  Determination by Minister of market power of ocean carriers  
   10.52.  Non - conference ocean carrier with substantial market power to negotiate with certain designated shipper bodies etc.  
   10.53.  Non - conference ocean carrier with substantial market power not to hinder Australian flag shipping operators etc.  

           Division 10--Powers of Minister in relation to non-conference ocean carriers with substantial market power

   10.54.  Powers exercisable by Minister in relation to obligations of non - conference ocean carriers with substantial market power  
   10.55.  Circumstances in which Minister may exercise powers  
   10.56.  Action to be taken where powers exercised by Minister without first obtaining Commission report  
   10.57.  Investigation and report by Commission on reference by Minister  
   10.58.  Investigation and report by Commission on application by affected person  
   10.59.  Undertakings by ocean carrier  
   10.60.  Enforcement of orders and undertakings  

           Division 11--Unfair pricing practices

   10.61.  Powers exercisable by Minister in relation to pricing practices etc.  
   10.62.  Circumstances in which Minister may exercise powers  
   10.63.  Investigation and report by Commission  
   10.64.  Undertakings not to engage in pricing practices  
   10.65.  Enforcement of orders and undertakings  
   10.66.  Determination of normal freight rates for shipping services  
   10.67.  Determination of whether practice contrary to national interest  

           Division 12--Registration of ocean carrier agents

   10.68.  Ocean carrier who provides international liner cargo shipping services to have registered agent  
   10.69.  Representation of ocean carrier by registered agent  
   10.70.  Application by ocean carrier for registration of agent  
   10.71.  Registration of agent  
   10.72.  Change of agent etc.  

           Division 12A--Exemption orders for inwards conference agreements etc.

   10.72A. Exemption orders for inwards conference agreements etc.  
   10.72B. Criteria for making exemption order  
   10.72C. Duration of exemption order may be limited  
   10.72D. Conditions of exemption order  

           Division 13--General provisions relating to registers and conference agreement files

   10.73.  Form of registers and conference agreement files  
   10.74.  Deletion of entries wrongly existing in certain registers  
   10.75.  Deletion of obsolete entries in certain registers  
   10.76.  Correction of clerical errors and other mistakes in certain registers etc.  

           Division 14--Administration

   10.77.  Registrar of Liner Shipping  
   10.78.  Appointment of Registrar etc.  
   10.79.  Acting Registrar  
   10.80.  Registrar and staff to be public servants  
   10.81.  Delegation by Minister  
   10.82.  Delegation by Registrar  

           Division 14A--Review of decisions of Commission

   10.82A. Review by Tribunal  
   10.82B. Functions and powers of Tribunal  
   10.82C. Provisions that do not apply in relation to a Tribunal review  

           Division 14B--Review of decisions of Minister

   10.82D. Review by Tribunal  
   10.82E. Functions and powers of Tribunal  
   10.82F. Modifying register after Tribunal review  
   10.82G. Provisions that do not apply in relation to a Tribunal review  

           Division 15--Miscellaneous

   10.83.  Act not to affect rights under Freedom of Information Act  
   10.84.  Review of decisions of Registrar  
   10.85.  Statement to accompany notices of Registrar  
   10.86.  Evidence  
   10.87.  Notification by Commission of references etc.  
   10.88.  Exclusion of documents etc. from register of Commission investigations  
   10.89.  Disclosure of confidential information  
   10.90.  Fees  
   10.91.  Application of Part XID and section 155 to investigations under Part  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   130.    Definitions  
   130A.   Expressions defined in Schedule 2  

           Division 2--Application of the Australian Consumer Law as a law of the Commonwealth

              Subdivision A--Application of the Australian Consumer Law

   131.    Application of the Australian Consumer Law in relation to corporations etc.  
   131A.   Division does not apply to financial services  
   131B.   Division does not apply to interim bans imposed by State or Territory Ministers  
   131C.   Saving of other laws and remedies  

              Subdivision B--Effect of other Commonwealth laws on the Australian Consumer Law

   131D.   Effect of Part VIB on Chapter 5 of the Australian Consumer Law  
   131E.   Application of the Legislation Act 2003  
   131F.   Section 4AB of the Crimes Act does not apply  
   131G.   Application of the Criminal Code  

           Division 3--Conferences for proposed bans and recall notices

              Subdivision A--Conference requirements before a ban or compulsory recall

   132.    Commonwealth Minister must issue a proposed ban notice  
   132A.   Commonwealth Minister must issue a proposed recall notice  
   132B.   Commonwealth Minister to be notified if no person wishes a conference to be held  
   132C.   Notification of conference  
   132D.   Recommendation after conclusion of conference  

              Subdivision B--Conference requirements after an interim ban is imposed

   132E.   Opportunity for a conference after an interim ban has been imposed by the Commonwealth Minister  
   132F.   Notification of conference  
   132G.   Recommendation after conclusion of conference  

              Subdivision C--Conduct of conferences

   132H.   Conduct of conferences  

              Subdivision D--Miscellaneous

   132J.   Interim ban and recall notice without delay in case of danger to the public  
   132K.   Copy of notices under this Division to be given to suppliers  

           Division 4--Enforcement

              Subdivision A--Inspectors

   133.    Appointment of inspectors  
   133A.   Identity cards  

              Subdivision B--Premises to which the public is given access

   133B.   Power to enter premises to which the public has access--consumer goods  
   133C.   Power to enter premises to which the public has access--product related services  

              Subdivision C--Disclosure notices relating to the safety of goods or services

   133D.   Power to obtain information etc.  
   133E.   Self - incrimination  
   133F.   Compliance with disclosure notices  
   133G.   False or misleading information etc.  

              Subdivision D--Court orders relating to the destruction etc. of goods

   133H.   Court orders relating to consumer goods that do not comply with a safety standard etc.  
   133J.   Recovery of reasonable costs of seizing, and destroying or disposing of, consumer goods  

           Division 5--Infringement notices

   134.    Purpose and effect of this Division  
   134A.   Issuing an infringement notice  
   134B.   Matters to be included in an infringement notice  
   134C.   Amount of penalty  
   134D.   Effect of compliance with an infringement notice  
   134E.   Effect of failure to comply with an infringement notice  
   134F.   Infringement notice compliance period for infringement notice  
   134G.   Withdrawal of an infringement notice  

           Division 6--Search, seizure and entry

              Subdivision A--Powers of inspectors

   135.    Inspector may enter premises  
   135A.   Search - related powers of inspectors  
   135B.   Inspector may ask questions and seek production of documents  
   135C.   Failure to answer questions or produce documents  
   135D.   Persons assisting inspectors  
   135E.   Use of force in executing a search warrant  
   135F.   Announcement before entry under warrant  
   135G.   Inspector must be in possession of search warrant  

              Subdivision B--Obligations of inspectors

   135H.   Consent  
   135J.   Details of search warrant etc. must be given to the occupier of the premises  

              Subdivision C--Occupier's etc. rights and responsibilities

   135K.   Occupier etc. entitled to observe execution of search warrant  
   135L.   Occupier etc. to provide inspector etc. with facilities and assistance  
   135M.   Receipts for seized consumer goods and equipment  
   135N.   Return of seized consumer goods and equipment  
   135P.   Judge may permit consumer goods or equipment to be retained  

              Subdivision D--Provisions relating to seizure

   135Q.   Recovery of reasonable costs of seizing consumer goods or equipment  
   135R.   Destruction or disposal of seized consumer goods or equipment  

              Subdivision E--Embargo notices

   135S.   Embargo notices  
   135T.   Embargo period for embargo notices  
   135U.   Multiple embargo notices for the same consumer goods or product related services  
   135V.   Power of inspectors to secure consumer goods  
   135W.   Power of inspectors to secure equipment used to supply product related services  
   135X.   Consent to supply etc. embargoed consumer goods etc.  
   135Y.   Compliance with embargo notices  

              Subdivision F--Issue of search warrants

   135Z.   Issue of search warrants  
   136.    Search warrants by telephone, fax etc.  
   136A.   Offence relating to warrants by telephone, fax etc.  

              Subdivision G--Miscellaneous

   136B.   Powers of judges  

           Division 7--Remedies

   137.    Limit on occupational liability  
   137A.   Contributory acts or omissions to reduce compensation in defective goods actions  
   137B.   Reduction of the amount of loss or damage if the claimant fails to take reasonable care  
   137C.   Limits on recovery of amounts for death or personal injury  
   137D.   Compensation orders etc. arising out of unconscionable conduct or unfair contract term  
   137E.   Limits on compensation orders etc. for death or personal injury  
   137F.   Court may make orders for the purpose of preserving money or other property held by a person  
   137G.   Compliance with orders made under section 137F  
   137H.   Findings and admissions of fact in proceedings to be evidence  

           Division 8--Jurisdictional matters

   138.    Conferring jurisdiction on the Federal Court  
   138A.   Conferring jurisdiction on the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)  
   138B.   Conferring jurisdiction on State and Territory Courts  
   138C.   Transfer of matters by the Federal Court  
   138D.   Transfer of matters by a State or Territory court  
   138E.   Transfer of proceedings to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1)  

           Division 9--Miscellaneous

   139.    Intervention by the Commission  
   139A.   Terms excluding consumer guarantees from supplies of recreational services  
   139B.   Conduct of directors, employees or agents of bodies corporate  
   139C.   Conduct of employees or agents of persons other than bodies corporate  
   139D.   Enforcement and recovery of certain fines  
   139DA.  Application of section 229 of the Australian Consumer Law to a person other than a body corporate  
   139E.   Cessation of enforcement orders etc.  
   139F.   Compensation for acquisition of property  
   139G.   Regulations  


   140.    Definitions  
   140A.   Object of this Part  
   140B.   The applied Australian Consumer Law  
   140C.   Federal Court may exercise jurisdiction under application laws of Territories  
   140D.   Exercise of jurisdiction under cross - vesting provisions  
   140E.   Commonwealth consent to conferral of functions etc. on Commonwealth entities  
   140F.   How duty is imposed  
   140G.   When an application law imposes a duty  
   140H.   Application laws may operate concurrently with this Act  
   140J.   No doubling - up of liabilities  
   140K.   References in instruments to the Australian Consumer Law  


   150A.   Definitions  
   150B.   Objects of this Part  
   150C.   The Competition Code  
   150D.   Federal Court may exercise jurisdiction under application laws of Territories  
   150E.   Exercise of jurisdiction under cross - vesting provisions  
   150F.   Commonwealth consent to conferral of functions etc. on Commonwealth entities  
   150FA.  How duty is imposed  
   150FB.  When an application law imposes a duty  
   150G.   Application laws may operate concurrently with this Act  
   150H.   No doubling - up of liabilities  
   150I.   References in instruments to the Competition Code  
   150J.   Authorisations etc. under this Act may relate also to Competition Code  
   150K.   Gazettal of jurisdictions that excessively modify the Code  


           Division 1--Introduction

   151AA.  Simplified outline  
   151AB.  Definitions  
   151AC.  Extension to external Territories  
   151AD.  Continuity of partnerships  
   151AE.  Additional operation of Part  
   151AF.  Telecommunications market  
   151AG.  When a body corporate is related to a partnership  
   151AH.  Degree of power in a telecommunications market  
   151AI.  Interpretation of Part IV or VII not affected by this Part  

           Division 2--Anti-competitive conduct

   151AJ.  Anti - competitive conduct  
   151AK.  The competition rule  

           Division 3--Competition notices and exemption orders

              Subdivision A--Competition notices

   151AKA. Part A competition notices  
   151AL.  Part B competition notices  
   151AM.  Competition notice to be given to carrier or carriage service provider  
   151AN.  Evidentiary effect of competition notice  
   151AO.  Duration of Part A competition notice  
   151AOA. Variation of competition notice  
   151AOB. Revocation of competition notice  
   151AP.  Guidelines  
   151AQ.  Commission to act expeditiously  
   151AQA. Stay of proceedings relating to competition notices  
   151AQB. Advisory notices  
   151AR.  Register of competition notices  

              Subdivision B--Exemption orders

   151AS.  Exemption orders  
   151AT.  Form of application  
   151AU.  Further information  
   151AV.  Withdrawal of application  
   151AW.  Commission must publicise receipt of applications  
   151AX.  Commission may refuse to consider application if it relates to the same conduct as an authorisation application  
   151AY.  Commission may refuse to consider application if it relates to the same conduct as a Part VII notification  
   151AZ.  Commission may convene conference to discuss application  
   151BA.  Commission must grant or reject application  
   151BB.  Commission to give opportunity for submissions  
   151BC.  Criteria for making exemption order  
   151BD.  Notification of decision  
   151BE.  Duration of exemption order may be limited  
   151BF.  Conditions of exemption order  
   151BG.  Revocation of exemption order  
   151BH.  Register of exemption orders  

              Subdivision C--Miscellaneous

   151BJ.  Conduct includes proposed conduct  

           Division 6--Record-keeping rules and disclosure directions

   151BU.  Commission may make record - keeping rules  
   151BUAA. Minister may give directions to Commission  
   151BUAB.Request for disclosure  
   151BUA. Commission gives access to reports  
   151BUB. Carrier or carriage service provider gives access to reports  
   151BUC. Carrier or carriage service provider gives access to periodic reports  
   151BUD. Exemption of reports from access requirements  
   151BUDA.Commission gives access to Ministerially - directed reports  
   151BUDB.Carrier or carriage service provider gives access to Ministerially - directed reports  
   151BUDC.Carrier or carriage service provider gives access to Ministerially - directed periodic reports  
   151BUE. Access via the internet  
   151BUF. Self - incrimination  
   151BV.  Incorrect records  

           Division 7--Enforcement of the competition rule, record-keeping rules and disclosure directions

   151BW.  Person involved in a contravention of the competition rule, a record - keeping rule or a disclosure direction  
   151BX.  Pecuniary penalties for breach of the competition rule, a record - keeping rule or a disclosure direction  
   151BY.  Civil action for recovery of pecuniary penalties  
   151BZ.  Criminal proceedings not to be brought for contraventions of the competition rule, record - keeping rules or disclosure directions  
   151CA.  Injunctions  
   151CB.  Orders to disclose information or publish an advertisement--breach of the competition rule  
   151CC.   Actions for damages--breach of the competition rule  
   151CD.   Finding of fact in proceedings to be evidence  
   151CE.  Other orders--compensation for breach of the competition rule  
   151CF.   Conduct by directors, employees or agents  

           Division 8--Disclosure of documents by Commission

   151CG.  Disclosure of documents by Commission  

           Division 9--Treatment of partnerships

   151CH.  Treatment of partnerships  

           Division 10--Review of decisions

   151CI.  Review by Tribunal  
   151CJ.  Functions and powers of Tribunal  
   151CK.  Provisions that do not apply in relation to a Tribunal review  

           Division 11--Reviews of competitive safeguards within the telecommunications industry

   151CL.  Reviews of competitive safeguards within the telecommunications industry  

           Division 12--Monitoring of telecommunications charges paid by consumers

   151CM.  Monitoring of telecommunications charges paid by consumers  

           Division 12A--Reports about competition in the telecommunications industry

   151CMA. Public reports about competition in the telecommunications industry  
   151CMB. Confidential reports about competition in the telecommunications industry  
   151CMC. Examples of matters that may be specified in a determination under section 151CMA or 151CMB  

           Division 15--Voluntary undertakingsoriginallygiven by Telstra

   151CMD. Voluntary undertakings originally given by Telstra  
   151CQ.  Voluntary undertakings given by Telstra  

           Division 16--NBN corporations

   151DA.  Authorised conduct--subsection 51(1)  
   151DB.  Listed points of interconnection  


           Division 1--Introduction

   152AA.  Simplified outline  
   152AB.  Object of this Part  
   152AC.  Definitions  
   152AD.  This Part binds the Crown  
   152AE.  Extension to external Territories  
   152AF.  Access  
   152AG.  Access seeker  
   152AH.  Reasonableness--terms and conditions  
   152AI.  When public inquiry commences  
   152AJ.  Interpretation of Part IIIA not affected by this Part  
   152AK.  Operation of Parts IV and VII not affected by this Part  

           Division 2--Declared services

   152AL.  Declared services  
   152ALA. Duration of declaration  
   152AM.  Inquiries about proposals to declare services  
   152AN.  Combined inquiries about proposals to declare services  
   152AO.  Variation or revocation of declaration  
   152AQ.  Register of declared services  
   152AQC. Compensation for acquisition of property  

           Division 3--Standard access obligations

              Subdivision A--Category A standard access obligations

   152AR.  Category A standard access obligations  
   152ASA. Anticipatory class exemptions from category A standard access obligations  
   152ATA. Anticipatory individual exemptions from category A standard access obligations  
   152AU.  Individual exemptions--request for further information  
   152AXA. Statement of reasons for decision--specification of documents  

              Subdivision B--Category B standard access obligations

   152AXB. Category B standard access obligations  
   152AXC. NBN corporation to supply declared services on a non - discriminatory basis  
   152AXD. NBN corporation to carry on related activities on a non - discriminatory basis  

              Subdivision C--Compliance with standard access obligations

   152AY.  Compliance with standard access obligations  
   152AYA. Ancillary obligations--confidential information  
   152AZ.  Carrier licence condition  
   152BA.  Service provider rule  
   152BB.   Judicial enforcement of standard access obligations  
   152BBAA.Judicial enforcement of conditions and limitations of exemption determinations and orders  
   152BBA. Commission may give directions in relation to negotiations  
   152BBB. Enforcement of directions  
   152BBC. Commission's role in negotiations  
   152BBD. Reaching agreement on terms and conditions of access  

           Division 4--Access determinations

              Subdivision A--Commission may make access determinations

   152BC.  Access determinations  
   152BCA. Matters that the Commission must take into account  
   152BCB. Restrictions on access determinations  
   152BCC. Access agreements prevail over inconsistent access determinations  
   152BCCA.Final migration plan prevails over inconsistent access determinations  
   152BCCB.Statutory infrastructure provider standards and rules prevail over inconsistent access determinations  
   152BCD. Fixed principles provisions  
   152BCE. Access determinations may be set out in the same document  
   152BCF. Duration of access determination  
   152BCG. Interim access determinations  
   152BCGA.Stay of access determinations  

              Subdivision B--Public inquiries about proposals to make access determinations

   152BCH. Access determination to be made after public inquiry  
   152BCI. When public inquiry must be held  
   152BCJ. Combined inquiries about proposals to make access determinations  
   152BCK. Time limit for making an access determination  

              Subdivision C--Variation or revocation of access determinations

   152BCN. Variation or revocation of access determinations  

              Subdivision D--Compliance with access determinations

   152BCO. Carrier licence condition  
   152BCP. Service provider rule  

              Subdivision E--Private enforcement of access determinations

   152BCQ. Private enforcement of access determinations  
   152BCR. Consent injunctions  
   152BCS. Interim injunctions  
   152BCT. Factors relevant to granting a restraining injunction  
   152BCU. Factors relevant to granting a mandatory injunction  
   152BCV. Discharge or variation of injunction or other order  

              Subdivision F--Register of Access Determinations

   152BCW. Register of Access Determinations  

           Division 4A--Binding rules of conduct

              Subdivision A--Commission may make binding rules of conduct

   152BD.  Binding rules of conduct  
   152BDAA.Matters that the Commission must take into account  
   152BDA. Restrictions on binding rules of conduct  
   152BDB. Access agreements prevail over inconsistent binding rules of conduct  
   152BDC. Duration of binding rules of conduct  
   152BDCA.Final migration plan prevails over inconsistent binding rules of conduct  
   152BDCB.Statutory infrastructure provider standards and rules prevail over inconsistent binding rules of conduct  
   152BDD. Commission must give copy of binding rules of conduct to carrier etc.  
   152BDE. Access determinations that are inconsistent with binding rules of conduct  
   152BDEA.Stay of binding rules of conduct  

              Subdivision B--Compliance with binding rules of conduct

   152BDF. Carrier licence condition  
   152BDG. Service provider rule  

              Subdivision C--Private enforcement of binding rules of conduct

   152BDH. Private enforcement of binding rules of conduct  
   152BDI. Consent injunctions  
   152BDJ. Interim injunctions  
   152BDK. Factors relevant to granting a restraining injunction  
   152BDL. Factors relevant to granting a mandatory injunction  
   152BDM. Discharge or variation of injunction or other order  

              Subdivision D--Register of Binding Rules of Conduct

   152BDN. Register of Binding Rules of Conduct  

           Division 4B--Access agreements

   152BE.  Access agreements  
   152BEA. Quarterly reports about access agreements  
   152BEB. Commission may request copy of access agreement or variation agreement  
   152BEBA.NBN corporation to give the Commission a statement about the differences between an access agreement and a standard form of access agreement  
   152BEBB.NBN corporation to give the Commission a statement about the differences between an access agreement and a special access undertaking  
   152BEBC.NBN corporation to give the Commission a statement about the differences between an access agreement and an access determination  
   152BEBD.Register of NBN Access Agreement Statements  
   152BEBH.Statutory infrastructure provider standards prevail over inconsistent access agreements  
   152BEBI.Statutory infrastructure provider rules prevail over inconsistent access agreements  
   152BEC. Carrier licence condition  
   152BED. Service provider rule  

           Division 5--Access undertakings

              Subdivision B--Special access undertakings

   152CBA. What is a special access undertaking ?  
   152CBAA.Fixed principles terms and conditions  
   152CBB. Further information about undertaking  
   152CBC. Commission to accept or reject access undertaking  
   152CBCA.Serial undertakings  
   152CBD. Criteria for accepting access undertaking  
   152CBDA.Variation of special access undertaking  
   152CBE. Extension of access undertaking  
   152CBF. Duration of access undertaking  
   152CBG. Variation of access undertakings  
   152CBH. Further information about variation of access undertaking  
   152CBI. Voluntary withdrawal of undertaking  
   152CBIA.Special access undertakings prevail over inconsistent access determinations  
   152CBIB.Special access undertakings prevail over inconsistent binding rules of conduct  
   152CBIC.Access agreements prevail over special access undertakings  
   152CBID.Statutory infrastructure provider standards and rules prevail over inconsistent special access undertakings  
   152CBJ. Proposed service  

              Subdivision C--General provisions

   152CC.  Register of access undertakings  
   152CD.  Enforcement of access undertakings  
   152CDA. Deferral of consideration of an access undertaking etc.  

           Division 6--Ministerial pricing determinations

   152CH.  Ministerial pricing determinations  
   152CI.  Undertakings, access determinations and binding rules of conduct that are inconsistent with Ministerial pricing determinations  
   152CJ.  Register of Ministerial pricing determinations  

           Division 6A--Supply of services by NBN corporations

   152CJA. Supply of services by NBN corporations  
   152CJB. Mandatory NBN services  
   152CJC. Carrier licence condition  
   152CJD. Service provider rule  
   152CJE.  Judicial enforcement of obligations  
   152CJF. Standard form of access agreement  
   152CJG. When NBN corporation is not capable of supplying a carriage service  

           Division 6B--Explanatory material relating to anti-discrimination provisions

   152CJH. Explanatory material relating to anti - discrimination provisions  

           Division 7--Relationship between this Part and Part IIIA

   152CK.  Relationship between this Part and Part IIIA  

           Division 10--Hindering the fulfilment of a standard access obligation etc.

   152EF.  Prohibition on hindering the fulfilment of a standard access obligation etc.  
   152EG.  Enforcement of prohibition on hindering the fulfilment of a standard access obligation etc.  
   152EH.  Consent injunctions  
   152EI.  Interim injunctions  
   152EJ.  Factors relevant to granting a restraining injunction  
   152EK.  Factors relevant to granting a mandatory injunction  
   152EL.  Discharge or variation of injunction or other order  

           Division 10A--Procedural Rules

   152ELA. Procedural Rules  
   152ELC. Plan for the development of Procedural Rules  

           Division 11--Miscellaneous

   152ELD. Compensation for acquisition of property  
   152EM.  Continuity of partnerships  
   152EN.  Treatment of partnerships  
   152EO.  Conduct by directors, servants or agents  
   152EP.  Regulations about fees for inspection etc. of registers  
   152EQ.  Assistance to independent telecommunications adjudicator  
   152EQA. Voluntary undertakings originally given by Telstra  
   152ER.  Voluntary undertakings given by Telstra  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   153A.   Simplified outline of this Part  
   153B.   Part etc. ceases to be in force  
   153C.   Interpretation  
   153D.   Meaning of connected body corporate in relation to prohibited conduct  

           Division 2--Prohibited conduct

   153E.   Prohibited conduct--retail pricing  
   153F.   Prohibited conduct--electricity financial contract liquidity  
   153G.   Prohibited conduct--electricity spot market (basic case)  
   153H.   Prohibited conduct--electricity spot market (aggravated case)  
   153J.   Prohibited conduct--purpose  
   153K.   Prohibited conduct may be covered by other provisions  

           Division 3--Commission responses

              Subdivision A--Public warning notices

   153L.   Commission may give draft public warning notice  
   153M.   Commission may issue public warning notice  

              Subdivision B--Infringement notices

   153N.   Infringement notices  

           Division 4--Procedure before contracting order or divestiture order

              Subdivision A--Prohibited conduct notices

   153P.   Prohibited conduct notices  
   153Q.   Commission may vary or revoke prohibited conduct notice  

              Subdivision B--Prohibited conduct recommendations and no Treasurer action notices

   153R.   Commission must give Treasurer prohibited conduct recommendation or no Treasurer action notice  
   153S.   Prohibited conduct recommendations  
   153T.   Commission may vary or revoke prohibited conduct recommendation  
   153U.   No Treasurer action notice  
   153V.   Commission may vary or revoke no Treasurer action notice  

           Division 5--Contracting orders

              Subdivision A--Treasurer may make contracting orders

   153W.   Conditions for making contracting order  
   153X.   Treasurer may make contracting order  
   153Y.   Variation and revocation of contracting order  

              Subdivision B--Enforcement of contracting orders

   153Z.   Enforcement of contracting orders  

           Division 6--Electricity divestiture orders

   153ZA.  Treasurer may apply to Federal Court for divestiture order  
   153ZB.  Making of divestiture order  
   153ZBA. Arrangements or undertakings in relation to employees  

           Division 7--Miscellaneous

   153ZC.  Acquisition of property  
   153ZD.  No orders under subsection 76(1) against certain individuals  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   153ZEA. Objects of Part  
   153ZEB. Definitions  
   153ZEC. How this Part applies to partnerships and joint ventures  
   153ZED. Constitutional limits on operation of this Part  
   153ZEE. This Part binds the Crown  

           Division 2--Declaration of CS services

   153ZEF. Minister may declare a CS service  
   153ZEG. Amendment and revocation of declarations  

           Division 3--Negotiation of access

   153ZEH. Notification of negotiations under this Division  
   153ZEI. Ending negotiations under this Division  
   153ZEJ. Conducting negotiations under this Division  
   153ZEK. Information request by bargaining party--general  
   153ZEL. Information request by bargaining party--miscellaneous rules  

           Division 4--Notification of access disputes

   153ZEM. Notification of access disputes  
   153ZEN. Withdrawal of notifications  

           Division 5--Arbitration of access disputes

   153ZEO. Parties to the arbitration  
   153ZEP. Determination by Commission  
   153ZEQ. Restrictions on access determinations  
   153ZER. Matters that the Commission must take into account  
   153ZES. Time limit for Commission's final determination  
   153ZET. Arbitration reports  
   153ZEU. Commission may terminate arbitration in certain cases  

           Division 6--Procedure in arbitration

   153ZEV. Subdivision D of Division 3 of Part IIIA to apply  
   153ZEW. Commission's powers if information not provided in negotiations  
   153ZEX. Sharing information with and requesting advice from ASIC and Reserve Bank  

           Division 7--Effect of determinations

   153ZEY. Operation of final determinations  
   153ZEZ. Effect and duration of interim determinations  

           Division 8--Variation and revocation of determinations

   153ZFA. Variation and revocation of determinations  

           Division 9--Enforcement and remedies

   153ZFB. Prohibition on hindering access to declared services  
   153ZFC. Division 7 of Part IIIA to apply  

           Division 10--Miscellaneous

   153ZFD. Register of determinations  
   153ZFE. Provisions of Division 8 of Part IIIA to apply  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   154.    Simplified outline  
   154A.   Definitions  

           Division 2--Appointment of inspectors and identity cards

   154B.   Appointment of inspectors  
   154C.   Identity cards  

           Division 3--Entry to premises with consent

   154D.   Entry with consent  
   154E.   Powers in relation to premises  
   154F.   Operation of electronic equipment at premises  

           Division 4--Entry to premises under a search warrant

              Subdivision A--Powers available under a search warrant

   154G.   The things that are authorised by a search warrant  
   154GA.  Removing things for examination or processing  
   154H.   Operation of electronic equipment at premises  
   154J.   Securing electronic equipment for use by experts  

              Subdivision B--Availability of assistance and use of force in executing a search warrant

   154K.   Authorisation of officers assisting  
   154L.   Availability of assistance and use of force in executing a search warrant  

              Subdivision C--Obligations of executing officer and officers assisting

   154M.   Announcement before entry  
   154N.   Details of warrant to be given to occupier  

              Subdivision D--Occupier's rights and responsibilities

   154P.   Occupier entitled to observe search being conducted  
   154Q.   Occupier to provide reasonable facilities and assistance  
   154R.   Answering of questions or producing evidential material  
   154RA.  Person with computer knowledge to assist access etc.  

              Subdivision E--General provisions relating to seizure

   154S.   Copies of seized things to be provided  
   154T.   Receipts for things seized or moved under warrant  
   154U.   Return of seized things  
   154V.   Magistrate may permit a thing to be retained  
   154W.   Disposal of things if there is no owner or owner cannot be located  

              Subdivision F--Search warrants

   154X.   Issue of search warrants  
   154Y.   Search warrants by telephone, fax etc.  
   154Z.   Offences relating to warrants  

              Subdivision G--Powers of magistrates

   154ZA.  Powers conferred on magistrates  

           Division 5--General provisions relating to electronic equipment

   154ZB.  Operation of electronic equipment at premises  
   154ZC.  Compensation for damage to electronic equipment  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   154ZD.  Simplified outline of this Part  
   154ZE.  Definitions  

           Division 2--Commission handling of designated complaints

   154ZF.  Designated complaints  
   154ZG.  Commission to respond by giving notice  
   154ZH.  Notice--no further action on complaint  
   154ZJ.  Notice--no further action on complaint--contents  
   154ZK.  Notice--further action to deal with complaint  
   154ZL.  Replacement notices  
   154ZM.  Withdrawal of complaint  
   154ZN.  Publication requirements  

           Division 3--Designated complainants

   154ZP.  Application for approval as designated complainant  
   154ZQ.  Minister may grant approval  
   154ZR.  Conditions in approval  
   154ZS.  Contents of approval  
   154ZT.  Notice of decision on application for approval  
   154ZU.  Variation or revocation of approval  
   154ZV.  Minister may vary or revoke approval  
   154ZW.  Contents of variation or revocation of approval  
   154ZX.  Notice of decision on application for variation or revocation of approval  

           Division 4--Miscellaneous

   154ZY.  Delegation  
   154ZZ.  Designated complaints determination  


   155.    Power to obtain information, documents and evidence  
   155AAA. Protection of certain information  
   155AA.  Protection of Part VB information  
   155A.   Power to obtain information and documents in New Zealand relating to trans - Tasman markets  
   155B.   Australian Competition and Consumer Commission may receive information and documents on behalf of New Zealand Commerce Commission  
   156.    Inspection of documents by Commission  
   157.    Disclosure of documents by Commission  
   157A.   Disclosure of energy - related information by Commission  
   157AA.  Disclosure of CDR - related information by Commission  
   157B.   Disclosure of protected cartel information to a court or tribunal  
   157C.   Disclosure of protected cartel information to a party to court proceedings etc.  
   157D.   General powers of a court  
   158.    Protection of members of Tribunal, counsel and witnesses  
   158A.   Proceedings without initiation notice--use of virtual enquiry technology  
   158B.   Proceedings with initiation notice--use of virtual enquiry technology  
   159.    Incriminating answers  
   160.    Failure of witness to attend  
   161.    Refusal to be sworn or to answer questions  
   162.    Contempt  
   162A.   Intimidation etc.  
   163.    Prosecutions  
   163A.   Declarations and orders  
   165.    Inspection of, furnishing of copies of, and evidence of, documents  
   166.    Certificates as to furnishing of particulars to Commission  
   167.    Judicial notice  
   170.    Legal and financial assistance  
   171.    Annual report by Commission  
   171A.   Charges by the Commission  
   171B.   Division 3 of Part IIIA does not confer judicial power on the Commission  
   172.    Regulations  
   173.     Authorisation for the purposes of subsection 51(1)  


           Division 1--Cartel conduct

   174.    Definitions  
   175.    Giving effect after the commencement time to a cartel provision in existence before that time  
   176.    Proceedings relating to price - fixing contraventions taking place before the commencement time  
   177.    Authorisations in force before the commencement time  
   178.    Notifications in force before the commencement time  

           Division 2--Application of amendments made by the Competition and Consumer Legislation Amendment Act 2011

   179.    Amendments of section 50  

           Division 3--Application of amendments made by the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Competition Policy Review) Act 2017

   180.    Definitions  
   181.    Amendment of the definition of competition  
   182.    Orders under section 87  
   183.    Authorisations under section 88  
   184.    Notices under section 93  
   185.    Merger clearances and authorisations  

           Division 4--Application of amendment made by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 5) Act 2019

   186.    Application of repeal of subsection 51(3)  

           Division 5--Application of amendments made by the Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Act 2022

   187.    Application of amendments  
           SCHEDULE 1 The Schedule version of Part IV
           SCHEDULE 2 The Australian Consumer Law

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